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Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Scripting / User

User Properties Name Type Description description string The Description of this document. email string The Email of this user. firstName string The First Name of this user. fullName string The Full Name of this user. id string The ID of this document. lastName string The Last Name of this user. name string The name of this principal. properties object The properties for this document. title string The Title of this document. Methods stringify Usage string stringify() Arguments None Return Type

Score: 1.0745467


User Properties Name Type Description description string The Description of this document. email string The Email of this user. firstName string The First Name of this user. fullName string The Full Name of this user. id string The ID of this document. lastName string The Last Name of this user. name string The name of this principal. properties object The properties for this document. title string The Title of this document. Methods stringify Usage string stringify() Arguments None Return Type

Score: 1.0745467

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Applications / Public Services / Forgot Username Flow

Forgot Username Flow Registered users for your application may forget their username and lose the ability to log in to your app. Cloud CMS provides a "forgot username" flow that you can use to provide a way for end users to securely retrieve their username using their registered email address. On this page, we cover a public convenience method that applications can use to easily provide this functionality without having to through the most robust Cloud CMS object-level APIs. If you're interested

Score: 1.0743065

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Changeset

Changeset Type {{#dataTypeArticle objectTypeId}}{{objectTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Datastore Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId}}{{datastoreTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Supports {{#article "security/authorities"}}authorities{{/article}}, {{#article "security/permissions"}}permissions{{/article}}, {{#article "transfer"}}transfer{{/article}} In this sense, a branch can be thought of as a stack of changesets. There is a root changeset (where the branch starts) and a tip changeset (where the

Score: 1.0737786

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Data Types / Changeset

Changeset Type {{#dataTypeArticle objectTypeId}}{{objectTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Datastore Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId}}{{datastoreTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Supports {{#article "security/authorities"}}authorities{{/article}}, {{#article "security/permissions"}}permissions{{/article}}, {{#article "transfer"}}transfer{{/article}} In this sense, a branch can be thought of as a stack of changesets. There is a root changeset (where the branch starts) and a tip changeset (where the

Score: 1.0737786

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Tags / @expand

@expand Fetches a list of content instance by first extracting a set of node id values from properties of a node. Useful when using _relators in a parent node and you wish to load all the resulting associated nodes in a single Dust tag. Parameters parameter required description list lost of nodes key JSON "path" to the property containing the ID of the record to fetch type the type of node to query for (definition QName) sort the field to sort on sortDirection the direction to sort in (either 1

Score: 1.072884

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Tags / @expand

@expand Fetches a list of content instance by first extracting a set of node id values from properties of a node. Useful when using _relators in a parent node and you wish to load all the resulting associated nodes in a single Dust tag. Parameters parameter required description list lost of nodes key JSON "path" to the property containing the ID of the record to fetch type the type of node to query for (definition QName) sort the field to sort on sortDirection the direction to sort in (either 1

Score: 1.072884

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Email Provider

Email Provider Type {{#dataTypeArticle objectTypeId}}{{objectTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Datastore Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId}}{{datastoreTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Supports {{#article "security/authorities"}}authorities{{/article}}, {{#article "security/permissions"}}permissions{{/article}}, {{#article "transfer"}}transfer{{/article}} Configuration The following table presents you the configuration properties. Property Type Default Read-Only Description host text The host addres

Score: 1.0660064

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Data Types / Email Provider

Email Provider Type {{#dataTypeArticle objectTypeId}}{{objectTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Datastore Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId}}{{datastoreTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Supports {{#article "security/authorities"}}authorities{{/article}}, {{#article "security/permissions"}}permissions{{/article}}, {{#article "transfer"}}transfer{{/article}} Configuration The following table presents you the configuration properties. Property Type Default Read-Only Description host text The host addres

Score: 1.0660064

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / URL Addressability / Node URLs

Node URLs The Application Server supports retrieval of nodes and node attachments via URLs and takes responsibility for setting headers and cache state for optimal performance. This method is the preferred method for dealing with binary payloads as it ensures compatibility with CDN edge caching. In addition, binary and JSON files that are retrieved from the Cloud CMS API are cached on the Application Server itself so that subsequent requests benefit from having a local copy. A notifications laye

Score: 1.0652683

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / URL Addressability / Node URLs

Node URLs The Application Server supports retrieval of nodes and node attachments via URLs and takes responsibility for setting headers and cache state for optimal performance. This method is the preferred method for dealing with binary payloads as it ensures compatibility with CDN edge caching. In addition, binary and JSON files that are retrieved from the Cloud CMS API are cached on the Application Server itself so that subsequent requests benefit from having a local copy. A notifications laye

Score: 1.0652683

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Actions / Start Workflow

Start Workflow ID: startWorkflow Starts a workflow with the given node placed into the payload. Configuration Property Type Required Default Description model text true The ID of the workflow model to be used. swimlanes object false Identifies principals to be assigned into workflow swimlanes. The structure is: { "swimlane1": ["domainId1/principalId1"], "swimlane2": ["domainId2/principalId2"] } runtime object false Allows for manual specification of runtime properties including applica

Score: 1.0636414

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / Actions / Start Workflow

Start Workflow ID: startWorkflow Starts a workflow with the given node placed into the payload. Configuration Property Type Required Default Description model text true The ID of the workflow model to be used. swimlanes object false Identifies principals to be assigned into workflow swimlanes. The structure is: { "swimlane1": ["domainId1/principalId1"], "swimlane2": ["domainId2/principalId2"] } runtime object false Allows for manual specification of runtime properties including applica

