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Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Security / Access Policies / Conditions / Path

Path This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 The path condition allows you to constrain a policy statement so that it applies to content nodes that exist at a matching path. This condition supports regular expressions, allowing you to focus in on a single path, sub paths or arbitrary matching path structures. Configuration { "type": "path", "config": { "path": "{value regex}" } } Samples This policy document grants the Consumer role to all content in the path

Score: 3.1234155

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Actions / Execute Script from a Node

Execute Script from a Node ID: executeScriptNode Executes a script attachment of a node. The configuration for this action is described using JSON Schema like this: { "scriptNodeId": "d904227f8628b15d4763" } Property Required Description scriptNodeId yes The node id of the script document scriptAttachmentId no The id of the attachment where the script locates methodName no The method name of the script args no The arguments for the method in the script

Score: 3.0640402

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / Actions / Execute Script from a Node

Execute Script from a Node ID: executeScriptNode Executes a script attachment of a node. The configuration for this action is described using JSON Schema like this: { "scriptNodeId": "d904227f8628b15d4763" } Property Required Description scriptNodeId yes The node id of the script document scriptAttachmentId no The id of the attachment where the script locates methodName no The method name of the script args no The arguments for the method in the script

Score: 3.0640402

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Frameworks / cURL

cURL Guide and References for connectivity to Cloud CMS Connecting to Cloud CMS From a command prompt, the curl command can be used to execute API calls to Cloud CMS. Connecting to the Cloud CMS API requires API Keys from your Cloud CMS project. This is done by default for the sample project. You can find these by going to Manage Project and clicking API Keys in the left hand menu. Several examples of using curl are available in our Gitana SDK For example, reading a node can be done with the fol

Score: 2.4232368

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Publishing / Preview Servers

Preview Servers Before your changes go to Live website i.e. on the Production mode, to discover problems and fix them right away you can set up the Preview Servers and review the content changes instantly. You can look at the default Preview Servers under Manage Project : The default servers are Authoring and Production and are setup to a sample URL which can be modified with your website URL or some API or an Application. To add your Custom Server, you can click on Add Preview Server and set-up

Score: 2.3816924

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Publishing / Preview Servers

Preview Servers Before your changes go to Live website i.e. on the Production mode, to discover problems and fix them right away you can set up the Preview Servers and review the content changes instantly. You can look at the default Preview Servers under Manage Project : The default servers are Authoring and Production and are setup to a sample URL which can be modified with your website URL or some API or an Application. To add your Custom Server, you can click on Add Preview Server and set-up

Score: 2.3816924

How to Retrieve content by their document library path

You can retrieve content by their document library path using the CMS API using the Node API. For example, you can paginate through the children of a node using this call:!/node/get_repositories_repositoryId_branches_branchId_nodes_nodeId_children GET /repositories/{repositoryId}/branches/{branchId}/nodes/{nodeId}/children?path={path} In this case, you would set "nodeId" to the value "root" to indicate the root node. And then use "path" to describe the offset. If yo

Score: 2.355682

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Drivers / Java

Java Connect your Java, Spring MVC and Android applications to Gitana Latest Version Version undefined Date The Gitana Java driver makes it easy for your Java and Android applications to connect to and communicate with the Gitana server. The driver can be utilized with Android mobile devices as well as Java applications running on the server or as a web application (Spring Framework, SEAM, etc, running on Tomcat, Glassfish, WebSphere and many other frameworks). Maven Repository Gitana runs a Mav

Score: 2.267967

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Scripting

Scripting Cloud CMS provides a server-side Scripting API that allows you to write custom actions, rules and behaviors that execute on the server. These scripts can be introduced at any time and do not require any server downtime. Developers can write scripts and hook them into Cloud CMS at any time to adjust how the product behaves and operates. The Scripting API consists of a set of server-side Scripting Objects that wrap your content and expose a select set of API service methods for your use.

Score: 2.2658849

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Scripting / Overview

Scripting Cloud CMS provides a server-side Scripting API that allows you to write custom actions, rules and behaviors that execute on the server. These scripts can be introduced at any time and do not require any server downtime. Developers can write scripts and hook them into Cloud CMS at any time to adjust how the product behaves and operates. The Scripting API consists of a set of server-side Scripting Objects that wrap your content and expose a select set of API service methods for your use.

Score: 2.2658849

How to monitor API traffic from a node js app

It is sometimes helpful to see the API traffic that is going on between the Gitana javascript driver and the Cloud CMS API server. This is a non-intrusive method of doing that. install a tool called Charles Proxy This is an excellent tool for monitoring http/https traffic. Once installed, start Charles Proxy and enable reverse proxy: Check "Enable Reverse Proxies" and then click the "Add" button. A port will be assigned (55703 in the example below). Set Remote Host

Score: 2.2569134

How does Cloud CMS work with a CDN

There are a few places where this either occurs automatically if you're using our hosted service or can occur optionally if you're either running within Docker containers on your own or integrating to custom CDN endpoints. First, the API itself can be fronted by a CDN that supports fallback lookup to an origin server. In this case, we recommend Amazon CloudFront with short-lived TTLs on cache headers. More specifically, you can use Amazon's API Gateway to get caching coverage across multiple geo

