Azure Blob Storage Deployment Handler
Handles the deployment of one or more Deployment Packages to an Azure Blob Storage Container.
The Azure Blob Storage Container is described by:
And optionally:
The contents of the Deployment Packages will be deployed sequentially to the target location. If any of the
content within the Deployment Packages fails to copy, it will simply be skipped. Other content objects will be allowed
to proceed unabated.
"connectionString": "{connectionString}",
"containerName": "{containerName}",
"prefix": "{prefix}"
The prefix
setting is optional. All other settings are required.
Connection String
To obtain the connectionString
, go into Azure Portal and click into your Blob Storage Account. On the left-hand side,
click on Shared access signature
Click on the Generate SAS and connection string
button to produce the SaaS connection profile.
The connection string is available in the Connection string
The Azure Blob Storage Deployment handler respects the f:deployment-config
feature if applied to a node. This feature lets you
configure a set of mappings
that determine how a node's JSON object and any binary attachments should be mapped down
and written to disk.
The default mappings are:
"type": "object-to-file",
"config": {
"filepath": "/{{}}/{{dependency.typeId}}.json"
}, {
"type": "attachment-to-file",
"config": {
"attachmentId": "*",
"filepath": "/{{}}/{{attachment.filename}}"
These default mappings make it so that your Node's JSON is written to the bucket along with any of its attachments.
Nodes are written to disk like this:
Node attachments are written as well, like this:
Associations are written to disk like this:
Association attachments are written as well, like this:
"connectionString": "BlobEndpoint=;TableEndpoint=;SharedAccessSignature=MORE",
"containerName": "my-container",
"prefix": "/static"