Score: 1.0636414

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Branch

Branch Type {{#dataTypeArticle objectTypeId}}{{objectTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Datastore Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId}}{{datastoreTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Supports {{#article "security/authorities"}}authorities{{/article}}, {{#article "security/permissions"}}permissions{{/article}}, {{#article "transfer"}}transfer{{/article}} You can have as many branches as you want. Each branch is a completely isolated workspace. Thus, you can create your own branch for your own projects. You

Score: 1.0634847

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Data Types / Branch

Branch Type {{#dataTypeArticle objectTypeId}}{{objectTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Datastore Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId}}{{datastoreTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Supports {{#article "security/authorities"}}authorities{{/article}}, {{#article "security/permissions"}}permissions{{/article}}, {{#article "transfer"}}transfer{{/article}} You can have as many branches as you want. Each branch is a completely isolated workspace. Thus, you can create your own branch for your own projects. You

Score: 1.0634847

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Authentication / Providers / Facebook

Facebook The Facebook Authentication Provider enables the Cloud CMS Application Server to authenticate, validate tokens and load user profile information against Facebook. For more information on Authentication within the App Server, see App Server Authentication / SSO. Facebook API Keys To use this provider, you will first need to set up a Developers Account within Facebook and create an application therein. Doing so will give you a set of API tokens: appId - the Facebook application ID token a

Score: 1.0606999

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Authentication / Providers / GitHub

GitHub Cloud CMS provides integrated authentication and single-sign-on (SSO) with GitHub. This page describes the authentication provider available for the Cloud CMS Application Server that enables your mobile or web applications as well as the Cloud CMS user interface or API to authenticate against GitHub. For more information on Authentication within the App Server, see App Server Authentication / SSO. GitHub API Keys You will need to configure a GitHub application and have the following infor

Score: 1.0606999

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Authentication / Providers / Google

Google Cloud CMS provides integrated authentication and single-sign-on (SSO) with Google. This page describes the authentication provider available for the Cloud CMS Application Server that enables your mobile or web applications as well as the Cloud CMS user interface or API to authenticate against Google. For more information on Authentication within the App Server, see App Server Authentication / SSO. Google API Keys You will need to configure a Google application and have the following infor

Score: 1.0606999

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Authentication / Providers / Facebook

Facebook The Facebook Authentication Provider enables the Cloud CMS Application Server to authenticate, validate tokens and load user profile information against Facebook. For more information on Authentication within the App Server, see App Server Authentication / SSO. Facebook API Keys To use this provider, you will first need to set up a Developers Account within Facebook and create an application therein. Doing so will give you a set of API tokens: appId - the Facebook application ID token a

Score: 1.0606999

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Authentication / Providers / GitHub

GitHub Cloud CMS provides integrated authentication and single-sign-on (SSO) with GitHub. This page describes the authentication provider available for the Cloud CMS Application Server that enables your mobile or web applications as well as the Cloud CMS user interface or API to authenticate against GitHub. For more information on Authentication within the App Server, see App Server Authentication / SSO. GitHub API Keys You will need to configure a GitHub application and have the following infor

Score: 1.0606999

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Authentication / Providers / Google

Google Cloud CMS provides integrated authentication and single-sign-on (SSO) with Google. This page describes the authentication provider available for the Cloud CMS Application Server that enables your mobile or web applications as well as the Cloud CMS user interface or API to authenticate against Google. For more information on Authentication within the App Server, see App Server Authentication / SSO. Google API Keys You will need to configure a Google application and have the following infor

Score: 1.0606999

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Platform / Applications / Public Services / Forgot Username Flow

Forgot Username Flow Registered users for your application may forget their username and lose the ability to log in to your app. Cloud CMS provides a "forgot username" flow that you can use to provide a way for end users to securely retrieve their username using their registered email address. On this page, we cover a public convenience method that applications can use to easily provide this functionality without having to through the most robust Cloud CMS object-level APIs. If you're interested

Score: 1.0604659

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / System Metadata

System Metadata Cloud CMS automatically tracks system metadata for all of the objects that you create within it. System metadata consists of non-data values that describe things like who created an object and when it was modified. System Metadata This system metadata is tracked under the special _system key at the root of your objects. This system metadata is read-only in so far as it is tracked by Cloud CMS automatically. It is available for any object returned by any of the Cloud CMS APIs by s

Score: 1.0289153

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / System Metadata

System Metadata Cloud CMS automatically tracks system metadata for all of the objects that you create within it. System metadata consists of non-data values that describe things like who created an object and when it was modified. System Metadata This system metadata is tracked under the special _system key at the root of your objects. This system metadata is read-only in so far as it is tracked by Cloud CMS automatically. It is available for any object returned by any of the Cloud CMS APIs by s

Score: 1.0289153

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Policies / Attachment Policies

Attachment Policies Attachment policies provide places where you can hook in behaviors that trigger when attachments are read, created, updated or deleted against a node. Unlike other policy handlers, these will only fire at the instance when an attachment is created, updated, or deleted, and will not fire upon a branch merge or release. When configuring your attachments, you can specify an attachment ID you wish to fire your policy. For example, suppose you are configuring a webhook rule that y

Score: 1.028211