Found 1166 results for "gitana 3.2 guide guide access-policies conditions and"

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Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Platform

Access your platform's data stores and manage configurations seamlessly with our intuitive interface, supporting teams, authorities, and more.

Score: 7.5910053

Our Company - Gitana

Our Company - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Platform Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Automation Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enhance and curate content. Pu

Score: 7.374769

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide

Explore comprehensive Gitana documentation covering APIs, authentication, security, workflow, and more to streamline your development process.

Score: 6.9852724

The Gitana Blog - Page 1

The Gitana Blog - Page 1 Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Platform Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Automation Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enhance and curate content

Score: 6.79801

What is the reason for "Failed to index node"?

If you scan your log entries and see "Failed to index node", this indicates that Elastic Search failed to update its index for a node. Cloud CMS tells Elastic Search to updates its index whenever a node is created or updated. When a node is deleted, Cloud CMS tells Elastic Search to remove the node from its index. This error message means that Elastic Search failed to update the index and therefore the index wasn't updated. If you open up the error, you may see further information that indicates

Score: 6.5753417

Gitana 4.0 / Content Engine / Access Policies / Samples / Editor of all Content in Spanish

Manage and edit all Spanish content efficiently with our streamlined JSON locale integration.

Score: 6.3081884

Terms of Service - Gitana

Terms of Service - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Platform Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Automation Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enhance and curate conten

Score: 6.3014936

Gitana 4.0 / Content Engine / Access Policies / Samples / Manager of all Content in a Folder

Manage and control all content within a specified folder effortlessly using JSON configuration settings.

Score: 6.3000603

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Evaluators / and

Learn how 'and' evaluator confirms all condition blocks are true for effective code execution.

Score: 6.2261286

Gitana 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Evaluators / and

Learn how 'and' evaluator confirms all condition blocks are true for effective code execution.

Score: 6.2261286

Content Entry Forms Example

Cloud CMS lets you easily design and deploy forms for your web applications and content contributors. In this blog entry, we’ll walk through how you can do this within the Cloud CMS user interface. In this example, we’ll create a form that allows editors to create City Guide information. Note: in the Cloud CMS Trial there is a City Guide Content definition which can be used as a starting point or as a reference for this example. Add a Definition The Content Definitions can be found in the Cloud

Score: 6.189529

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Container Services / Kubernetes

Optimize your infrastructure with Kubernetes and Gitana SDK. Automate deployment of containerized apps across cloud providers like AWS, Google, and Azure.

Score: 6.1511726

Gitana 4.0 / Reference

Explore comprehensive Gitana data type references, including schemas, properties, methods, and API links, for data stores, objects, and general types.

Score: 5.9628706

Announcing Gitana 4.0

Announcing Gitana 4.0 Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Platform Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Automation Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enhance and curate content. P

Score: 5.9626245

Careers - Gitana

Careers - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Platform Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Automation Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enhance and curate content. Publis

Score: 5.9067235

Gitana 4.0 / Self Managed / Supported Stacks

Discover Gitana's certified stacks for on-premise installations, supporting MongoDB, Elastic Search, and major browsers for optimal performance.

Score: 5.85434

Gitana 4.0 / Developers / Frameworks / cURL

Learn how to use cURL for API calls and connectivity with Cloud CMS, plus access key management and example scripts.

Score: 5.7471333

Build your prototype website in 10 easy steps

Getting started with Cloud CMS for a website takes minimal setup: Fork a copy of Note the URL of your repo; you’ll need this later… Login to your tenant or signup for a trial of Cloud CMS When prompted upon login create a Web Content Management starter project From the resulting Project Dashboard navigate to “Applications” in Manage Project Select “Sample Web Application” > Deployments Tick the radio button on the right Navigate to Selected > Undeploy (upper right)

Score: 5.7061543

Gitana 4.0 / Developers / Frameworks / React

Learn how to seamlessly connect React apps to Cloud CMS with step-by-step guides, API key setup, and sample project insights.

Score: 5.630993

Gitana 4.0 / Developers / Frameworks / Vue.js

Learn how to connect Vue.js apps to Cloud CMS with API keys, examples, and setup guidance for seamless integration.

Score: 5.630993

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Container Services

Discover how to set up the Gitana platform on container services with examples for Amazon ECS and Kubernetes frameworks.

Score: 5.519877

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Search / Query String Reference

Optimize your content searching skills with Cloud CMS query strings to efficiently find and manage data using Elastic Search.

Score: 5.3493886

Security Policy - Gitana

Security Policy - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Platform Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Automation Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enhance and curate content

Score: 5.3451405

Container Registry - Gitana

Container Registry - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Platform Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Automation Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enhance and curate cont

Score: 5.280479

Contact Us - Gitana

Contact Us - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Platform Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Automation Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enhance and curate content. Pub

Score: 5.27956