Edit An Existing Content Type

Select Content Model Builder in the left Nav, and you will be able to see a list of existing Content Types. Click into
one to edit it in the Content Model Builder.

Select A Form

If the content type has more than one forms, select the one you hope to edit:

[object Object]

Then the builder will render with the settings in the selected form.

Change Field Order

Dragging a field and dropping it on top of another field allows you to move it in front of the other field.

[object Object]

In the above image, "Recommendations" was the last field by default. Drag and drop it on top of "Body", and now the order of the fields is:

[object Object]

Now click "Preview" button to view your changes in the Content Entry Form

[object Object]

The order of the JSON properties is also updated:

[object Object]

Enrich An Object Field

Object fields can be enriched by dragging in other fields. In the following picture, a new Object field "Book Information" is created.

[object Object]

You can drag "Title" and "Author" into "Book Information":

[object Object]

Now preview and see that "Title" and "Author" are in "Book Information":

[object Object]

After enriching an object field, you can still edit each sub-fields in the object and the object itself by clicking them respectively.

[object Object]
[object Object]

Delete A Field

Click the "x" button on the right side of any field to remove it.