Any Field

The any field.


Title Any
Description Any field.
Field Type any
Base Field Type control


Property Type Default Description
enum array List of specific values for this property


Property Type Default Description
name string Field Name.
showMapOnLoad boolean
sort function Defines an f(a,b) sort function for the array of enumerated values [{text, value}]. This is used to sort enum and optionLabels as well as results that come back from any data sources (for select and radio controls). By default the items are sorted alphabetically. Don't apply any sorting if false.
validateAddress boolean true Enable address validation if true

Example 1

Text field will be rendered for any data type if options parameter is not provided for the actual control field type. Check out Combo Field Example for how to render any data type with user specified control field.

{% raw %} {% endraw %}

Example 2

The Any field rendered in a display-only mode.

{% raw %} {% endraw %}