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Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / FilenameFilename QName: f:filename Allows for nodes to retain a display-friendly and file-system compatible name for use in containment-based navigation systems such as WebDAV, FTP or the Cloud CMS document library. Nodes that are tagged with this feature can either deterministically specify their preferred filename or have one calculated for them from the node's title or _doc fields. Filenames may not contain the following special characters: .:_<>?&@!$%^()-+=\. If these characters are included, they w
Score: 2.518201
Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / FilenameFilename QName: f:filename Allows for nodes to retain a display-friendly and file-system compatible name for use in containment-based navigation systems such as WebDAV, FTP or the Cloud CMS document library. Nodes that are tagged with this feature can either deterministically specify their preferred filename or have one calculated for them from the node's title or _doc fields. Filenames may not contain the following special characters: .:_<>?&@!$%^()-+=\. If these characters are included, they w
Score: 2.518201
REST based access callsThe authentication mechanism in Cloud CMS is OAuth 2.0. While you can use any of the flows, the easiest one to begin with is "password". We've outlined a basic example here using Advanced REST Client to show our API-first platform in action. First, from your Cloud CMS platform home page, navigate to "Manage Platform" and select the "API Keys" section to list all available projects for remote access: If you have no keys for your project then create a new "Application" from "Manage Platform" and t
Score: 2.4836597
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / SearchSearch Content is automatically indexed when it is created, modified, or uploaded in Cloud CMS. The index is across the Content properties and any attached file eg Word, PDF,.. Platform Project Project Search Settings go to Project Settings (left nav). Note: To have the Project Settings as an option you must have access: eg Tenant owner, or in the Project Manager Team select Search. The Project Search Screen can be updated and will apply the settings for the project only. Search Syntax Logic | -
Score: 2.423997
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Embed Media In CKEditor / Advanced Usages / Extend Media TypesExtend Media Types The out of the box media types on CloudCMS are Youtube, Vimeo, Brightcove and Soundcloud. However, we grant you the ability to introduce any other media types. Follow this tutorial to learn how. (Code is involved!) Create a xxx-link.js File Note: Take a look at these files to get a sense of it. getSchema() and getOptions() These two methods allow you to create a form with specific fields to configure for templates of this type. /** * @override */ getSchema: fun
Score: 2.423997
Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / Embedded Media / Advanced Usages / Extend Media TypesExtend Media Types The out of the box media types on CloudCMS are Youtube, Vimeo, Brightcove and Soundcloud. However, we grant you the ability to introduce any other media types. Follow this tutorial to learn how. (Code is involved!) Create a xxx-link.js File Note: Take a look at these files to get a sense of it. getSchema() and getOptions() These two methods allow you to create a form with specific fields to configure for templates of this type. /** * @override */ getSchema: fun
Score: 2.423997
Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / User Interface / SearchSearch Content is automatically indexed when it is created, modified, or uploaded in Cloud CMS. The index is across the Content properties and any attached file eg Word, PDF,.. Platform Project Project Search Settings go to Project Settings (left nav). Note: To have the Project Settings as an option you must have access: eg Tenant owner, or in the Project Manager Team select Search. The Project Search Screen can be updated and will apply the settings for the project only. Search Syntax Logic | -
Score: 2.423997
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / AwarenessAwareness Awareness service allows you to see who's viewing/editing the same document with you in real-time, just like google docs. In the above screenshot, there are three user avatars showing in the top right corner. That indicates that there are three people (including yourself) viewing/editing this document right now. Hover on each avatar to see the detail -- find out whom they are if you don't recognize the avatar. Auto Lock on Document Editing There are three possible phases you might see
Score: 2.3851585
Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / User Interface / AwarenessAwareness Awareness service allows you to see who's viewing/editing the same document with you in real-time, just like google docs. In the above screenshot, there are three user avatars showing in the top right corner. That indicates that there are three people (including yourself) viewing/editing this document right now. Hover on each avatar to see the detail -- find out whom they are if you don't recognize the avatar. Auto Lock on Document Editing There are three possible phases you might see
Score: 2.3851585
Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / Fields / Select FieldSelect Field The select field. Properties Title Select Description A search box field Field Type select Base Field Type list Schema Property Type Default Description enum array List of field value options Options Property Type Default Description allowDefaultNoneSelected boolean This is used for required fields, where by default no "None" option is available. Enabling this will allow the none option, and allow it to be initially selected (although this value will be invalid and must be changed b
Score: 2.3784475
Chat GPT and Cloud CMSLately, the the new development taking the tech world and media by storm is Chat GPT - an incredible new chatbot from Open AI which is capable of producing clear and well worded text of all kinds, from instructions to build a treehouse to poems written from the perspective of a pirate. While not perfect, the potential of this technology is immense, and got us to thinking, how might an AI of this calibur be applied to the future of content management? As it turns out, the training process for Ope
Score: 2.3263493
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / EmailEmail Type {{#dataTypeArticle objectTypeId}}{{objectTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Datastore Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId}}{{datastoreTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Supports {{#article "security/authorities"}}authorities{{/article}}, {{#article "security/permissions"}}permissions{{/article}}, {{#article "transfer"}}transfer{{/article}} Configuration The following table presents you the configuration properties. Property Type Default Read-Only Description to text The email addresses of the
Score: 2.2333686
Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Data Types / EmailEmail Type {{#dataTypeArticle objectTypeId}}{{objectTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Datastore Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId}}{{datastoreTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Supports {{#article "security/authorities"}}authorities{{/article}}, {{#article "security/permissions"}}permissions{{/article}}, {{#article "transfer"}}transfer{{/article}} Configuration The following table presents you the configuration properties. Property Type Default Read-Only Description to text The email addresses of the
