
Connect your Java, Spring MVC and Android applications to Gitana

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The Gitana Java driver makes it easy for your Java and Android applications to connect to and communicate
with the Gitana server. The driver can be utilized with Android mobile devices as well as Java
applications running on the server or as a web application (Spring Framework, SEAM, etc, running on Tomcat,
Glassfish, WebSphere and many other frameworks).

Maven Repository

Gitana runs a Maven repository where it hosts its Java-related assets including the Gitana driver.
If you're building using Maven, Ivy, Gradle or another build framework that manages dependencies, you can
probably take advantage of this repository.

For Maven users, you can add the following repository configuration:


You can then add the Java Driver as a dependency to your pom.xml file:


Getting Started

To connect to Gitana, you first need to have a set of API Keys. In Gitana, API Keys consists of
a client key/secret and a user key/secret. You pass these keys into the Gitana.connect
method as a JSON object.

You can create as many API Keys as you would like. The basic process for getting your own keys is
described in the API Keys. Give that a shot and
when you're done, you should have the following:

  • clientKey
  • clientSecret
  • username
  • password

You can then connect to Gitana using a code block like the one shown below. Make sure to plug in the
values for clientKey, clientSecret, username and password
from the API Keys that you generate.

package com.cloudcms;

import org.gitana.platform.client.branch.Branch;
import org.gitana.platform.client.datastore.DataStore;
import org.gitana.platform.client.node.BaseNode;
import org.gitana.platform.client.node.Node;
import org.gitana.platform.client.platform.Platform;
import org.gitana.platform.client.platform.PlatformDataStore;
import org.gitana.platform.client.project.Project;
import org.gitana.platform.client.repository.Repository;
import org.gitana.platform.client.Gitana;

import java.util.List;

public class CloudCMSExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // these values come from your API Keys
        String clientKey = "{clientKey}";
        String clientSecret = "{clientSecret}";
        String username = "{username}";
        String password = "{password}";

        // connect to Cloud CMS as your application user
        Gitana gitana = new Gitana(clientKey, clientSecret);
        Platform platform = gitana.authenticate(username, password);

        // find my project
        Project myProject = null;
        List<Project> projectList = platform.listProjects().asList();
        for (Project project : projectList) {
            if (project.getTitle().equalsIgnoreCase("My Project Title")) {
                myProject = project;

        // there are a few data stores in each project. we want the 'Content' repository
        Repository myRepository = null;
        List<PlatformDataStore> datastores = myProject.getStack().listDataStores().asList();
        for (DataStore dataStore : datastores) {
            if (dataStore.getTypeId().equalsIgnoreCase("repository")) {
                // this is the content repository for this project
                myRepository = (Repository)dataStore;

        // get the master branch
        Branch master = myRepository.readBranch("master");

        Node node1 = (Node) master.createNode();
        Node node2 = (Node) master.createNode();
        Node node3 = (Node) master.createNode();

        // update a node
        node2.set("axl", "rose");

        // delete the third node

        // query for nodes
        ResultMap<BaseNode> nodes = master.queryNodes(QueryBuilder.start("axl").is("rose").get(), new Pagination(0,2));
        for (BaseNode node: nodes.values()) {
            System.out.println("id: " + node.getId());
            System.out.println("axl: " + node.get("axl"));


The Java driver is a useful library that provides access to the capabilities of
Gitana from a programmatic perspective. It is therefore important to first familiarize yourself
with the concepts presented in the Gitana Documentation.

You should also familiarize with the Gitana REST API which covers HTTP-level
information about all of the methods and operations available within Gitana.

Check out our Gitana Java Cookbook for recipes and examples
using the Java Driver.

Fork the Code

The Gitana Java driver is 100% open-source (Apache 2.0) and so you're free to fork it, extend it and
dig into it to learn about how it works. We provide hundreds of test files and thousands of unit tests
within that demonstrate various code operations. It's really cool.

Bugs / Problems

If you run into a bug, please create an issue
so that we can look at it.

For production support, please contact us at or call us directly.

Support and Terms of Use

The Java driver is free to use in your applications and projects. It is fully supported by Gitana.