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Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Thumbnailable

Thumbnailable QName: f:thumbnailable Configures a node to automatically generate thumbnails for the node content or attachments. With this feature applied, one or more thumbnail images will be generated based on the node's JSON or attachment content. These thumbnails can be of various sizes and are automatically generated when the node's content is created, updated or deleted or its relevant attachment is updated. Thumbnail generation is always synchronous. Thumbnails are generated when the node

Score: 0.86558104

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Thumbnailable

Thumbnailable QName: f:thumbnailable Configures a node to automatically generate thumbnails for the node content or attachments. With this feature applied, one or more thumbnail images will be generated based on the node's JSON or attachment content. These thumbnails can be of various sizes and are automatically generated when the node's content is created, updated or deleted or its relevant attachment is updated. Thumbnail generation is always synchronous. Thumbnails are generated when the node

Score: 0.86558104

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Precompile

Precompile QName: f:precompile Marks a node as having zero or more text properties that contain markdown or templated text that should be compiled (or transformed) when the document is saved. This transformation should occur when the source property is modified and the result should be stored on a new property that will store the compiled text. Suppose you have a property on a node called text. It is a Markdown field where your editors make changes to text stored in the markdown format. When the

Score: 0.8405366

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Precompile

Precompile QName: f:precompile Marks a node as having zero or more text properties that contain markdown or templated text that should be compiled (or transformed) when the document is saved. This transformation should occur when the source property is modified and the result should be stored on a new property that will store the compiled text. Suppose you have a property on a node called text. It is a Markdown field where your editors make changes to text stored in the markdown format. When the

Score: 0.8405366

Bulk Import

Why is there a need for Bulk Import for existing content into a CMS? Content is extremely valuable and expensive to recreate. It’s too valuable to lose and recreating it manually can be a daunting prospect. Your existing content is an important concern at the start of any CMS project – how to migrate content and the related costs is a very important consideration. If there is content that does need to be imported into the CMS then you will need to have a robust repeatable automated process such

Score: 0.8405366

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / GraphQL

GraphQL Cloud CMS supports query via GraphQL. GraphQL is offered as a core API that sits alongside the Cloud CMS REST APIs. GraphQL is an open-source data query and manipulation language specification that is widely used across many CMS systems, servers and clients. GraphQL is offered so as to make it even easier for developers to quickly integrate and work with content inside of Cloud CMS. In Cloud CMS, all GraphQL calls are scoped to a branch. Each branch has its own GraphQL SDL schema that is

Score: 0.84032845

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Discovery / GraphQL

GraphQL Cloud CMS supports query via GraphQL. GraphQL is offered as a core API that sits alongside the Cloud CMS REST APIs. GraphQL is an open-source data query and manipulation language specification that is widely used across many CMS systems, servers and clients. GraphQL is offered so as to make it even easier for developers to quickly integrate and work with content inside of Cloud CMS. In Cloud CMS, all GraphQL calls are scoped to a branch. Each branch has its own GraphQL SDL schema that is

Score: 0.84032845

Experimenting with blogs

Today we’re switching over to Tumblr for our blogging capabilities. You might ask a couple of questions - one of which is “why tumblr?” and the other is “why would you use an external CMS for your blog?” These are both excellent questions. They’re both pretty easy to answer as well. With respect to blog software, our feeling is that it’s very much a commodity at this point. When this stuff came out early last decade, it was novel and a wide diversity of features were to be found from one product

Score: 0.8169006

Introduction to Changeset Versioning

Cloud CMS provides you with content repositories that are powered by a “changeset” versioning model. This a powerful versioning model that you won’t find in most conventional CMS products. It’s one of the reasons why Cloud CMS is such a great platform for collaboration! Document-level Versioning A lot of legacy CMS products feature document-level versioning. With document-level versioning, when you make a change to a document, the system simply increments a version counter. You end up with multi

Score: 0.80918586

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Content Modeling / References

References References provide a way for you to link two definitions together so as to reuse one of the definitions in the other. It gives you a way to centrally define something and then have that something's schema get reused in other definitions in your content model. For example, suppose you have an my:author definition that looks like this: { "type": "object", "properties": { "firstName": { "type": "string", "title": "First Name" }, "la

Score: 0.7945576

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Publishing / Lifecycle States

Lifecycle States Cloud CMS contains four content Lifecycle States during the Publishing process of a content. These define the state of the Content in the Publishing Lifecycle. Each state will have an ID, Title and a Preview Endpoint The four states in the Publishing lifecycle are : - None - Draft - Live - Archived You can look at the lifecycle states as follows: Each state has a Preview Endpoint which can be defined or modified under Preview Servers. These gives a chance to instantly preview t

Score: 0.7945576

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Content Models / References

References References provide a way for you to link two definitions together so as to reuse one of the definitions in the other. It gives you a way to centrally define something and then have that something's schema get reused in other definitions in your content model. For example, suppose you have an my:author definition that looks like this: { "type": "object", "properties": { "firstName": { "type": "string", "title": "First Name" }, "la

