Geolocation Services

Cloud CMS provides geolocation information look up services that can be used to determine geographic information
for a given IP address or set of coordinates.

In many places, Cloud CMS automatically utilizes these geolocation services for you. In places where geolocation
information is stored on your content instances, geolocation data can automatically be looked up and applied using
Cloud CMS features.

In addition, you can invoke the API directly to look up geolocation information for a given IP Address or set of
geolocation coordinates.

IP Address

To look up geolocation information for a given IP address, use the following method:

GET /geolocation/resolve/ip?ip={ipAddress}

For example, you might do:

GET /geolocation/resolve/ip?ip=

And you'll get back an object like this:

    resolved: true,
    info: {
        continentCode: "NA",
        continentName: "North America",
        countryCode: "US",
        countryName: "United States",
        cityCode: "ithaca",
        cityName: "Ithaca",
        regionCode: "NY",
        regionName: "New York",
        postalCode: "14853",
        latitude: "42.4485",
        longitude: "-76.4804"
    ok: true

If geolocation information can be resolved for a given IP Address, resolved will be true. If nothing can be
determined for the given IP Address, resolved will be false and no info will be returned.