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OAuth2, Clients and Authentication Grants

One of the things that I really like about our approach to server authorization is that we’ve elected to get completely behind the OAuth2 specification. Cloud CMS provides support for all of the OAuth2 flows. We provide an authorization and resource server so that you can separate concerns and perform the full three-legged “auth code” flow. Or you can simplify things and use something like a “password” or “implicit” flow depending on the security environment of your application. For environments

Score: 1.0554624

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / Java Cookbook

Optimize your Java setup for Gitana with our detailed Java Cookbook guide, featuring code samples and connection methods for Cloud CMS integration.

Score: 1.0165662

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Configuration / API Server

Optimize your API server with Cloud CMS for RESTful integration, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, and AWS services like S3 and CloudFront.

Score: 1.0092455

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / UI Views

Optimize your interface with UI View configurations, tailoring user experiences by extending or overriding default settings at platform and project levels.

Score: 0.99482757

Gitana 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / UI Views

Customize UI easily with UI Views. Learn how to create scalable configurations for platform or project-level interfaces using JSON-based UI Views.

Score: 0.99482757

Gitana 4.0 / Self Managed / Containers / API Server

Optimize your API server configuration with Cloud CMS. Launch a Java app with REST API support for MongoDB, ElasticSearch, and Amazon services like S3, SNS, SQS, and more.

Score: 0.9021677

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Authentication

Secure and streamline user login for Node applications using Cloud CMS's Authentication Service with built-in SSO and providers like Google and LinkedIn.

Score: 0.60166717

Gitana 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Authentication

Effortlessly manage authentication with Cloud CMS, supporting SSO and various identity providers like Google and SAML for your Node applications.

Score: 0.60166717

Gitana 4.0 / Reference / Types / Platform

Access Cloud CMS data stores and platform-scoped objects with authentication for robust data management and development.

Score: 0.44045752

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server

Build custom APIs and websites with the Cloud CMS Application Server, powered by Node.js and Express, offering seamless integration and top-tier performance.

Score: 0.35540864

Gitana 4.0 / Developers / Application Server

Optimize your front-end projects with the Cloud CMS Application Server, leveraging Node.js for custom APIs, web design, and seamless integration.

Score: 0.35540864

Security: Grade A

Cloud CMS comes in two flavors - on-premise and hosted. For our hosted customers, we host 100% of Cloud CMS and take care of all of the data backup, migrations, security, load balancing and… well, everything! It’s the whole kit and kaboodle. It’s all of the DevOps and stuff solved for you. One of the fun aspects of this is keeping up with security requirements around SSL and HTTP Transport. Cloud CMS customers automatically gain the advantage of SSL for all of their communication with the Cloud

Score: 0.35533068

Selling a CMS to your Boss?

You have found the CMS to answer all your dreams and perhaps a lot more – now what? The quest for CMS nirvana is over and you are ready to start moving forward and onto the interesting challenges ahead. Probably not – you still have to sell the CMS to your Management! Your management is likely less interested in the great architecture/features and more interested in the costs to the business of buying or even not buying the CMS. Coming from the business side, this blog touches on the topics I wo

Score: 0.3542067

Cloud CMS Web and Mobile Forms

One of the things that Cloud CMS does really well is forms - specifically, web and mobile forms. If you’ve ever worked with the development of forms before, you know they’re pretty tricky to put together. You typically have back-end code that is responsible for taking a data structure, validating it and writing it to a database. And you also have front-end code which does user-facing data validation that is cosmetically appealing (pretty red boxes) and helpful. You need to think about customizin

Score: 0.35361803

Chat GPT and Cloud CMS

Lately, the the new development taking the tech world and media by storm is Chat GPT - an incredible new chatbot from Open AI which is capable of producing clear and well worded text of all kinds, from instructions to build a treehouse to poems written from the perspective of a pirate. While not perfect, the potential of this technology is immense, and got us to thinking, how might an AI of this calibur be applied to the future of content management? As it turns out, the training process for Ope

Score: 0.35303473

5 Reasons why Cloud CMS is Totally Awesome

Cloud CMS is the only Content Management System that was built from the ground up for the needs of mobile devices and applications. Our goal is to provide the fastest, easiest and most cost-effective way for businesses to curate and deliver content to their applications, running anywhere in the world, in any language and at any time. In the last article, I talked about the general lack of mobile strategy within the business world. Mobile apps are so new that most businesses have had to react to

Score: 0.35237563

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Reading Level

Optimize your content with reading level tracking for improved comprehension. Learn to configure and assess readability scores for audience engagement.

Score: 0.35199586

Gitana 4.0 / Content Engine / Aspects / Reading Level

Optimize your content with reading level tracking for improved comprehension. Learn to configure and assess readability scores for audience engagement.

Score: 0.35199586

Adaptive Content in Practice - a Hands On Session!

We’re really excited at Cloud CMS to be able to attend and present at CMS Expo on May 15. Michael Uzquiano from Cloud CMS will be giving a talk on Adaptive Content in Practice. This will be a hands-on session aimed at content strategists and business types who want to gain a better understanding of what adaptive content is all about in practice. The session will involve walking through the implementation of content-oriented web and mobile sites that reuse and repurpose well-structured content wi

Score: 0.35132122

Create Once, Publish Everywhere!

One of the things that our customers love about Cloud CMS is that it lets them create content once and easily publish it to all of their mobile and web applications. It reduces the amount of work required to create fresh and interesting content and saves them time and money in the process. Our goal is straightforward. We want to provide all of the things that small business owners need on the backend to give their users a seamless experience in creating, editing and publishing content. With Clou

Score: 0.35087478

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Projects / Create a Project

Create collaborative projects in Cloud CMS, customize content, design schemas, and manage teams with ease using templates or starting from scratch.

Score: 0.3508137

Easy apps with Cloud CMS and Node.js

As we continue to enhance Cloud CMS, one of the directions that we’re pushing in is toward the application layer. We intend to offer increasingly more out-of-the-box applications for content authoring, curation and publishing aimed at marketing users. These applications need to be easy-to-use. They need to address the most common cases that our customers are asking for out-of-the-box. However, they also need to be easily extensible so that these same customers can take our apps and quickly custo

Score: 0.35065153

Content as a Service

In the coming weeks, I’ll be posting a series of blogs that talk about the merits of Content as a Service and what it means in terms of driving a Content First approach to mobile and web application design at Cloud CMS. We’ll dive into how it enables our customers to get serious about the value of content within their business. We’ll also touch on industry trends and where we think it’s all heading. Cloud Content Platform Imagine all of your mobile and web applications connected to a fast and se

Score: 0.35046703

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker

Optimize your Cloud CMS deployment with Docker, offering flexible development and production setups on-premise or via virtual private clouds.

Score: 0.35043135

Gitana 4.0 / Self Managed / Docker

Run Cloud CMS on-premise or in the cloud with Docker. Use Docker Compose for seamless installation and leverage AWS for scalable, production-ready environments.

Score: 0.35043135