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Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Tags / @query

@query Queries for nodes and makes those nodes available to the template. Parameters parameter required description type the type of node to query for (definition QName) sort the field to sort on sortDirection the direction to sort in (either 1 for ascending or -1 for descending) limit the number of records to return fields comma separated list of property names to include in query results skip a position to skip ahead to in the record set scope if "page", then only relatives related to the curr

Score: 2.0522912

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Drivers / Go

Go Connect your Go applications to Gitana Latest Version Version undefined Date Current version: v0.1.3. Released Jun 13, 2022 The Gitana Go driver allows you to easily connect your Go applications to the Gitana server. Currently supports the following functionality: Connect to and refresh access tokens with the API Read platform, branches, repositories, projects, releases Read, query, search, create, update, and delete nodes Manage node translations, versions, associations, attachments Make gra

Score: 2.0334709

How can I retrieve content for a tree view?

The Cloud CMS API offers a number of convenience API methods that go beyond basic CRUD and bulk content operations. Among these methods are those that allow you to retrieve content from your repository branch in a tree-friendly format. A tree-organized format means that the data comes back in a such a way as to make it easy to load into front-end tree controls. Typical front-end tree controls requires the ability to load a "snapshot" of the tree as a starting point as well as iteratively grow or

Score: 2.0326297

Directed and Undirected Associations

Cloud CMS has the notion of both directed and undirected associations. In the API and within the drivers, when you work with associations, you can query for associations that are "incoming" or "outgoing": These are both directed associations which are relative to a given node. Outgoing means start from this node and find associations pointing to another node. Incoming means find associations that point to me. It also supports the notion of "mutual" associations which are undirected. The source o

Score: 2.0264437

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Auto Translate

Auto Translate QName: f:auto-translate This feature makes it so that any content that is saved is automatically translated into any desired target locales and stored as translations within the Cloud CMS I18N (Internationalization) framework. With this feature, your editorial users could, for example, make a change to a node and save it. The change could then be translated into Chinese, Spanish and German so that content can be retrieved from Cloud CMS in those locales. This all happens automatic

Score: 2.0185966

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Auto Translate

Auto Translate QName: f:auto-translate This feature makes it so that any content that is saved is automatically translated into any desired target locales and stored as translations within the Cloud CMS I18N (Internationalization) framework. With this feature, your editorial users could, for example, make a change to a node and save it. The change could then be translated into Chinese, Spanish and German so that content can be retrieved from Cloud CMS in those locales. This all happens automatic

Score: 2.0185966

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Find

Find The Cloud CMS Find Service lets you discover and retrieve content using combinations of its three primary content retrieval mechanisms. These mechanisms are: Query (powered by Mongo DB) Search (powered by Elastic Search) Traversal (provides Graph Traversal) A "Find" operation provides a way for you to execute a single API lookup that runs one or more of the above and composes them into a single result set. How it Works When you make a "Find" call, you provide a recipe containing at least on

Score: 1.986465

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Discovery / Find

Find The Cloud CMS Find Service lets you discover and retrieve content using combinations of its three primary content retrieval mechanisms. These mechanisms are: Query (powered by Mongo DB) Search (powered by Elastic Search) Traversal (provides Graph Traversal) A "Find" operation provides a way for you to execute a single API lookup that runs one or more of the above and composes them into a single result set. How it Works When you make a "Find" call, you provide a recipe containing at least on

Score: 1.986465

How to limit the fields that come back in a query

Query API calls like!/node/post_repositories_repositoryId_branches_branchId_nodes_query support a parameter named _fields which defines an object specifying the node properties you want to include in the result set for matching nodes. For example in the following query I want the title, subTitle and slug fields returned: { "_type":"my:article", "_fields":{ "title":1, "subTitle":1, "slug":1 } } The result set would look something like the

Score: 1.9841925

How to get a content definition JSON from the Cloud CMS API?

