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Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Bulk Import / Nodes

Nodes The Cloud CMS Bulk Import tool makes it easy to import content from structured data files stored on disk. The Packager API provides several methods which can read content from directories and bulk import that content all in one fell-swoop. This includes content types, content instances and relational information between content items. This is useful for many scenarios including those where you may wish to store a master copy of your foundation content types and content instances for new pr

Score: 1.1424092

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Bulk Import / Nodes

Nodes The Cloud CMS Bulk Import tool makes it easy to import content from structured data files stored on disk. The Packager API provides several methods which can read content from directories and bulk import that content all in one fell-swoop. This includes content types, content instances and relational information between content items. This is useful for many scenarios including those where you may wish to store a master copy of your foundation content types and content instances for new pr

Score: 1.1424092

Privacy Policy - Gitana

Privacy Policy - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Enterprise Data Engine Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Automate Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enhance and cur

Score: 1.1365217

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Upgrades / 3.2.84

3.2.84 Upgrade Notes The notes supplied here pertain to upgrading to Cloud CMS version 3.2.84. Release Notes The release notes for this release are available here: Support for ARM-64 With version 3.2.84, we officially support for ARM aarch64 architectures. This provides our customers with a choice of chip architectures to deploy on. The demand for ARM has increased as performance testing has shown a 20% better performance while being 10% cheaper than x86-64

Score: 1.1324865

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Upgrades / 3.2.85

3.2.85 Upgrade Notes The notes supplied here pertain to upgrading to Cloud CMS version 3.2.85. Release Notes The release notes for this release are available here: Support for ARM-64 With version 3.2.85, we officially support for ARM aarch64 architectures. This provides our customers with a choice of chip architectures to deploy on. The demand for ARM has increased as performance testing has shown a 20% better performance while being 10% cheaper than x86-64

Score: 1.1324865

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Upgrades / 3.2.86

3.2.86 Upgrade Notes The notes supplied here pertain to upgrading to Cloud CMS version 3.2.86. Release Notes The release notes for this release are available here: Support for ARM-64 With version 3.2.86, we officially support for ARM aarch64 architectures. This provides our customers with a choice of chip architectures to deploy on. The demand for ARM has increased as performance testing has shown a 20% better performance while being 10% cheaper than x86-64

Score: 1.1324865

Requirements for CMS Publishing

What does "publish" mean? In a CMS, publishing means moving content from a draft state to a published version. It will update the content on the published target(s) with the changes made since the last publish date. This sounds simple enough but the requirements for publishing are usually far more complex and interesting. What Publishing must do Publish must work Seems like this is stating the obvious but it is critical. Must be able to confidently publish desired content to the right place and

Score: 1.1294556

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Rate Limiting

Rate Limiting Important This section only applies to Cloud CMS Hosted Subscriptions Your Cloud CMS subscription may be configured to limit the number of concurrent API calls you are allowed to make per band. This is known as rate-limiting. When the number of concurrent API calls exceeds your tenant's configured rate limit for a given band, you will experience rate limiting. Generally, this consists of receiving an HTTP 429 response code and response headers that describe the rate limiting. The a

Score: 1.1239603

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Security

Security Cloud CMS lets you define enterprise-grade access control policies across all of your content to ensure and assert that the right content is being accessed by the right people at all times. To achieve this, Cloud CMS offers a security engine that incorporates multiple levels of access provisioning. These include: A Role-based, multi-level Authorization engine that asserts Permissions on every API, service and DAO method invocation. Fine-grained, object-level access control lists for spe

Score: 1.1128434

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Security / Overview

Security Cloud CMS lets you define enterprise-grade access control policies across all of your content to ensure and assert that the right content is being accessed by the right people at all times. To achieve this, Cloud CMS offers a security engine that incorporates multiple levels of access provisioning. These include: A Role-based, multi-level Authorization engine that asserts Permissions on every API, service and DAO method invocation. Fine-grained, object-level access control lists for spe

Score: 1.1128434

Cloud CMS Web and Mobile Forms

One of the things that Cloud CMS does really well is forms - specifically, web and mobile forms. If you’ve ever worked with the development of forms before, you know they’re pretty tricky to put together. You typically have back-end code that is responsible for taking a data structure, validating it and writing it to a database. And you also have front-end code which does user-facing data validation that is cosmetically appealing (pretty red boxes) and helpful. You need to think about customizin

Score: 1.0929043

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Configuration / Support

Support In this section, we provide best practices that should be considered when submitting support tickets for on-premise Cloud CMS installations. When submitting tickets to Cloud CMS, the objective should be to provide as much information as possible so that the ticket can be worked on as quickly as possible. Very often, tickets are submitted that do not have sufficient detail or information to either understand the problem or reproduce it. Tickets that include things like log files, database

Score: 1.070017

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Auto Analyze Text

Auto Analyze Text This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 QName: f:auto-analyze-text With this feature in place, a content instance will automatically have its default binary attachment analyzed using a Text Analyzer service. The extracted analysis and text will then be applied back onto the node, allowing it to benefit from automatic full-text search indexing and other tooling. To use this service, you will first need to set up a Text Analysis Service. The service can either be c

