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Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Authentication / Adapters / Custom

Custom This page provides some guidance on how to define your own custom Authentication Adapter class for use within the Application Server. Note: If you're looking information on how to easily integrate a third-party Authentication Provider into the Application Server, we recommend first taking a look at the Default Adapter as it can be configured to work with many third-party SSO solutions pretty easily. Implementation Class We recommend extending the AbstractAdapter class. The basic skeleton

Score: 0.7304455

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Geolocation

Geolocation QName: f:geolocation Indicates that this node supports geolocation properties. This feature provisions the node with a loc property that contains two sub-properties - lat and long. { "properties": { "loc": { "type": "object", "title": "Geolocation Details", "properties": { "lat": { "type":"number", "title": "Latitude", "minimum": -180, "maxim

Score: 0.7289269

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Integrations / Okta

Okta Okta provides cloud software that helps companies manage and secure user authentication into modern applications, and for developers to build identity controls into applications, website web services and into devices. Okta plays the role of an Identity Provider that speaks SAML 2.0 and/or JWT. Cloud CMS integrates via either of these mechanism and can therefore integrate to Okta straight away as an identity provider. Cloud CMS provides Single Sign On (SSO) Enterprise support for a variety o

Score: 0.7289269

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Deployment / Deployment Handlers / Remote Deployment Handler

Remote Deployment Handler Handles the deployment of one or more Deployment Packages to a remote Deployment Receiver. Where: url is the URL of the target Cloud CMS API server receiverId is the ID of the receiver on the target Cloud CMS API server In addition, you should provide the API keys of the user who the Remote Deployment Handler will authenticate as. clientKey clientSecret username password Configuration { "url": "{url}", "clientKey": "{clientKey}", "clientSecret": "{clientSecr

Score: 0.7289269

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Narration / Narration Providers / AWS Polly

AWS Polly Handles the generation of a Narration audio file for textual content using the AWS Polly Narration Service. The AWS Polly Service is described by: accessKey secretKey region bucketName Where the accessKey and secretKey are used to identify an IAM principal who has sufficient authority to invoke AWS Polly within the given region. In addition, the IAM principal needs sufficient authorities to read, write and delete an S3 object from the given S3 bucket (identified by bucketName) within

Score: 0.7289269

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Optical Character Recognition / OCR Providers / AWS Textract

AWS Textract Handles the Optical Character Recognition detection and analysis of characters in a binary payload using the Amazon Web Services Textract Service. The AWS Textract Service is described by: accessKey secretKey region bucketName Where the accessKey and secretKey are used to identify an IAM principal who has sufficient authority to invoke AWS Textract within the given region. In addition, the IAM principal needs sufficient authorities to read, write and delete an S3 object from the gi

Score: 0.7289269

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Recognition / Recognition Providers / AWS Rekognition

AWS Rekognition Handles the Image Recognition detection and analysis of elements in a binary payload using the Amazon Web Service Rekognition Service. The AWS Rekognition Service is described by: accessKey secretKey region bucketName Where the accessKey and secretKey are used to identify an IAM principal who has sufficient authority to invoke AWS Rekognition within the given region. In addition, the IAM principal needs sufficient authorities to read, write and delete an S3 object from the given

Score: 0.7289269

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Transcription / Transcription Providers / AWS Transcribe

AWS Transcribe Handles the generation of a Transcription text file for audio content using the AWS Transcribe Service. The AWS Transcribe Service is described by: accessKey secretKey region bucketName Where the accessKey and secretKey are used to identify an IAM principal who has sufficient authority to invoke AWS Transcribe within the given region. In addition, the IAM principal needs sufficient authorities to read, write and delete an S3 object from the given S3 bucket (identified by bucketNa

Score: 0.7289269

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Authentication / Providers / Keycloak

Keycloak The Keycloak Authentication Provider enables the Cloud CMS Application Server to authenticate, validate tokens and load user profile information against a Keycloak Server. For more information on Authentication within the App Server, see App Server Authentication / SSO. Configuration Here are all of the properties that may be configured: "auth": { "providers": { "myProvider": { "type": "keycloak", "config": { "clientID": "myOauthClient

Score: 0.7289269

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Authentication / Providers / Keycloak

Keycloak The Keycloak Authentication Provider enables the Cloud CMS Application Server to authenticate, validate tokens and load user profile information against a Keycloak Server. For more information on Authentication within the App Server, see App Server Authentication / SSO. Configuration Here are all of the properties that may be configured: "auth": { "providers": { "myProvider": { "type": "keycloak", "config": { "clientID": "myOauthClient

Score: 0.7289269

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Geolocation

Geolocation QName: f:geolocation Indicates that this node supports geolocation properties. This feature provisions the node with a loc property that contains two sub-properties - lat and long. { "properties": { "loc": { "type": "object", "title": "Geolocation Details", "properties": { "lat": { "type":"number", "title": "Latitude", "minimum": -180, "maxim

Score: 0.7289269

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Deployment / Deployment Handlers / Remote Deployment Handler

Remote Deployment Handler Handles the deployment of one or more Deployment Packages to a remote Deployment Receiver. Where: url is the URL of the target Cloud CMS API server receiverId is the ID of the receiver on the target Cloud CMS API server In addition, you should provide the API keys of the user who the Remote Deployment Handler will authenticate as. clientKey clientSecret username password Configuration { "url": "{url}", "clientKey": "{clientKey}", "clientSecret": "{clientSecr

Score: 0.7289269

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Integrations / Okta

Okta Okta provides cloud software that helps companies manage and secure user authentication into modern applications, and for developers to build identity controls into applications, website web services and into devices. Okta plays the role of an Identity Provider that speaks SAML 2.0 and/or JWT. Cloud CMS integrates via either of these mechanism and can therefore integrate to Okta straight away as an identity provider. Cloud CMS provides Single Sign On (SSO) Enterprise support for a variety o

