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Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / Node.js Cookbook

Node.js Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the Node.js driver, please visit the Cloud CMS Node.js Driver Page. One thing to keep in mind is that the Node.js driver is based on the JavaScript driver. As such, they're pretty similar. That said, the Node.js driver can do a few important tricks that you can't do in the JavaScript driver. Connecting to Cloud CMS To connect, create a file called gitana.json in your application root. For information on how to acquire this file, please read up

Score: 0.5366336

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Cookbooks / Java Cookbook

Java Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the Java driver, please visit the GitanaJava Driver Page. We recommend that you use Maven. At a minimum, you will need to add the following repository declaration to your pom.xml file: cloudcms-public cloudcms-public Note that newer vesions of Maven require secure repositories so if you curr

Score: 0.5366336

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Cookbooks / Node.js Cookbook

Node.js Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the Node.js driver, please visit the Cloud CMS Node.js Driver Page. One thing to keep in mind is that the Node.js driver is based on the JavaScript driver. As such, they're pretty similar. That said, the Node.js driver can do a few important tricks that you can't do in the JavaScript driver. Connecting to Cloud CMS To connect, create a file called gitana.json in your application root. For information on how to acquire this file, please read up

Score: 0.5366336

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Auto Narrate

Auto Narrate This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 QName: f:auto-narrate With this feature in place, a content instance will automatically have the text from either an attachment or a property narrated using text-to-speech. The generated audio file will be stored back onto the node as an audio attachment (typically in MP3 format). To use this service, you will first need to set up a Narration Service. The service can either be configured as the default Narration Service for your

Score: 0.533647

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Copied From

Copied From QName: f:copied-from Indicates that a specific revision of a node received its content from a copy operation. This feature can be used to identify points in the node history where a copy operation occurred from a different node (even a node from a different branch or repository entirely) into the current node. The Copied From feature tracks a single property called sourceRef which is a node reference to the node on the source branch that was the source for the copy operation. The Cop

Score: 0.533647

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Projects / Export a Project

Export a Project Projects can be exported for purposes of backup and restore or for use in creating future projects that are templated copies of the exports. In this way, you can make backups or take snapshots of your projects at moments in time. Exported projects are stored as Archives in a Cloud CMS Vault. They can be maintained in that vault, allowing you to edit the metadata and publish the archive so as to make it available to other users on the platform. Archives can also be downloaded fro

Score: 0.533647

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Auto Narrate

Auto Narrate This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 QName: f:auto-narrate With this feature in place, a content instance will automatically have the text from either an attachment or a property narrated using text-to-speech. The generated audio file will be stored back onto the node as an audio attachment (typically in MP3 format). To use this service, you will first need to set up a Narration Service. The service can either be configured as the default Narration Service for your

Score: 0.533647

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Copied From

Copied From QName: f:copied-from Indicates that a specific revision of a node received its content from a copy operation. This feature can be used to identify points in the node history where a copy operation occurred from a different node (even a node from a different branch or repository entirely) into the current node. The Copied From feature tracks a single property called sourceRef which is a node reference to the node on the source branch that was the source for the copy operation. The Cop

Score: 0.533647

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / Projects / Export a Project

Export a Project Projects can be exported for purposes of backup and restore or for use in creating future projects that are templated copies of the exports. In this way, you can make backups or take snapshots of your projects at moments in time. Exported projects are stored as Archives in a Cloud CMS Vault. They can be maintained in that vault, allowing you to edit the metadata and publish the archive so as to make it available to other users on the platform. Archives can also be downloaded fro

Score: 0.533647

Gitana / 4.0 / Self Managed / Configuration / API Server

API Server The Cloud CMS API Server is a Java application that launches inside of a Java Servlet Container. The Java application surfaces a REST API as well as backend services and DAOs to support connectivity to Mongo DB, Elastic Search and a slew of Amazon services including S3, SNS, SQS, Route 53, Cloud Front and more. Properties File Cloud CMS is primarily configured via a properties file that is auto-detected and loaded when the underlying Spring Framework starts up. This properties file is

Score: 0.5214784

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Attachments

Attachments Cloud CMS provides support for the storage and retrieval of binary assets. These assets are stored as attachments on an object. Unlike some CMS systems which start with the binary asset, Cloud CMS considers all of your objects and content to be JSON documents. The JSON document then has N number of binary BLOBs attached to it. Each attachment has a unique name and retains information such as mimetype, filename and content length. The following kinds of objects support attachments: Co

Score: 0.5073342

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Authentication / Drivers

Drivers To connect to Cloud CMS, you need to establish two important pieces of information: The client that you are connecting as The user that you are signing on as The only way that a remote application can connect to your platform is if it can produce the correct credentials to identify itself as a client that you know about. As the platform administrator, you issue a client key/secret ahead of time. The application then needs to present these credentials to you and prove that it is who it sa

Score: 0.5073342

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Watermarkable

Watermarkable Cloud CMS lets you configure your content so that watermarks are automatically applied when content is created and updated. This lets you systematize the watermarking of your images to ensure consistency across your project. You can maintain a single watermark or multiple watermarks and divide up how they are applied on both a per-content instance and per-content type basis. To start, you simply upload a watermark image to Cloud CMS. Typically, watermark images are image/jpeg or im

