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Managing a large number of PDFs or images

In Cloud CMS everything is a node. A node has JSON properties and could also have binary attachments. What you would call a "file" is a node with properties describing it's folder location and a "default" attachment holding the payload (PDF file, image, MSWord doc, etc). Typically, for large number of PDFs, images, etc, we suggest individual nodes with a single attachment each (which is the PDF, image, etc). We have many customers who use Cloud CMS in this way and it essentially works like a doc

Score: 3.4587471

API Max Heap recommendation

What is the recommended Xmx value for running the API service? The 2GB setting on the On-Premise "quickstart" distribution is a default for development usage. In production, we recommend putting as much memory as you can. Essentially, the API should use as much memory as is allocated to the API docker container. We usually ask customers to consider an M class large instance type (something on the order of 7.5GB of RAM per API). The UI can use considerably less. For the UI, a 2GB allocation is fi

Score: 3.0878904

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Create/Edit Content

Create/Edit Content In a Project you can find your content a number of ways: Content (left Nav) - Content listed under Content Types Folders (left Nav) - Folder/File view of the content Search (left Nav for a detailed search or top right for a keyword search) Viewing a Content item Overview': Note: your tenant may be configured such that the options available in the left nav are limited dependent on your Role, eg a non editor Role would not have the editor functions. In the Cloud CMS Trial, this

Score: 3.040141

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / User Interface / Create/Edit Content

Create/Edit Content In a Project you can find your content a number of ways: Content (left Nav) - Content listed under Content Types Folders (left Nav) - Folder/File view of the content Search (left Nav for a detailed search or top right for a keyword search) Viewing a Content item Overview': Note: your tenant may be configured such that the options available in the left nav are limited dependent on your Role, eg a non editor Role would not have the editor functions. In the Cloud CMS Trial, this

Score: 3.040141

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Text Analysis

Text Analysis This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 With Text Analysis in place, a content instance will automatically have its default binary attachment processed through text analysis services to detect and discover meaning contained in the attached text. The text analysis process will detect the following kinds of elements: Sentiment of the text Key Phrases contained within the text Entities detected within the text Languages contained in the text Any textual content that you

Score: 3.0256753

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Services / Text Analysis

Text Analysis This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 With Text Analysis in place, a content instance will automatically have its default binary attachment processed through text analysis services to detect and discover meaning contained in the attached text. The text analysis process will detect the following kinds of elements: Sentiment of the text Key Phrases contained within the text Entities detected within the text Languages contained in the text Any textual content that you

Score: 3.0256753

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Content Modeling / Attachment Properties

Attachment Properties Cloud CMS provides support for properties that auto-manage the creation, update and deletion of binary attachments for a node. These are known as "attachment properties". They provide an easy way for editorial users to manage binary attachments from within a form. Attachment properties provide the following benefits: They provide an easy form-driven way for editorial users to upload and manage named attachments of a node. They automatically reflect important attachment info

Score: 2.884362

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Forms / Fields / Attachment Picker

Attachment Picker ID: attachment-picker The attachment-picker field type renders a modal picker for an attachment. Definition configuration: { "type": "object", "_attachment": { "id": "default" } } Form configuration: { "type": "attachment-picker" } Options The following options may be specified for the control: Option Type Default Description picker.fileTypes array Array of allowable file extensions for upload (ex. `['png', 'jpg', pdf']`) picker.maxFileSize integer Max

Score: 2.884362

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / CMS / Fields / Attachment Picker

Attachment Picker ID: attachment-picker The attachment-picker field type renders a modal picker for an attachment. Definition configuration: { "type": "object", "_attachment": { "id": "default" } } Form configuration: { "type": "attachment-picker" } Options The following options may be specified for the control: Option Type Default Description picker.fileTypes array Array of allowable file extensions for upload (ex. `['png', 'jpg', pdf']`) picker.maxFileSize integer Max

Score: 2.884362

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Recognition / Recognition Providers

Recognition Providers AWS Rekognition

Score: 2.7041175

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Text Analysis / Text Analysis Providers

Text Analysis Providers AWS Comprehend

Score: 2.7041175

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Services / Recognition / Recognition Providers

Recognition Providers AWS Rekognition

Score: 2.7041175

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Services / Text Analysis / Text Analysis Providers

Text Analysis Providers AWS Comprehend

Score: 2.7041175

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Transfer

Transfer Cloud CMS provides a universal import and export facility that lets you transfer your data in and out of Cloud CMS installations. It also allows you to copy or move data from one Cloud CMS installation to another. Everything in Cloud CMS is portable in this respect. You are always free to export your data and download it. You're also free to upload your data and import it. This universal transfer service is very well suited for: Backing up your content or projects Moving your content or

