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Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Upgrades / 3.2.763.2.76 Upgrade Notes The notes supplied here pertain to upgrading to Cloud CMS version 3.2.76. Elastic Search Client Make sure that you are have configured Cloud CMS to connect to Elastic Searching using the condor HTTP/S client. In prior versions of Cloud CMS, an http and transport client were offered that utilized the native drivers of Elastic Search. As we've expanded our support for Elastic Search to include Amazon OpenSearch, we've moved over to using the condor driver which is built and op
Score: 0.5418817
Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Rates
Rates QName: f:rates Applied to an association to indicate that the target node contains a property with a rating value that should be used to aggregate (increment or decrement) rating statistics on the source. This feature automatically computes rating statistics on the source node for the property indicated on the target node. The following statistics are aggregated on the source node: {
"_statistics": {
Score: 0.5418817
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Security / PermissionsPermissions Every data store and object in Cloud CMS maintains access control lists so that you can finely describe the rights of any principal in the system against it. This lets you finely tune the rights of individual users against data stores and objects down to a single permission. This access control is authority-based which means that it's applied by granting authorities (or roles) that a principal has over an object. Let's buckle down on the terminology for a moment: A Permissioned entit
Score: 0.5357534
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / WorkflowWorkflow Cloud CMS provides an enterprise workflow engine that lets teams work together via coordinated tasks. A workflow is a customizable business process that you define and describes a series of steps and activities to be performed by your team members. Workflows are generally used to control the lifecycle state (approval and rejection) of one or more content items or documents. With workflow in place, documents are routed from user to user. Users optionally receive notifications via email a
Score: 0.5357534
Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Security / PermissionsPermissions Every data store and object in Cloud CMS maintains access control lists so that you can finely describe the rights of any principal in the system against it. This lets you finely tune the rights of individual users against data stores and objects down to a single permission. This access control is authority-based which means that it's applied by granting authorities (or roles) that a principal has over an object. Let's buckle down on the terminology for a moment: A Permissioned entit
Score: 0.5357534
Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / Workflow / OverviewWorkflow Cloud CMS provides an enterprise workflow engine that lets teams work together via coordinated tasks. A workflow is a customizable business process that you define and describes a series of steps and activities to be performed by your team members. Workflows are generally used to control the lifecycle state (approval and rejection) of one or more content items or documents. With workflow in place, documents are routed from user to user. Users optionally receive notifications via email a
Score: 0.5357534
Content Previews and Thumbnails with Cloud CMSCloud CMS lets you generate preview images (often called thumbnails) for any content item stored in your repository. This generation can be performed ahead of time via content modeling or it can be done in real-time using a simple URL call. Content Nodes In Cloud CMS, everyone content item you create is referred to as a node. A node is a JSON document that can have any structure you’d like. That is to say, you can drop any valid JSON document you’d like into Cloud CMS and the product will automa
Score: 0.5278799
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Antivirus ScanningAntivirus Scanning Content that is created within Cloud CMS can be automatically checked for viruses. The Cloud CMS virus scanner hooks in prior to your content be written or modified within the system so that detection can filter out any bad content ahead of write. As such, nothing malicious will be written into Cloud CMS (and therefore, nothing malicious can be retrieved from Cloud CMS). The Cloud CMS antivirus support is disabled by default but can be enabled at the platform level if you are
Score: 0.524155
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Command Line / Modules CommandsModules Commands The Cloud CMS command-line tool provides developers with a command-line driven mechanism that allows them to: register and unregister user interface modules deploy and undeploy user interface modules User Interface Modules are deployed from public Git repositories (such as GitHub) and consist of AMD JavaScript modules. These modules contain JavaScript, HTML, CSS, a JSON configuration file any additional client-side assets that may be used (such as images). For more information a
Score: 0.524155
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Getting Started / Multiple ProjectsMultiple Projects A Project is a collaboration space where a team of users can work together on the creation, approval and publication of content. You invite people to projects using their email addresses. You can create as many Projects as you'd like. Once you've invited people to a project, they will be able to sign on to your Platform and work within that individual project. You can invite them to other projects as well. Within each project, they will have rights and access to things based on
Score: 0.524155
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Multifactor Authentication / Providers / Twilio AuthyTwilio Authy Cloud CMS supports Twilio Authy for Multifactor Authentication. To configure Authy, you will need to supply the following: apiUrl apiSecret These values are available from your Authy Settings page. Service Descriptor If you're adding an Authenticator via a Service Descriptor: the Descriptor Type should be TWILIO_AUTHY. the Descriptor Configuration should look like this: { "enabled": true, "providerType": "authy", "providerConfig": { "apiKey": "MY_API_KEY",