Score: 0.7289269

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Services / Narration / Narration Providers / AWS Polly

AWS Polly Handles the generation of a Narration audio file for textual content using the AWS Polly Narration Service. The AWS Polly Service is described by: accessKey secretKey region bucketName Where the accessKey and secretKey are used to identify an IAM principal who has sufficient authority to invoke AWS Polly within the given region. In addition, the IAM principal needs sufficient authorities to read, write and delete an S3 object from the given S3 bucket (identified by bucketName) within

Score: 0.7289269

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Services / Optical Character Recognition / OCR Providers / AWS Textract

AWS Textract Handles the Optical Character Recognition detection and analysis of characters in a binary payload using the Amazon Web Services Textract Service. The AWS Textract Service is described by: accessKey secretKey region bucketName Where the accessKey and secretKey are used to identify an IAM principal who has sufficient authority to invoke AWS Textract within the given region. In addition, the IAM principal needs sufficient authorities to read, write and delete an S3 object from the gi

Score: 0.7289269

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Services / Recognition / Recognition Providers / AWS Rekognition

AWS Rekognition Handles the Image Recognition detection and analysis of elements in a binary payload using the Amazon Web Service Rekognition Service. The AWS Rekognition Service is described by: accessKey secretKey region bucketName Where the accessKey and secretKey are used to identify an IAM principal who has sufficient authority to invoke AWS Rekognition within the given region. In addition, the IAM principal needs sufficient authorities to read, write and delete an S3 object from the given

Score: 0.7289269

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Services / Transcription / Transcription Providers / AWS Transcribe

AWS Transcribe Handles the generation of a Transcription text file for audio content using the AWS Transcribe Service. The AWS Transcribe Service is described by: accessKey secretKey region bucketName Where the accessKey and secretKey are used to identify an IAM principal who has sufficient authority to invoke AWS Transcribe within the given region. In addition, the IAM principal needs sufficient authorities to read, write and delete an S3 object from the given S3 bucket (identified by bucketNa

Score: 0.7289269

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Actions / Logger

Logger ID: logger Writes to the tenant log. Configuration public final static String PARAM_MESSAGE = "message"; // mandatory public final static String PARAM_LOG_LEVEL = "logLevel"; // optional // values public final static String LOG_LEVEL_INFO = "info"; public final static String LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG = "debug"; public final static String LOG_LEVEL_WARN = "warn"; public final static String LOG_LEVEL_ERROR = "error"; public final static String LOG_LEVEL_FATAL = "fatal"; public final static String LO

Score: 0.72110975

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Actions / Move Node

Move Node ID: moveNode Moves a source association into a new location in the content graph. The association is unlinked from its source node and linked to the target parent node. The association type and properties are preserved. Configuration Property Type Required Default Description repositoryId text true The ID of the repository of the source association. branchId text true The ID of the branch of the source association. nodeId text true The ID of the source association. targetRepositoryId t

Score: 0.72110975

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Access Policies / Conditions / Changeset

Changeset This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 The changeset condition allows you to constrain a policy statement so that it applies to nodes and/or associations that are written onto a matching changeset. The changeset can be matched using its ID (_doc). This condition supports regular expressions, allowing you to focus in on a single value or wildcard expressions for matches. Configuration To match a changeset by ID: { "type": "changeset", "config": { "id": "{

Score: 0.72110975

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Access Policies / Conditions / Locale

Locale This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 The locale condition allows you to constrain a policy statement so that it applies to content nodes that have a matching locale. This condition supports regular expressions, allowing you to focus in on a single path, sub paths or arbitrary matching path structures. Configuration { "type": "locale", "config": { "locale": "{value regex}" } } Samples This policy document grants the Consumer role to all content with l

Score: 0.72110975

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / Actions / Logger

Logger ID: logger Writes to the tenant log. Configuration public final static String PARAM_MESSAGE = "message"; // mandatory public final static String PARAM_LOG_LEVEL = "logLevel"; // optional // values public final static String LOG_LEVEL_INFO = "info"; public final static String LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG = "debug"; public final static String LOG_LEVEL_WARN = "warn"; public final static String LOG_LEVEL_ERROR = "error"; public final static String LOG_LEVEL_FATAL = "fatal"; public final static String LO

Score: 0.72110975

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / Actions / Move Node

Move Node ID: moveNode Moves a source association into a new location in the content graph. The association is unlinked from its source node and linked to the target parent node. The association type and properties are preserved. Configuration Property Type Required Default Description repositoryId text true The ID of the repository of the source association. branchId text true The ID of the branch of the source association. nodeId text true The ID of the source association. targetRepositoryId t

Score: 0.72110975

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Security / Access Policies / Conditions / Changeset

Changeset This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 The changeset condition allows you to constrain a policy statement so that it applies to nodes and/or associations that are written onto a matching changeset. The changeset can be matched using its ID (_doc). This condition supports regular expressions, allowing you to focus in on a single value or wildcard expressions for matches. Configuration To match a changeset by ID: { "type": "changeset", "config": { "id": "{

Score: 0.72110975

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Security / Access Policies / Conditions / Locale

Locale This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 The locale condition allows you to constrain a policy statement so that it applies to content nodes that have a matching locale. This condition supports regular expressions, allowing you to focus in on a single path, sub paths or arbitrary matching path structures. Configuration { "type": "locale", "config": { "locale": "{value regex}" } } Samples This policy document grants the Consumer role to all content with l

Score: 0.72110975