Create a new Team

The Teams for a Project can be managed on the Teams page:

First Step is to create the Team

- To Create a new Team click 'Create Team'

Second Step is to add Roles to the team

  • Select Roles
- Click '+Grant Role'
- Select the Roles you want for the Team. Note: if you do not see the Role(s) needed for your Team you will need to create the Roles.

Let's take a look at the list of the default roles:

Roles Description
Connector “CONNECT”
Consumer "CONNECT”, “READ”
Impersonator “IMPERSONATE”
Project Member “CONNECT”, “READ”

List of Permissions:

Permission Description
CONNECT The principal can connect to a Permissioned. This permission supersedes all others. If not granted, the principal is not aware of the Permissioned and can perform no operations against it.
READ The principal can read the Permissioned.
CREATE_SUBOBJECTS The principal can create objects that are contained within the Permissioned.
UPDATE The principal can update the Permissioned.
DELETE The principal can delete the Permissioned
MODIFY_PERMISSIONS The principal can assign, revoke and modify permissions against the Permissioned.
GRANTAUTH The principal can assign impersonating around another principal. This is solely used for Authentication Grants as a means of describing who can create new grants for a principal.
MODIFY_CREDENTIALS The principal can modify the credentials for another principal. This is solely used to describe rights against Identities.
IMPERSONATE The principal can impersonate a target principal. As such, when the principal is signed on, they can take on the authentication credentials of the target principal.