Score: 0.5073342

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Scheduled Work

Scheduled Work Type {{#dataTypeArticle objectTypeId}}{{objectTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Datastore Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId}}{{datastoreTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Supports {{#article "security/authorities"}}authorities{{/article}}, {{#article "security/permissions"}}permissions{{/article}}, {{#article "transfer"}}transfer{{/article}} Configuration what frequency and what settings are provided for their described actions. You can adjust this confirmation at any time and supply i

Score: 0.5073342

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Data Types / Scheduled Work

Scheduled Work Type {{#dataTypeArticle objectTypeId}}{{objectTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Datastore Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId}}{{datastoreTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Supports {{#article "security/authorities"}}authorities{{/article}}, {{#article "security/permissions"}}permissions{{/article}}, {{#article "transfer"}}transfer{{/article}} Configuration what frequency and what settings are provided for their described actions. You can adjust this confirmation at any time and supply i

Score: 0.5073342

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Watermarkable

Watermarkable Cloud CMS lets you configure your content so that watermarks are automatically applied when content is created and updated. This lets you systematize the watermarking of your images to ensure consistency across your project. You can maintain a single watermark or multiple watermarks and divide up how they are applied on both a per-content instance and per-content type basis. To start, you simply upload a watermark image to Cloud CMS. Typically, watermark images are image/jpeg or im

Score: 0.5073342

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Authentication / Drivers

Drivers To connect to Cloud CMS, you need to establish two important pieces of information: The client that you are connecting as The user that you are signing on as The only way that a remote application can connect to your platform is if it can produce the correct credentials to identify itself as a client that you know about. As the platform administrator, you issue a client key/secret ahead of time. The application then needs to present these credentials to you and prove that it is who it sa

Score: 0.5073342

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Nodes / Attachments

Attachments Cloud CMS provides support for the storage and retrieval of binary assets. These assets are stored as attachments on an object. Unlike some CMS systems which start with the binary asset, Cloud CMS considers all of your objects and content to be JSON documents. The JSON document then has N number of binary BLOBs attached to it. Each attachment has a unique name and retains information such as mimetype, filename and content length. The following kinds of objects support attachments: Co

Score: 0.5073342

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Maintenance / Upgrades

Upgrades This document provides technical guidance for upgrades. Upgrade to Cloud CMS Version 3.2 The Elastic Search version in this release has been updated from 1.7.1 to 6.2.4. Steps to follow to set up Docker 3.2: Download the Docker release 3.2 here. Download the Zip or Tar file of Elastic Search 6.2.4 here and then Unzip the package. Unzip the Docker release package, Create a new folder and paste the kit you use from the package. You can also replace your existing kit with the new release's

Score: 0.48349416

Gitana / 4.0 / Self Managed / Maintenance / Upgrades

Upgrades This document provides technical guidance for upgrades. Upgrade to Cloud CMS Version 3.2 The Elastic Search version in this release has been updated from 1.7.1 to 6.2.4. Steps to follow to set up Docker 3.2: Download the Docker release 3.2 here. Download the Zip or Tar file of Elastic Search 6.2.4 here and then Unzip the package. Unzip the Docker release package, Create a new folder and paste the kit you use from the package. You can also replace your existing kit with the new release's

Score: 0.48349416

Setup a Next.JS Static Site using Cloud CMS

The web application ecosystem has improved leaps and bounds over the years, and its never been easier to make high performance static/hybrid sites quickly and using good development practices. And its just as easy to get these sites going using Cloud CMS as a datasource! Below you'll find a quick guide to get you started using Next.JS with Cloud CMS to setup a simple bookstore website, and some highlights from the code. Getting Started First, you'll need to have a Cloud CMS account and Sample pr

Score: 0.46874678

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Installation / Docker Installation

Docker Installation The Cloud CMS Application Server is additionally provided as a Docker image. With Docker, you can launch this image within its own container running on Linux, Mac OS or Windows. The container can be managed, brought online and shutdown at any time. Docker To get started, you will need to familiarize yourself with Docker. Install Docker onto your operating system and become familiar with the command line tools. Git You will also need to be familiar with Git. The source for the

Score: 0.46179414

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Installation / Docker Installation

Docker Installation The Cloud CMS Application Server is additionally provided as a Docker image. With Docker, you can launch this image within its own container running on Linux, Mac OS or Windows. The container can be managed, brought online and shutdown at any time. Docker To get started, you will need to familiarize yourself with Docker. Install Docker onto your operating system and become familiar with the command line tools. Git You will also need to be familiar with Git. The source for the

Score: 0.46179414

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Workflow

Workflow In explaining workflow, let's first take a look at the following things: Workflow Models Workflow Instances Workflow Tasks Workflow Payload Resources Workflow Comments Workflow History Item Workflow Events Workflow Event Handlers A workflow model is a definition of a workflow consisting of a full set of instructions on how content should be routed between participants or activities on its way toward completion. A workflow model is kind of like a blueprint describing the sequence of step

Score: 0.44187707

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Workflow / Overview

Workflow In explaining workflow, let's first take a look at the following things: Workflow Models Workflow Instances Workflow Tasks Workflow Payload Resources Workflow Comments Workflow History Item Workflow Events Workflow Event Handlers A workflow model is a definition of a workflow consisting of a full set of instructions on how content should be routed between participants or activities on its way toward completion. A workflow model is kind of like a blueprint describing the sequence of step

Score: 0.44187707