Instant Preview

All of your content changes can be instantly previewed. Cloud CMS removes the need for IT to set up additional servers or deploy changes to content. Instead, you simply work on your content and click to preview the content in real-time.

The reason why this is possible is because Workspaces are layered. When you create a workspace, your new workspace is connected to a parent workspace at some point in time in the past. All of your changes are automatically layered on top of the parent workspace so that workspace changes can be viewed right away!

Cloud CMS provides automatic and instant application deployment with preview built in. A single web application serves the live web site and also serves the needs of Development, Staging and QA.

The result is efficiency and fast iterations. Make changes and see what they look like on the live site right away. Instant Preview works hand-in-hand with Workspaces and Workflow to provide easy content approval. Discover improvements and problems and fix them before your changes go live.