Add Features

Type: addFeatures

This handler adds features to a node that is part of the workflow's payload. This can be used to apply one or more
features to your content instances as they flow through your workflow.

The config for this handler is as follows:

    "features": [{
        "qname": "<feature qname>",
        "config": {
           ... optional configuration for the feature

The config is an optional parameter. You can use this handler to add one or more features to the documents
in the workflow payload. Here is an example configuration which assumes that two custom features are defined and
adds them - custom:approved and custom:emailed.

    "features": [{
        "qname": "custom:approved",
    }, {
        "qname": "custom:emailed",
        "config": {
            "alreadyEmailed": true,
            "emailedTo": ""