Workflow Task

Name: workflowTask

Property Type Description
id string The ID of the workflow task
title string The title of the workflow task
description string The description of the workflow task
timeStarted calendar The time the workflow was started
timeCompleted calendar The time the workflow was completed (if completed)
context object Contextual variables being passed along with the workflow task
workflowData object Data being passed along with the workflow task
workflowId string The ID of the workflow instance
workflowTitle string The title of the workflow instance
workflowDescription string The description of the workflow instance
projectId string Optional ID of a project that this workflow is attached to
projectTitle string Optional Title of a project that this workflow is attached to
assigneeId string The ID of the assignee
assigneeName string The name of the assignee
assigneeEmail string The email of the assignee
resourceUrl string The API URL of the workflow task
adminUrl string The Administrative Console URL for this workflow task
url string The Cloud CMS URL for this workflow task
tenantUrl string The URL to the Cloud CMS user task
contentUrl string The URL to the base content path for the content in this workflow task


The workflow task <a href="{{ workflowTask.url }}">{{ workflowTask.title }}</a> has been assigned
to {{ workflowTask.assigneeName }} ({{ workflowTask.assigneeEmail }}) within project '{{ workflowTask.projectTitle }}'.