Score: 2.2333686
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Projects / Configure SearchConfigure Search You can configure the project search page to show different filter controls on the left hand side by adding some properties to your project JSON descriptor. These controls ultimately feed into a Cloud CMS node API find call that has the following structure: { "query": ... query block into MongoDB, "search": ... search block into Elastic Search } The following customization block can be added to your project's JSON descriptor: { ..., "search": { "showContentTypes"
Score: 2.1915438
Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / Projects / Configure SearchConfigure Search You can configure the project search page to show different filter controls on the left hand side by adding some properties to your project JSON descriptor. These controls ultimately feed into a Cloud CMS node API find call that has the following structure: { "query": ... query block into MongoDB, "search": ... search block into Elastic Search } The following customization block can be added to your project's JSON descriptor: { ..., "search": { "showContentTypes"
Score: 2.1915438
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Workflow / Sample Workflows / Custom FormCustom Form You may wish to introduce custom properties that flow along with your workflow. These properties are tracked as your workflow transitions from state to state. They may comprise things like due dates, notes, parameters for the workflow or anything else you'd like. You can use the form capability to define a form that lets users editing and modify these properties. Global Form The global form can be defined once and it will be used for all places within the workflow where a form can be
Score: 2.1756659
Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Workflow / Sample Workflows / Custom FormCustom Form You may wish to introduce custom properties that flow along with your workflow. These properties are tracked as your workflow transitions from state to state. They may comprise things like due dates, notes, parameters for the workflow or anything else you'd like. You can use the form capability to define a form that lets users editing and modify these properties. Global Form The global form can be defined once and it will be used for all places within the workflow where a form can be
Score: 2.1756659
Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / Fields / Country FieldCountry Field The country field. Properties Title Country Description Provides a dropdown selector of countries keyed by their ISO3 code. The names of the countries are read from the I18N bundle for the current locale. Field Type country Base Field Type select Schema Property Type Default Description enum array List of field value options Options Property Type Default Description allowDefaultNoneSelected boolean This is used for required fields, where by default no "None" option is available. En
Score: 2.1062474
Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / API / LayoutsLayouts Alpaca features both automatic and layout-driven mechanisms for placing your fields onto a page. The automatic mechanism simply walks through your fields in the order they are expressed in schema and places them one by one in a stacked order. The layout-driven mechanism allows you to provide a layout template that finely describes where your fields should be placed using DOM-driven injection. To use a layout, you simply need to provide a view that has a layout block. The layout block def
Score: 2.0945234
Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / Fields / State FieldState Field The state field. Properties Title State Description Provides a dropdown selector of states and/or territories in the United States, keyed by their two-character code Field Type state Base Field Type select Schema Property Type Default Description enum array List of field value options Options Property Type Default Description allowDefaultNoneSelected boolean This is used for required fields, where by default no "None" option is available. Enabling this will allow the none option, and
Score: 2.0527592
Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / Fields / Object FieldObject Field The object field. Properties Title Object Description Object field for containing other fields Field Type object Base Field Type container Schema Property Type Default Description maxProperties number The maximum number of properties that this object is allowed to have minProperties number The minimum number of properties that this object is required to have properties object List of child properties. Options Property Type Default Description animate boolean true Up and down transit
Score: 2.0163553
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Content Modeling / Content Model Builder / Edit An Existing Content TypeEdit An Existing Content Type Select Content Model Builder in the left Nav, and you will be able to see a list of existing Content Types. Click into one to edit it in the Content Model Builder. Select A Form If the content type has more than one forms, select the one you hope to edit: Then the builder will render with the settings in the selected form. Change Field Order Dragging a field and dropping it on top of another field allows you to move it in front of the other field. In the above image
Score: 1.9886596
Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Content Models / Content Model Builder / Edit An Existing Content TypeEdit An Existing Content Type Select Content Model Builder in the left Nav, and you will be able to see a list of existing Content Types. Click into one to edit it in the Content Model Builder. Select A Form If the content type has more than one forms, select the one you hope to edit: Then the builder will render with the settings in the selected form. Change Field Order Dragging a field and dropping it on top of another field allows you to move it in front of the other field. In the above image
Score: 1.9886596
Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / API / CallbacksCallbacks Alpaca provides several places where you can hook in callbacks. Events - events are raised when the user interacts with fields. You can register callbacks to handle these events, adjust field state or other operations. Observables - each field maintains an observable that you can subscribe to. Subscribing to an observable means that you're listening for changes to its value. You can also use observables to interrogate and find values of fields within namespaces. This lets you find valu
Score: 1.948514
Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / API / ViewsViews When Alpaca runs, the very first thing it does is sort out which view implementation it will use to render the schema and options that you provide. A view implementation consists of an ID and an implementation class. The implementation class serves as a reference object that Alpaca uses to determine things along the way such as: which template to render for a given form, container or control type what CSS classes to inject into rendered elements what callback behaviors to run against rende
Score: 1.9466492