
Generate static sites with Cloud CMS

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Building a static site with Cloud CMS content is simple with Nuxt JS. Below you will find tools and examples for how to get started.

Cloud CMS Nuxt JS Module

We provide a Cloud CMS Nuxt Module to make accessing content while generating Nuxt pages easier. It provides quick way to setup connections to cloudcms and perform API functions via our Javascript driver, and automatically create static links to your attachments. To install, just run:

npm install -S cloudcms-nuxt

You can use this module in the asyncData hook to load your content from the CMS:

async asyncData(context) {
let node = await context.$branch.readNode("myNodeId");
// more awesome content functions

null null

Source Code and Setup

The code for this example is available as part of the Gitana SDK, which contains usages of Cloud CMS with many different languages and frameworks.

  1. To download, run git clone
  2. Navigate to the nuxtjs/sample directory
  3. Follow the instructions in