Score: 0.7945576

Content Previews and Thumbnails with Cloud CMS

Cloud CMS lets you generate preview images (often called thumbnails) for any content item stored in your repository. This generation can be performed ahead of time via content modeling or it can be done in real-time using a simple URL call. Content Nodes In Cloud CMS, everyone content item you create is referred to as a node. A node is a JSON document that can have any structure you’d like. That is to say, you can drop any valid JSON document you’d like into Cloud CMS and the product will automa

Score: 0.7664856

Dynamic ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain with Apache 2

We do a lot of HTML5 and JavaScript application hosting at Cloud CMS. Our platform lets you build HTML5 applications and deploy them to our cloud infrastructure with just a couple of clicks. As a result, we’ve gotten pretty friendly with Apache 2, virtual hosts, mod_rewrite, proxies and more. Applications built on our platform use OAuth2 over SSL. We support all of the authentication flows even for HTML5/JS applications. Inherently, these applications are considered “untrusted” in any two-legged

Score: 0.75334764

REST based access calls

The authentication mechanism in Cloud CMS is OAuth 2.0. While you can use any of the flows, the easiest one to begin with is "password". We've outlined a basic example here using Advanced REST Client to show our API-first platform in action. First, from your Cloud CMS platform home page, navigate to "Manage Platform" and select the "API Keys" section to list all available projects for remote access: If you have no keys for your project then create a new "Application" from "Manage Platform" and t

Score: 0.7162019

Return On Investment (ROI) with Cloud CMS

ROI and Content Management Systems (CMS) are rarely used in the same sentence due to the uncomfortable pricing models from all legacy CMS vendors - as well as the spiraling costs of implementing them. Often so much investment has been made in the CMS that changing is not a realistic consideration. This negativity only increases when you start using the term Enterprise Content Management (ECM), where suddenly vendors start seeing dollar signs, but offer no additional functionality e.g., Alfresco,

Score: 0.7162019

Announcing Gitana 4.0 - Gitana

Announcing Gitana 4.0 - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Enterprise Data Engine Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Automate Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enhance

Score: 0.68536854

Content Entry Forms Example

Cloud CMS lets you easily design and deploy forms for your web applications and content contributors. In this blog entry, we’ll walk through how you can do this within the Cloud CMS user interface. In this example, we’ll create a form that allows editors to create City Guide information. Note: in the Cloud CMS Trial there is a City Guide Content definition which can be used as a starting point or as a reference for this example. Add a Definition The Content Definitions can be found in the Cloud

Score: 0.6825471

Product Releases - Gitana

Product Releases - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Enterprise Data Engine Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Automate Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enhance and c

Score: 0.63210595

Gitana 4 Roadmap – Job queue performance and management

With the early arrival of Gitana 4.0, we’ve improved the product to deliver a number of important improvements to our customers -- the user interface has been enhanced to provide a better editorial experience, the publishing engine now uses deltas and differencing for faster releases with smaller payloads and we’ve baked both generational and discerning AI services into the foundation of our product, just to name a few. In this article, I’d like to provide some insight into our future direction.

Score: 0.623911

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / UI Views

UI Views Customized changes to the user interface configuration can be introduced through the use of UI View configuration documents. UI Views are JSON documents that contain one or more configuration blocks. The UI View configuration blocks are loaded after the standard configuration document and therefore have the opportunity to either extend or override the base configuration. UI View are scoped either to the platform or to the project. As such, you can use UI Config objects to customize the

Score: 0.61375403

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / UI Views

UI Views Customized changes to the user interface configuration can be introduced through the use of UI View configuration documents. UI Views are JSON documents that contain one or more configuration blocks. The UI View configuration blocks are loaded after the standard configuration document and therefore have the opportunity to either extend or override the base configuration. UI View are scoped either to the platform or to the project. As such, you can use UI Config objects to customize the

Score: 0.61375403

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Security / Authorities

Authorities Every data store and object in Cloud CMS maintains access control lists so that you can finely describe the rights of any principal in the system against it. This lets you finely tune the rights of individual users against data stores and objects down to a single permission. This access control is authority-based which means that it's applied by granting authorities (or roles) that a principal has over an object. Let's buckle down on the terminology for a moment: A Permissioned entit

Score: 0.60646987

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Security / Authorities

Authorities Every data store and object in Cloud CMS maintains access control lists so that you can finely describe the rights of any principal in the system against it. This lets you finely tune the rights of individual users against data stores and objects down to a single permission. This access control is authority-based which means that it's applied by granting authorities (or roles) that a principal has over an object. Let's buckle down on the terminology for a moment: A Permissioned entit

Score: 0.60646987

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / Go Cookbook

Go Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the Go driver, visit the Github Page or Package Page to view the source code, tests and basic usage examples. You can install the driver via the command line: go get Connecting to Cloud CMS There are two ways to connect with the Go driver: By finding a gitana.json file in your working directory, or by providing a config configuration. // Connect to CloudCMS using gitana.json in working directory session, err :=

Score: 0.59821546