Copy Multiple Nodes

ID: copyMultipleNodes

Copies multiple nodes and any of their owned children to a new location in the content graph.


Property Type Required Default Description
repositoryId text true The ID of the repository of the source node.
branchId text true The ID of the branch of the source node.
nodeIds array true An array of node IDs to be copied (soure nodes)
targetRepositoryId text true The ID of the repository of the target parent node.
targetBranchId text true The ID of the branch of the target parent node.
targetNodeId text true The ID of the target parent node.
targetAssociationType text true The type of association to create between the target parent node and the copied node. For child relationships, you will want to use a:child whereas linked relationships you should use a:linked.
targetProperties object false An optional object containing key/value pairs to be written into the newly created node. This is used to set properties on the newly created copy and is typically utilized to set properties like the title for the newly copied node.
includeFolders boolean false Whether to copy the entire parent folder hierarchy for a node as well as the node itself. This can only be used if copying into a branch. It provides a way to copy an entire folder structure from one branch to another.