Score: 2.6824348

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Transfer / Overview

Transfer Cloud CMS provides a universal import and export facility that lets you transfer your data in and out of Cloud CMS installations. It also allows you to copy or move data from one Cloud CMS installation to another. Everything in Cloud CMS is portable in this respect. You are always free to export your data and download it. You're also free to upload your data and import it. This universal transfer service is very well suited for: Backing up your content or projects Moving your content or

Score: 2.6824348

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Kits / API Cluster

API Cluster The api-cluster kit defines the following services: ui api1 api2 apilb mongodb elasticsearch This kit differs from the quickstart in how it handles API requests. Requests are sent to the apilb container which runs a load balancer, distributing work between api1 and api2. It is worth reviewing the cluster settings for both of your api servers in order for them to correctly communicate. Running Use the following commands: docker-compose build --force-rm docker-compose up And then open

Score: 2.6228755

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / URL Addressability / Node URLs

Node URLs The Application Server supports retrieval of nodes and node attachments via URLs and takes responsibility for setting headers and cache state for optimal performance. This method is the preferred method for dealing with binary payloads as it ensures compatibility with CDN edge caching. In addition, binary and JSON files that are retrieved from the Cloud CMS API are cached on the Application Server itself so that subsequent requests benefit from having a local copy. A notifications laye

Score: 2.591082

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / URL Addressability / Node URLs

Node URLs The Application Server supports retrieval of nodes and node attachments via URLs and takes responsibility for setting headers and cache state for optimal performance. This method is the preferred method for dealing with binary payloads as it ensures compatibility with CDN edge caching. In addition, binary and JSON files that are retrieved from the Cloud CMS API are cached on the Application Server itself so that subsequent requests benefit from having a local copy. A notifications laye

Score: 2.591082

Cloud CMS Docker images

Cloud CMS is available as a set of Docker images so that you can run it on your own. This includes running it on-premise within your own data center as well as running it on Amazon AWS, Rackspace, IBM Bluemix or a variety of other Docker Container hosting platforms. Cloud CMS distributes its Docker images via Docker Hub. These are private images that are not generally available. Rather, Cloud CMS subscribers are granted permission to pull down the images once they've signed up for a Cloud CMS Do

Score: 2.5805311

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Recognition / Recognition Providers / AWS Rekognition

AWS Rekognition Handles the Image Recognition detection and analysis of elements in a binary payload using the Amazon Web Service Rekognition Service. The AWS Rekognition Service is described by: accessKey secretKey region bucketName Where the accessKey and secretKey are used to identify an IAM principal who has sufficient authority to invoke AWS Rekognition within the given region. In addition, the IAM principal needs sufficient authorities to read, write and delete an S3 object from the given

Score: 2.4037023

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Services / Recognition / Recognition Providers / AWS Rekognition

AWS Rekognition Handles the Image Recognition detection and analysis of elements in a binary payload using the Amazon Web Service Rekognition Service. The AWS Rekognition Service is described by: accessKey secretKey region bucketName Where the accessKey and secretKey are used to identify an IAM principal who has sufficient authority to invoke AWS Rekognition within the given region. In addition, the IAM principal needs sufficient authorities to read, write and delete an S3 object from the given

Score: 2.4037023

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / Node.js Cookbook

Node.js Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the Node.js driver, please visit the Cloud CMS Node.js Driver Page. One thing to keep in mind is that the Node.js driver is based on the JavaScript driver. As such, they're pretty similar. That said, the Node.js driver can do a few important tricks that you can't do in the JavaScript driver. Connecting to Cloud CMS To connect, create a file called gitana.json in your application root. For information on how to acquire this file, please read up

Score: 2.3926995

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Cookbooks / Node.js Cookbook

Node.js Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the Node.js driver, please visit the Cloud CMS Node.js Driver Page. One thing to keep in mind is that the Node.js driver is based on the JavaScript driver. As such, they're pretty similar. That said, the Node.js driver can do a few important tricks that you can't do in the JavaScript driver. Connecting to Cloud CMS To connect, create a file called gitana.json in your application root. For information on how to acquire this file, please read up

Score: 2.3926995

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Forms / Fields / CK Editor

CK Editor ID: ckeditor The ckeditor field renders the popular CKEditor HTML control. This offers a fully-featured HTML editor on top of a string schema type. It is ideal for situations where you wish to provide your editorial team with the ability to edit HTML visually and offers a large range of plugins and behaviors that you can customize. For basic information of what is possible in terms of configuring this field type, please view the Alpaca Forms documentation for the CKEditor field. Config

Score: 2.3294003

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / CMS / Fields / CK Editor

CK Editor ID: ckeditor The ckeditor field renders the popular CKEditor HTML control. This offers a fully-featured HTML editor on top of a string schema type. It is ideal for situations where you wish to provide your editorial team with the ability to edit HTML visually and offers a large range of plugins and behaviors that you can customize. For basic information of what is possible in terms of configuring this field type, please view the Alpaca Forms documentation for the CKEditor field. Config

Score: 2.3294003