- Overview
- Guide
- API Keys
- Actions
- Add Feature
- Capture Screenshot
- Change QName
- Change Type
- Copy Multiple Nodes
- Copy Node
- Create Thumbnail
- Decrement Property Value
- Deploy Node
- Execute Script
- Execute Script from a Node
- Increment Property Value
- Invalidate Page Renditions
- Lock Node
- Logger
- Move Node
- OCR Extract Node
- Remove Feature
- Remove Property
- Send Email
- Send a Slack Message
- Set Property
- Start Workflow
- Sync Multiple Nodes
- Sync Node
- Unlock Node
- Unzip Node
- Web Hook
- Antivirus Scanning
- Application Server
- Applications
- Attachments
- Auditing
- Authentication
- Binary Files
- Branches
- Bulk Import
- Command Line
- Conditions
- Content Modeling
- Cookbooks
- Deployment
- Docker
- Features
- AWS Transcode
- Audit
- Auto Analyze Text
- Auto Narrate
- Auto OCR Extract
- Auto Recognize
- Auto Transcribe
- Auto Translate
- Behavior
- Behavior Binding
- Container
- Copied From
- Deployment Config
- Dublin Core
- Extractable
- Filename
- Geolocation
- Indexable
- Inline Links
- Knowledge Recipient
- Knowledge Sharing
- Knowledge Space
- Locked
- Multilingual
- Non-Cyclic
- Precompile
- Previewable
- Propagates Authorities
- Property Mapping
- Rates
- Reading Level
- Related
- Relator
- Rendition
- Renditionable
- Renditioned
- Stats Sum Counter
- Taggable
- Thumbnailable
- Titled
- Translation
- Watermarkable
- Word Count
- Find
- Forms
- General
- Getting Started
- GraphQL
- Integrations
- Modules
- Multifactor Authentication
- Narration
- Optical Character Recognition
- Platform
- Policies
- Projects
- Publishing
- Query
- Recognition
- Releases
- Reports
- Rules
- Scripting
- Search
- Security
- Single Sign On (SSO)
- Supported Stacks
- Templates
- Text Analysis
- Transcription
- Transfer
- Traversal
- Tree
- UI Developers Guide
- Actions
- Configuration
- Contexts
- account-context
- actions
- application-subcontext
- archive-subcontext
- conflict-tabcontext
- content-instances-buttons
- content-instances-list-item-actions
- content-instances-list-selected-actions
- content-model-associations-list-item-actions
- content-model-features-list-item-actions
- content-model-types-list-item-actions
- content-types
- datalist-subcontext
- dataview-subcontext
- definition-subcontext
- deployment-receiver-subcontext
- deployment-subcontext
- diagnostics-context
- document-actions
- document-subcontext
- document-translations-list-item-actions
- documents-list-buttons
- documents-list-item-actions
- documents-list-selected-actions
- documents-list-sort-fields
- editors-subcontext
- email-settings-subcontext
- form-subcontext
- gadgets
- global-dashboard
- header
- list
- messages
- model-subcontext
- new-folder-types
- platform-context
- platform-dashboard
- platform-manage-context
- platform-mypreferences-context
- platform-user-context
- project-context
- project-dashboard
- project-field-templates
- project-manage-context
- project-media-types
- project-mypreferences-context
- project-search-list-selected-actions
- project-user-context
- projectbar-buttons
- publishing-manage-subcontext
- regions
- registrations
- release-subcontext
- releases-context
- role-subcontext
- rule-subcontext
- selected
- tag-subcontext
- task-context
- tasks-subcontext
- team-subcontext
- tokens-subcontext
- type-pages
- uitemplates-subcontext
- vault-subcontext
- workflow-context
- workflow-model-subcontext
- workflows-subcontext
- workspace-subcontext
- workspaces-context
- workspaces-list-item-actions
- Evaluators
- and
- context-application
- context-archive
- context-conflict
- context-datalist
- context-dataview
- context-definition
- context-deployment
- context-document
- context-document-has-feature
- context-document-has-property-value
- context-document-has-qname
- context-document-has-type
- context-document-is-association
- context-document-is-container
- context-document-is-datalist
- context-document-is-multilingual
- context-document-is-node
- context-document-is-tag
- context-form
- context-group
- context-platform
- context-principal
- context-project
- context-project-application
- context-release
- context-role
- context-team
- context-user
- context-vault
- context-workflow
- context-workflow-model
- context-workflow-task
- current-user-has-authority
- current-user-has-permission
- document-has-attachment
- document-has-qname
- document-has-type
- document-is-file
- document-is-folder
- document-is-locked
- document-is-locked-by-current-user
- entity-is-type
- entity-property-equals
- id
- not
- or
- project-has-application
- project-has-module
- project-workspaces-enabled
- tenant-has-plan
- uri-match
- uri-starts-with
- Modules
- Samples
- Templates
- UI Views
- User Interface
- Workflow
- Workspaces

Ping Identity provides security solutions for on-premise and SaaS based applications.
Its PingOne product provides Identity and SSO solutions including support for the SAML 2.0 protocol which is supported by Cloud CMS.
Cloud CMS provides Single Sign On (SSO) Enterprise support for a variety of Identity Providers using SAML 2.0 and/or JWT. For more information, see Cloud CMS Single Sign On (SSO).
To learn more about this, please visit our Cloud CMS / Ping example configuration.