Found 123 results for "text-analysis providers"

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Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Authentication / Providers

Providers CAS Custom Facebook GitHub Google Keycloak LinkedIn Local SAML 2.0 Twitter

Score: 12.476375

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Authentication / Providers

Providers CAS Custom Facebook GitHub Google Keycloak LinkedIn Local SAML 2.0 Twitter

Score: 12.476375

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Multifactor Authentication / Providers

Providers Twilio Authy Duo Security

Score: 11.261791

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Authentication / Multifactor Authentication / Providers

Providers Twilio Authy Duo Security

Score: 11.261791

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Narration / Narration Providers

Narration Providers AWS Polly

Score: 9.902234

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Transcription / Transcription Providers

Transcription Providers AWS Transcribe

Score: 9.902234

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Services / Narration / Narration Providers

Narration Providers AWS Polly

Score: 9.902234

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Services / Transcription / Transcription Providers

Transcription Providers AWS Transcribe

Score: 9.902234

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Optical Character Recognition / OCR Providers

OCR Providers AWS Textract

Score: 6.4319906

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Recognition / Recognition Providers

Recognition Providers AWS Rekognition

Score: 6.4319906

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Services / Optical Character Recognition / OCR Providers

OCR Providers AWS Textract

Score: 6.4319906

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Services / Recognition / Recognition Providers

Recognition Providers AWS Rekognition

Score: 6.4319906

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Text Analysis / Text Analysis Providers

Text Analysis Providers AWS Comprehend

Score: 5.703019

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Services / Text Analysis / Text Analysis Providers

Text Analysis Providers AWS Comprehend

Score: 5.703019

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Narration / Narration Providers / AWS Polly

AWS Polly Handles the generation of a Narration audio file for textual content using the AWS Polly Narration Service. The AWS Polly Service is described by: accessKey secretKey region bucketName Where the accessKey and secretKey are used to identify an IAM principal who has sufficient authority to invoke AWS Polly within the given region. In addition, the IAM principal needs sufficient authorities to read, write and delete an S3 object from the given S3 bucket (identified by bucketName) within

Score: 3.1979756

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Transcription / Transcription Providers / AWS Transcribe

AWS Transcribe Handles the generation of a Transcription text file for audio content using the AWS Transcribe Service. The AWS Transcribe Service is described by: accessKey secretKey region bucketName Where the accessKey and secretKey are used to identify an IAM principal who has sufficient authority to invoke AWS Transcribe within the given region. In addition, the IAM principal needs sufficient authorities to read, write and delete an S3 object from the given S3 bucket (identified by bucketNa

Score: 3.1979756

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Services / Narration / Narration Providers / AWS Polly

AWS Polly Handles the generation of a Narration audio file for textual content using the AWS Polly Narration Service. The AWS Polly Service is described by: accessKey secretKey region bucketName Where the accessKey and secretKey are used to identify an IAM principal who has sufficient authority to invoke AWS Polly within the given region. In addition, the IAM principal needs sufficient authorities to read, write and delete an S3 object from the given S3 bucket (identified by bucketName) within

Score: 3.1979756

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Services / Transcription / Transcription Providers / AWS Transcribe

AWS Transcribe Handles the generation of a Transcription text file for audio content using the AWS Transcribe Service. The AWS Transcribe Service is described by: accessKey secretKey region bucketName Where the accessKey and secretKey are used to identify an IAM principal who has sufficient authority to invoke AWS Transcribe within the given region. In addition, the IAM principal needs sufficient authorities to read, write and delete an S3 object from the given S3 bucket (identified by bucketNa

Score: 3.1979756

Does Cloud CMS support Single Sign On (SSO)?

Yes, Cloud CMS supports SSO (Single Sign On) with a variety of authentication providers. Many of these providers are offered out-of-the-box -- including providers for Keycloak, Google, CAS and more. In addition, we allow you to implement your own SSO providers and customize the authentication handshake. To learn more about how Cloud CMS authentication providers work, check out the following documentation: Custom Authenticators a

Score: 2.2671876

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Multifactor Authentication

Multifactor Authentication Cloud CMS supports Multifactor Authentication (MFA) to provide enhanced security for your users and their account credentials. With Multifactor Authentication is enabled for a user, that user will be required to supply a verification code in addition to their username and password. The verification code is delivered to the user's phone or mobile device via SMS, a phone call or an app. The code may also be delivered via a hardware device depending on the kind of provide

Score: 1.9709189

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Authentication / Multifactor Authentication

Multifactor Authentication Cloud CMS supports Multifactor Authentication (MFA) to provide enhanced security for your users and their account credentials. With Multifactor Authentication is enabled for a user, that user will be required to supply a verification code in addition to their username and password. The verification code is delivered to the user's phone or mobile device via SMS, a phone call or an app. The code may also be delivered via a hardware device depending on the kind of provide

Score: 1.9709189

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Services / Notifications

Notifications The Notifications service is responsible for receiving messages from the outside world. These are frequently transmitted via a message queue or broker and signal the cluster that it should take some action to update its state. This may include things like invalidating caches or re-syncing content. Essential Configuration { "notifications": { "enabled": , "log": "", "type": "", "configuration": { ...configuratio

Score: 1.9531596

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Services / Notifications

Notifications The Notifications service is responsible for receiving messages from the outside world. These are frequently transmitted via a message queue or broker and signal the cluster that it should take some action to update its state. This may include things like invalidating caches or re-syncing content. Essential Configuration { "notifications": { "enabled": , "log": "", "type": "", "configuration": { ...configuratio

Score: 1.9531596

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Integrations / Google / GSuite

Google GSuite Google GSuite supports custom Identity Providers for SAML 2.0 applications. This allows Cloud CMS to provide single sign-on (SSO) using Google GSuite and your user's Google accounts. To learn more about this, please read up on Cloud CMS Single Sign On (SSO). And also take a look at the Google GSuite Example.

Score: 1.8710802

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Integrations / Google / GSuite

Google GSuite Google GSuite supports custom Identity Providers for SAML 2.0 applications. This allows Cloud CMS to provide single sign-on (SSO) using Google GSuite and your user's Google accounts. To learn more about this, please read up on Cloud CMS Single Sign On (SSO). And also take a look at the Google GSuite Example.

Score: 1.8710802