Score: 0.524155
Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Command Line Interface / Modules CommandsModules Commands The Cloud CMS command-line tool provides developers with a command-line driven mechanism that allows them to: register and unregister user interface modules deploy and undeploy user interface modules User Interface Modules are deployed from public Git repositories (such as GitHub) and consist of AMD JavaScript modules. These modules contain JavaScript, HTML, CSS, a JSON configuration file any additional client-side assets that may be used (such as images). For more information a
Score: 0.524155
Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Authentication / Multifactor Authentication / Providers / Twilio AuthyTwilio Authy Cloud CMS supports Twilio Authy for Multifactor Authentication. To configure Authy, you will need to supply the following: apiUrl apiSecret These values are available from your Authy Settings page. Service Descriptor If you're adding an Authenticator via a Service Descriptor: the Descriptor Type should be TWILIO_AUTHY. the Descriptor Configuration should look like this: { "enabled": true, "providerType": "authy", "providerConfig": { "apiKey": "MY_API_KEY",
Score: 0.524155
Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Platform / Antivirus ScanningAntivirus Scanning Content that is created within Cloud CMS can be automatically checked for viruses. The Cloud CMS virus scanner hooks in prior to your content be written or modified within the system so that detection can filter out any bad content ahead of write. As such, nothing malicious will be written into Cloud CMS (and therefore, nothing malicious can be retrieved from Cloud CMS). The Cloud CMS antivirus support is disabled by default but can be enabled at the platform level if you are
Score: 0.524155
Gitana / 4.0 / Getting Started / Using your Data Platform / ProjectsProjects A Project is a collaboration space where a team of users can work together on the creation, approval and publication of content. You invite people to projects using their email addresses. You can create as many Projects as you'd like. Once you've invited people to a project, they will be able to sign on to your Platform and work within that individual project. You can invite them to other projects as well. Within each project, they will have rights and access to things based on the Role
Score: 0.524155
Using swimlanes in workflowWorkflow swimlanes are assigned the domain-qualified ID of a principal (which can be either a user or a group). If it is set to a user, then a transition of a workflow into that swimlane will result in a task being assigned to a specific user. If it is set to a group, then a transition of a workflow into that swimlane will result in a task being assigned to a group where none of the members of the group are assigned anything. Rather, the task appears in a list of available tasks that any of the
Score: 0.524155
Advanced Content Modeling options (example)Question. If I have the following collections: Categories Products Product_Description_Schemas Each Product is linked to a Category. Each Category is linked to a Product_Description_Schema. The outcome I want to accomplish is that the description schema for Product X I am entering, is defined by the Category it is linked to ( which in turn is defined by the Product_Description_Schema that the Category is linked to ). e.g. Product = Hilton Hotel London, Category = Hotel, Product_Description_Schem
Score: 0.524155
How does Cloud CMS work with a CDNThere are a few places where this either occurs automatically if you're using our hosted service or can occur optionally if you're either running within Docker containers on your own or integrating to custom CDN endpoints. First, the API itself can be fronted by a CDN that supports fallback lookup to an origin server. In this case, we recommend Amazon CloudFront with short-lived TTLs on cache headers. More specifically, you can use Amazon's API Gateway to get caching coverage across multiple geo
Score: 0.524155
Content Management as a MicroserviceOne of the big ideas we pursued when we set out to build Cloud CMS was to design the product so that it was entirely decoupled. Our vision was to have a number of discrete tiers that would consist of either single servers or clusters of servers dedicated to a single class of problems. For example, the Content API tier is dedicated to powering our JSON API. It does nothing else but receive requests, execute them and hand back JSON data responses. It had nothing to do with presentation or renderin
Score: 0.518419
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Auto Analyze TextAuto Analyze Text This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 QName: f:auto-analyze-text With this feature in place, a content instance will automatically have its default binary attachment analyzed using a Text Analyzer service. The extracted analysis and text will then be applied back onto the node, allowing it to benefit from automatic full-text search indexing and other tooling. To use this service, you will first need to set up a Text Analysis Service. The service can either be c
Score: 0.5075514
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Auto OCR ExtractAuto OCR Extract This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 QName: f:auto-ocr-extract With this feature in place, a content instance will automatically have its default binary attachment analyzed using an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) service. The extracted analysis and text will then be applied back onto the node, allowing it to benefit from automatic full-text search indexing and other tooling. To use this service, you will first need to set up an OCR Extraction Service. The
Score: 0.5075514
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Tags / @fragment@fragment Used to identify a section of output that can be cached based on the presently known request-time dependencies or any dependencies resolved by nested elements or nested @dependency tags. Parameters There are no parameters for this tag. Examples Example #1: Restaurant List Here is a template block that lists restaurants: {@fragment} {@query sort="title" skip="2" limit="7" type="custom:restaurant"}