Score: 2.2481008

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Multilingual

Multilingual QName: f:multilingual When applied to a node, this indicates that you wish to have the contents of this node support multilingual behavior and translated content. This node then serves as the "master node" for translation support. Master nodes have a:has_translation associations to translation nodes that hold copies of the content (JSON and any attachments) in the target locale. Marking a node as f:multilingual does not automatically produce translations for you. However, once marke

Score: 2.2245739

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Multilingual

Multilingual QName: f:multilingual When applied to a node, this indicates that you wish to have the contents of this node support multilingual behavior and translated content. This node then serves as the "master node" for translation support. Master nodes have a:has_translation associations to translation nodes that hold copies of the content (JSON and any attachments) in the target locale. Marking a node as f:multilingual does not automatically produce translations for you. However, once marke

Score: 2.2245739

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Projects / Deleted Items

Deleted Items Cloud CMS provides a "copy on write" mechanism for any creates, updates or deletes to the content in a branch. This means that whenever you delete something, you're actually masking it as deleted. The content itself is never destroyed or removed permanently. As such, it is always possible walk backwards in time and discover content that was deleted - all the way back to the moment when your branch or repository was created. To make things easier, Cloud CMS provides a "deletions" in

Score: 2.19389

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / Projects / Deleted Items

Deleted Items Cloud CMS provides a "copy on write" mechanism for any creates, updates or deletes to the content in a branch. This means that whenever you delete something, you're actually masking it as deleted. The content itself is never destroyed or removed permanently. As such, it is always possible walk backwards in time and discover content that was deleted - all the way back to the moment when your branch or repository was created. To make things easier, Cloud CMS provides a "deletions" in

Score: 2.19389

Proxy API calls

Whenever a resulting URL looks something like: It works great as an API URL but not necessarily as one that can be resolved by the end user's browser. In a typical Node.js-based architecture, you have the User’s browser Node.js application server Cloud CMS backend API The URL generated above is the URL directly to the resource in the backend API. What you really would pre

Score: 2.1789947

Internationalization (I18N)

All of the content that you create within Cloud CMS supports localized translation. This is often referred to as internationalization (I18N) in the enterprise world. Cloud CMS has full support for localization so that any content you put into Cloud CMS supports multiple translation bundles. When content is retrieved from Cloud CMS, either through the APIs, the editorial interface or from your own applications, Cloud CMS respects the locale being requested and serves back a best-match fit for tha

Score: 2.1411836

Tree Hierarchies

In Cloud CMS, there are no hard and fast rules regarding association types between nodes. And so, when dealing with things like tree structures, you usually have to first make some assumptions about the kinds of relationships between nodes that you want to traverse. For arbitrary relationships and traversals around nodes, Cloud CMS provides traversal methods which are a bit more intensive to use. However, if you're using typical a:child relationships between nodes (which is what Cloud CMS uses f

Score: 2.138451

How do I retrieve the folder path for my content?

In Cloud CMS, you may choose to associate nodes with folders. This allows the content to be worked with by editorial teams such that they can navigate to content within folders, move content between folders and generally organize their content as they wish. It also allows for content to be retrieved by path via the API, if you wish. Technically speaking, Cloud CMS does not require folders or paths. In fact, plenty of customers use Cloud CMS in such a way that they don't require folders at all. C

Score: 2.107015

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker

Docker Cloud CMS offers the option to run development and production installations of its software on-premise or within a virtual private cloud. This option is available to subscription customers and can be utilized in both a development and production capacity. The actual installation and management of the various services involved in a full-scale production-ready Cloud CMS deployment is facilitated greatly through the use of Docker. Docker provides a way for all of the various tiers to be enca

Score: 2.09312

Gitana / 4.0 / Self Managed / Docker / Overview

Docker Cloud CMS offers the option to run development and production installations of its software on-premise or within a virtual private cloud. This option is available to subscription customers and can be utilized in both a development and production capacity. The actual installation and management of the various services involved in a full-scale production-ready Cloud CMS deployment is facilitated greatly through the use of Docker. Docker provides a way for all of the various tiers to be enca

Score: 2.0808775

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Locked

Locked QName: f:locked Applied to a node to indicate that it has been locked. A locked node is one that a user has specifically requested the lock for. If the lock is granted, the node will only be editable by the owner of the lock. The lock may only be released by the owner of the lock or a manager/administrator of the branch. It is not necessary to work with the f:locked feature directly. Locking and unlocking are handled through specific API calls that check whether such modifications are all

Score: 2.0713286

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Locked

Locked QName: f:locked Applied to a node to indicate that it has been locked. A locked node is one that a user has specifically requested the lock for. If the lock is granted, the node will only be editable by the owner of the lock. The lock may only be released by the owner of the lock or a manager/administrator of the branch. It is not necessary to work with the f:locked feature directly. Locking and unlocking are handled through specific API calls that check whether such modifications are all

Score: 2.0713286

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Tags / @query

@query Queries for nodes and makes those nodes available to the template. Parameters parameter required description type the type of node to query for (definition QName) sort the field to sort on sortDirection the direction to sort in (either 1 for ascending or -1 for descending) limit the number of records to return fields comma separated list of property names to include in query results skip a position to skip ahead to in the record set scope if "page", then only relatives related to the curr

Score: 2.0522912