
Cloud CMS supports the usage of templates at various points to generate presentation and output for things like
emails, PDFs, web page components and more.

Cloud CMS supports two template engines - Handlebars
and Freemarker. In general, we recommend using Handlebars
since the syntax is a bit easier. This document covers Handlebars and describes helper functions available in
Handlebars that make processing simpler.

Model Variables

The following describes the internal structure of model variables based on their type.

Helper Functions


Allows for iteration of a list of items.


{{each array}}

Example - assume we have the following content:

    "title": "My Article",
    "description": My Article Description",
    "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"]

And the following template:

Title: {{title}}
Description: {{description}}
{{#each tags}}
    Tag: {{this}}

This will render:

Title: My Article
Description: My Article Description
Tag: tag1
Tag: tag2


Conditionally executes a block.


{{#if boolean}}
    this shows if true

Example - assume we have the following:

    "_doc": "GUID1",
    "title": "My Article",
    "description": My Article Description",
    "download": true

And the following template:

Title: {{title}}
Description: {{description}}
{{#if download}}
<a href="/download/{{_doc}}.txt">Download</a>

This will render:

Title: My Article
Description: My Article Description


Conditionally executes a block.


{{#unless boolean}}
    this shows if false

Example - assume we have the following:

    "_doc": "GUID1",
    "title": "My Article",
    "description": My Article Description",
    "preventDownload": false

And the following template:

Title: {{title}}
Description: {{description}}
{{#unless preventDownload}}
<a href="/download/{{_doc}}.txt">Download</a>

This will render:

Title: My Article
Description: My Article Description


Capitalizes the first letter of a given value.


{{capitalizeFirst text}}

Example - assume we have the following:

    "title": "my article"

And the following template:

Title: {{capitalizeFirst title}}

This will render:

Title: My article


Centers the value in a field of a given width.


{{center text}}

Example - assume we have the following:

    "title": "my article"

And the following template:

Title: --{{center title size=20 pad=" "}}--

This will render:

Title: --     my article     --

Note that "my article" has a length of 10.
The displayed value has a length of 20 with padding of 5 spaces on either side.


Removes all values of arg from the given string.


{{cut text textToCut}}

Example - assume we have the following:

    "title": "my article"

And the following template:

Title: {{cut title " "}}

This will render:

Title: myarticle


Emits the given default if the value is empty.


{{defaultIfEmpty value textIfEmpty}}

Example - assume we have the following:

    "title": ""

And the following template:

Title: {{defaultIfEmpty title "nothing to see here"}}

This will render:

Title: nothing to see here


Joins multiple string fragments together.


{{join value1 value2 value3 ... valueN joinText}}

Example - assume we have the following:

    "path": "/folder1/folder2",
    "subfolder": "folder3",
    "filename": "myfile.txt"

And the following template:

Path: {{join path subfolder filename "/"}}

This will render:

Path: /folder1/folder2/folder3/myfile.txt



{{ljust text size pad}}

Example - assume we have the following:

    "title": "my article"

And the following template:

Title: --{{ljust title size=20 pad=" "}}--

This will render:

Title: --my article          --



{{rjust text size pad}}

Example - assume we have the following:

    "title": "my article"

And the following template:

Title: --{{rjust title size=20 pad=" "}}--

This will render:

Title: --          my article--



{{substring value startIndex [endIndex]}}

Example - assume we have the following:

    "title": "my article"

And the following template:

Title: {{substring title 0 2}}

This will render:

Title: my



{{lower value}}

Example - assume we have the following:

    "title": "My Article"

And the following template:

Title: {{lower title}}

This will render:

Title: my article



{{upper value}}

Example - assume we have the following:

    "title": "My Article"

And the following template:

Title: {{upper title}}

This will render:



non-word characters removed (non-alphanumerics), has spaces converted to hyphens and has leading and trailing
whitespace removed.


{{slugify value}}

Example - assume we have the following:

    "_doc": "GUID1",
    "title": "My Article",
    "body": "...",
    "seo": "My Article on Quantum Physics"

And the following template:

<a href="/article/view/{{_doc}}/{{seo}}>View Article</a>

This will render:

<a href="/article/view/GUID1/my-article-on-quantum-physics">View Article</a>



{{stringFormat string param0 param1 ... paramN}}

Example - assume we have the following:

    "title": "My Article",
    "author": "Joe Smith",
    "email": "joe@smith.com"

And the following template:

{{stringFormat "%s by %s (%s)" title author email}}

This will render:

My Article by Joe Smith (joe@smith.com)



{{stripTags value}}

Example - assume we have the following:

    "title": "My Article <b>is awesome</b>"

And the following template:

{{stripTags title}}

This will render:

My Article is awesome



{{capitalize value}}

Example - assume we have the following:

    "title": "hello my friend, welcome to the machine"

And the following template:

{{capitalize title}}

This will render:

Hello My Friend, Welcome To The Machine


Truncated strings will end with a translatable ellipsis sequence ("...").


{{abbreviate value maxLength}}

Example - assume we have the following:

    "title": "hello my friend, welcome to the machine"

And the following template:

{{abbreviate title 15}}

This will render:

hello my friend...


replacement sequence.


{{replace value original replacement}}

Example - assume we have the following:

    "title": "hello my friend, welcome to the machine"

And the following template:

{{replace title "friend" "son"}}

This will render:

hello my son, welcome to the machine



{{dateFormat date format}}

Format parameters is one of:

  • "full": full date format. For example: Tuesday, June 19, 2012
  • "long": long date format. For example: June 19, 2012
  • "medium": medium date format. For example: Jun 19, 2012
  • "short": short date format. For example: 6/19/12
  • "pattern": a date pattern.

Otherwise, the default formatter will be used.

Example - assume we have the following:

    "title": "My Article",
    "_system": {
        "created_on": {

And the following template:

{{title}} published on {{dateFormat _system.created_on.ms "full"}}

This will render:

My Article published on Tuesday, June 19, 2012



{{numberFormat number format}}

Format parameters is one of:

  • "integer": the integer number format
  • "percent": the percent number format
  • "currency": the decimal number format
  • "pattern": a decimal pattern.

Otherwise, the default formatter will be used.

More options:

  • groupingUsed: Set whether or not grouping will be used in this format.
  • maximumFractionDigits: Sets the maximum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion of a number
  • maximumIntegerDigits: Sets the maximum number of digits allowed in the integer portion of a number
  • minimumFractionDigits: Sets the minimum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion of a number
  • minimumIntegerDigits: Sets the minimum number of digits allowed in the integer portion of a number
  • parseIntegerOnly: Sets whether or not numbers should be parsed as integers only
  • roundingMode: Sets the {@link java.math.RoundingMode} used in this NumberFormat.

Example - assume we have the following:

    "title": "ColecoVision Corporation",
    "index": "NASDAQ",
    "price": 10.5712

And the following template:

{{title}} is trading at {{numberFormat price "currency" maximumFractionDigits=2}}

This will render:

ColecoVision Corporation is trading at $10.57



{{now format}}

Format parameters is one of:

  • "full": full date format. For example: Tuesday, June 19, 2012
  • "long": long date format. For example: June 19, 2012
  • "medium": medium date format. For example: Jun 19, 2012
  • "short": short date format. For example: 6/19/12
  • "pattern": a date pattern

Example - assume we have the following:

    "title": "ColecoVision Corporation",
    "index": "NASDAQ",
    "price": 10.5712

And the following template:

{{title}} is trading at {{numberFormat price "currency" maximumFractionDigits=2}} on {{now "full"}}.

This will render:

ColecoVision Corporation is trading at $10.57 on Friday, August 28, 2015.