Score: 1.064811

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Auto OCR Extract

Auto OCR Extract This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 QName: f:auto-ocr-extract With this feature in place, a content instance will automatically have its default binary attachment analyzed using an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) service. The extracted analysis and text will then be applied back onto the node, allowing it to benefit from automatic full-text search indexing and other tooling. To use this service, you will first need to set up an OCR Extraction Service. The

Score: 1.064811

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Auto Analyze Text

Auto Analyze Text This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 QName: f:auto-analyze-text With this feature in place, a content instance will automatically have its default binary attachment analyzed using a Text Analyzer service. The extracted analysis and text will then be applied back onto the node, allowing it to benefit from automatic full-text search indexing and other tooling. To use this service, you will first need to set up a Text Analysis Service. The service can either be c

Score: 1.064811

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Auto OCR Extract

Auto OCR Extract This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 QName: f:auto-ocr-extract With this feature in place, a content instance will automatically have its default binary attachment analyzed using an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) service. The extracted analysis and text will then be applied back onto the node, allowing it to benefit from automatic full-text search indexing and other tooling. To use this service, you will first need to set up an OCR Extraction Service. The

Score: 1.064811

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / JavaScript 2.0 Cookbook

JavaScript 2.0 Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the JavaScript driver, please visit the Gitana JavaScript 2.0 Driver Page. This JavaScript driver, in contrast to the Gitana JavaScript 1.0 Driver, fully supports ECMAScript promises, which makes it easier to seamlessly integrate with your javascript apps. Connecting to Cloud CMS You can connect and then use this driver in three different but equivalent ways: Async / Await Promises Callbacks Async / Await const cloudcms = require("cloud

Score: 1.0608206

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Cookbooks / JavaScript 2.0 Cookbook

JavaScript 2.0 Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the JavaScript driver, please visit the Gitana JavaScript 2.0 Driver Page. This JavaScript driver, in contrast to the Gitana JavaScript 1.0 Driver, fully supports ECMAScript promises, which makes it easier to seamlessly integrate with your javascript apps. Connecting to Gitana You can connect and then use this driver in three different but equivalent ways: Async / Await Promises Callbacks Async / Await const cloudcms = require("cloudcms

Score: 1.0608206

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Workflow / Sample Workflows / Ad hoc Approval with Email Template

Ad hoc Approval with Email Template Here is a variation of the Ad hoc Approval workflow where we set up some Email Templates to use in sending emails to the participants in the workflow. See the Ad hoc Approval Workflow article for a basic understanding of how this workflow model works. Here is the modified workflow model that we'll use: { "id": "sample:adhoc", "title": "Sample Adhoc Approval (with Email Template)", "nodes": { "start": { "type": "start",

Score: 1.0371556

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Workflow / Sample Workflows / Ad hoc Approval with Email Template

Ad hoc Approval with Email Template Here is a variation of the Ad hoc Approval workflow where we set up some Email Templates to use in sending emails to the participants in the workflow. See the Ad hoc Approval Workflow article for a basic understanding of how this workflow model works. Here is the modified workflow model that we'll use: { "id": "sample:adhoc", "title": "Sample Adhoc Approval (with Email Template)", "nodes": { "start": { "type": "start",

Score: 1.0371556

Create Once, Publish Everywhere!

One of the things that our customers love about Cloud CMS is that it lets them create content once and easily publish it to all of their mobile and web applications. It reduces the amount of work required to create fresh and interesting content and saves them time and money in the process. Our goal is straightforward. We want to provide all of the things that small business owners need on the backend to give their users a seamless experience in creating, editing and publishing content. With Clou

Score: 1.0371556

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Modules

Modules All you need to build your own add-on modules is GitHub and some JavaScript / HTML skills. You can get started quickly by forking the Cloud CMS UI Sample Add-on Module repository on GitHub. This sample add-on works with the data set provided by the Sample Project (which is included with every free trial). Fork the Sample Module on GitHub Register your Module Note: To register your module, you must have Manager rights to your tenant. If you do not have Manager rights, you will either need

Score: 1.0369493

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / Fields / Currency Field

Currency Field The currency field. The currency field uses the JQuery Price Format plugin to render format the input as it's entered. Properties Title Currency Description Provides an automatically formatted and configurable input for entering currency amounts. Field Type currency Base Field Type text Schema Property Type Default Description allowOptionalEmpty Allows this non-required field to validate when the value is empty autocomplete string Allows you to specify the autocomplete attribute f

Score: 1.0369493

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / Modules / Overview

Modules All you need to build your own add-on modules is GitHub and some JavaScript / HTML skills. You can get started quickly by forking the Cloud CMS UI Sample Add-on Module repository on GitHub. This sample add-on works with the data set provided by the Sample Project (which is included with every free trial). Fork the Sample Module on GitHub Register your Module Note: To register your module, you must have Manager rights to your tenant. If you do not have Manager rights, you will either need

Score: 1.0369493

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Deployment

Deployment Cloud CMS Deployment lets you publish content from a source Cloud CMS project branch to one or more destination Deployment Endpoints. These Deployment Endpoints may include Amazon S3 buckets, FTP servers, file system locations and Cloud CMS branches on the same cluster or running in a cluster located in another data center somewhere else in the world. The Deployment process can be triggered manually or automatically. It may run as part of a Publishing process for your content. It may

Score: 1.0304174