File Picker

ID: file-picker

The file-picker field type renders a modal picker for a file. This uses the File Folder service within Cloud CMS to let you browse through folder-based navigation. A breadcrumb is rendered at the top to help users step through the folder hierarchy.

Sample configuration:

    "type": "file-picker"

As with the node picker, the file picker should be modeled on top of either an object or an array field. The former is used for selection of a single node whereas the latter is used for selection of multiple nodes. The node selections are stored as object(s) and have a structure like this:

    "id": "1df59b00c7225162e9cd",
    "ref": "node://e86bb3527527046fc911/fcce75b88fa241485bca/b8ee3218cd279e7e834c/1df59b00c7225162e9cd",
    "title": "Templates",
    "qname": "o:1df59b00c7225162e9cd",
    "typeQName": "n:node"

The file picker renders as a field like this:


The Select button brings up a convenient modal for file and folder based navigation:



The following options may be specified for the control:

Option Type Default Description
picker.showFileTypes array Provides a list of QNames for content types that should be displayed
picker.allowPickContainers boolean true Whether the picker should allow for selection of container nodes (i.e. folders)
picker.pickableFileTypes array Provides a list of QNames that the picker should allow the end user to pick from. Any types specified here should also be listed in picker.showFileTypes in order to be pickable
picker.initialContainerPath string The path to mount to open the file picker into (example: /content/articles). If not provided, the initial container path is assumed to be the root directory.
picker.rootContainerPath string The lowest navigation path that the file picker will allow the end user to traverse into. When walking up into parent folders, they will not be able to go lower than this point. Example: (/content/articles). If not specified, this will be the root directory.
picker.mimetypes array An array of MIME types (strings). Filters the result set to only include those results with default attachments whose MIME types match one of values in the array.
picker.mimetypeRegex string A regex expression for matching which mimetypes will be filtered (see `picker.mimetypes`). If you have a large set or need to include wildcard matches, you will be better served specifying the match via a regex expression.
picker.upload boolean Whether to include the upload button (default is true)
picker.uploadPath string The path where any uploaded files should be placed.
picker.uploadType string Specifies the type QName for any uploaded nodes.
picker.icon boolean true If true, will display the default attachment as an icon next to each option in the picker.
maxFileSize integer Restricts the maximum size of a file to be uploaded.

Example: Customized File Pickers

This picker shows folders and allows for select of my:article and my:press-release content instances. In addition, it displays my:news-item instances but does not allow those to be picked.

    "type": "file-picker",
    "picker": {
        "allowPickContainers": false,
        "showFileTypes": ["my:article", "my:press-release", "my:news-item"],
        "pickableFileTypes": ["my:article", "my:press-release"]

Here is a picker that simply opens up for content selection from the /content/images folder path. The end user will be able to dive down into child folders and up into parent folders but will not be able to go above the /content folder.

    "type": "file-picker",
    "picker": {
        "rootContainerPath": "/content",
        "initialContainerPath": "/content/images"

Here is a picker which will browse all files in the /Images folder (and sub-folders) and only let us navigate into folders or select from files with binary attachments of specific types:

    "type": "file-picker",
    "picker": {
        "initialContainerPath": "/Images",
        "mimetypes": [

Let's say we wanted to add more image mimetypes. At some point, this gets a little exhausting. We can do better by matching all mimetypes that are "image/*". Only we regex, so we do it like this:

    "type": "file-picker",
    "picker": {
        "initialContainerPath": "/Images",
        "mimetypeRegex": "image\/([^;\s]+)"

Suppose we want our picker to let us pick from files in the /Images directory. We also want it to allow us to upload files to that directory. All uploaded files should be of type my:image.

    "type": "file-picker",
    "picker": {
        "initialContainerPath": "/Images",
        "rootContainerPath": "/Images",
        "uploadPath": "/Images",
        "uploadType": "my:image"

Say if we want to restrict the size of files that get uploaded to be less than 2048 bytes:

    "type": "file-picker",
    "label": "My File Pikcer",
    "maxFileSize": 4096