- Overview
- Guide
- API Keys
- Actions
- Add Feature
- Capture Screenshot
- Change QName
- Change Type
- Copy Multiple Nodes
- Copy Node
- Create Thumbnail
- Decrement Property Value
- Deploy Node
- Execute Script
- Execute Script from a Node
- Increment Property Value
- Invalidate Page Renditions
- Lock Node
- Logger
- Move Node
- OCR Extract Node
- Remove Feature
- Remove Property
- Send Email
- Send a Slack Message
- Set Property
- Start Workflow
- Sync Multiple Nodes
- Sync Node
- Unlock Node
- Unzip Node
- Web Hook
- Antivirus Scanning
- Application Server
- Applications
- Attachments
- Auditing
- Authentication
- Binary Files
- Branches
- Bulk Import
- Command Line
- Conditions
- Content Modeling
- Cookbooks
- Deployment
- Docker
- Features
- AWS Transcode
- Audit
- Auto Analyze Text
- Auto Narrate
- Auto OCR Extract
- Auto Recognize
- Auto Transcribe
- Auto Translate
- Behavior
- Behavior Binding
- Container
- Copied From
- Deployment Config
- Dublin Core
- Extractable
- Filename
- Geolocation
- Indexable
- Inline Links
- Knowledge Recipient
- Knowledge Sharing
- Knowledge Space
- Locked
- Multilingual
- Non-Cyclic
- Precompile
- Previewable
- Propagates Authorities
- Property Mapping
- Rates
- Reading Level
- Related
- Relator
- Rendition
- Renditionable
- Renditioned
- Stats Sum Counter
- Taggable
- Thumbnailable
- Titled
- Translation
- Watermarkable
- Word Count
- Find
- Forms
- General
- Getting Started
- GraphQL
- Integrations
- Modules
- Multifactor Authentication
- Narration
- Optical Character Recognition
- Platform
- Policies
- Projects
- Publishing
- Query
- Recognition
- Releases
- Reports
- Rules
- Scripting
- Search
- Security
- Single Sign On (SSO)
- Supported Stacks
- Templates
- Text Analysis
- Transcription
- Transfer
- Traversal
- Tree
- UI Developers Guide
- Actions
- Configuration
- Contexts
- account-context
- actions
- application-subcontext
- archive-subcontext
- conflict-tabcontext
- content-instances-buttons
- content-instances-list-item-actions
- content-instances-list-selected-actions
- content-model-associations-list-item-actions
- content-model-features-list-item-actions
- content-model-types-list-item-actions
- content-types
- datalist-subcontext
- dataview-subcontext
- definition-subcontext
- deployment-receiver-subcontext
- deployment-subcontext
- diagnostics-context
- document-actions
- document-subcontext
- document-translations-list-item-actions
- documents-list-buttons
- documents-list-item-actions
- documents-list-selected-actions
- documents-list-sort-fields
- editors-subcontext
- email-settings-subcontext
- form-subcontext
- gadgets
- global-dashboard
- header
- list
- messages
- model-subcontext
- new-folder-types
- platform-context
- platform-dashboard
- platform-manage-context
- platform-mypreferences-context
- platform-user-context
- project-context
- project-dashboard
- project-field-templates
- project-manage-context
- project-media-types
- project-mypreferences-context
- project-search-list-selected-actions
- project-user-context
- projectbar-buttons
- publishing-manage-subcontext
- regions
- registrations
- release-subcontext
- releases-context
- role-subcontext
- rule-subcontext
- selected
- tag-subcontext
- task-context
- tasks-subcontext
- team-subcontext
- tokens-subcontext
- type-pages
- uitemplates-subcontext
- vault-subcontext
- workflow-context
- workflow-model-subcontext
- workflows-subcontext
- workspace-subcontext
- workspaces-context
- workspaces-list-item-actions
- Evaluators
- and
- context-application
- context-archive
- context-conflict
- context-datalist
- context-dataview
- context-definition
- context-deployment
- context-document
- context-document-has-feature
- context-document-has-property-value
- context-document-has-qname
- context-document-has-type
- context-document-is-association
- context-document-is-container
- context-document-is-datalist
- context-document-is-multilingual
- context-document-is-node
- context-document-is-tag
- context-form
- context-group
- context-platform
- context-principal
- context-project
- context-project-application
- context-release
- context-role
- context-team
- context-user
- context-vault
- context-workflow
- context-workflow-model
- context-workflow-task
- current-user-has-authority
- current-user-has-permission
- document-has-attachment
- document-has-qname
- document-has-type
- document-is-file
- document-is-folder
- document-is-locked
- document-is-locked-by-current-user
- entity-is-type
- entity-property-equals
- id
- not
- or
- project-has-application
- project-has-module
- project-workspaces-enabled
- tenant-has-plan
- uri-match
- uri-starts-with
- Modules
- Samples
- Templates
- UI Views
- User Interface
- Workflow
- Workspaces
The welcome
service allows you to configure a default URI path for any requests that do not have a path supplied.
"welcome": {
"enabled": <boolean>,
"file": "<filename>"
Example #1
For example, you may wish for users who access your website at:
To be served back the page at:
This is accomplished using a config block like this:
"welcome": {
"enabled": true,
"file": "index.html"