There are a couple of ways to do this. The first is simply use the node GET call and pass in the qname like this: GET /repositories/{repositoryId}/branches/{branchId}/nodes/{qname}!/node/get_repositories_repositoryId_branches_branchId_nodes_nodeId This will give you back the JSON for the definition. Another way is to use this variation: GET /repositories/{repositoryId}/branches/{branchId}/definitions/{qname}!/branch/get_repositories_rep

Score: 1.9699022

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Multilingual

Multilingual When applied to a node, this indicates that you wish to have the contents of this node support multilingual behavior and translated content. This node then serves as the "master node" for translation support. Master nodes have a:has_translation associations to translation nodes that hold copies of the content (JSON and any attachments) in the target locale Marking a node as f:multilingual does not automatically produce translations for you. However, once marked, the Cloud CMS user i

Score: 1.9656374

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / User Interface / Multilingual

Multilingual When applied to a node, this indicates that you wish to have the contents of this node support multilingual behavior and translated content. This node then serves as the "master node" for translation support. Master nodes have a:has_translation associations to translation nodes that hold copies of the content (JSON and any attachments) in the target locale Marking a node as f:multilingual does not automatically produce translations for you. However, once marked, the Cloud CMS user i

Score: 1.9656374

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Integrations / ActiveMQ

ActiveMQ ActiveMQ is a high performance Apache 2.0 licensed Message Broker and JMS 1.1 implementation. It provides a high performance and scalable implementation of an effective and popular message queue that lets you decouple your front end applications (and the Cloud CMS UI Server) from back end API notifications. You can use ActiveMQ to transmit any volume of data, at any level of throughput, without losing messages or requiring other services to be always available. Cloud CMS Application Ser

Score: 1.9487553

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Integrations / ActiveMQ

ActiveMQ ActiveMQ is a high performance Apache 2.0 licensed Message Broker and JMS 1.1 implementation. It provides a high performance and scalable implementation of an effective and popular message queue that lets you decouple your front end applications (and the Cloud CMS UI Server) from back end API notifications. You can use ActiveMQ to transmit any volume of data, at any level of throughput, without losing messages or requiring other services to be always available. Cloud CMS Application Ser

Score: 1.9487553

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Drivers / C#

C# Driver Connect your .NET applications to Gitana Latest Version Version undefined Date The Gitana C# driver allows you to easily connect your C# and .NET applications to the Gitana server. Currently supports the following functionality: Connect to and refresh access tokens with the API Read platform, branch, and repositories Read, query, search, create, update, and delete nodes Installation Install this driver as you would any other NuGet package. Command Line: dotnet add package cloudcms Vis

Score: 1.9455338

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Drivers / Overview

Drivers We offer driver libraries that you can drop into your new or existing web applications to make it very easy to interact with Cloud CMS. These drivers handle things like authentication state, concurrency and fast API calls over the wire. The following drivers are available: C# Go Java JavaScript / Node JavaScript (Legacy) PHP Python Ruby

Score: 1.9439238

Introducing the Cloud CMS Open Source App Server

Cloud CMS lets you create content once and reuse it everywhere - across all of your devices, web sites, mobile applications, tradeshow kiosks, digital signage surfaces and more. Our editorial environment is fully featured, extensible easy to use, letting you manage content and deliver it via our enterprise-class Content API. With Cloud CMS, customers are free to build apps on top of best-of-breed open-source frameworks while leveraging open-standards. They are empowered to continue to use the de

Score: 1.8624252

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Services / Duster

Duster The Duster Service provides template rendering using the LinkedIn Dust.js template engine. The Duster Service loads output templates for you, executes Dust across them and outputs markup like HTML and JSON. It allows you to build full web sites or custom APIs using a powerful template engine. Tags The Cloud CMS Application Server provides a library of * Dust Tags available out of the box. These are listed in more detail on the left-hand side menu. Fragment Caching Some Dust tags support c

Score: 1.837957

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Services / Duster

Duster The Duster Service provides template rendering using the LinkedIn Dust.js template engine. The Duster Service loads output templates for you, executes Dust across them and outputs markup like HTML and JSON. It allows you to build full web sites or custom APIs using a powerful template engine. Tags The Cloud CMS Application Server provides a library of * Dust Tags available out of the box. These are listed in more detail on the left-hand side menu. Fragment Caching Some Dust tags support c

Score: 1.837957

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Actions / Web Hook

Web Hook ID: webhook Makes a remote call to an HTTP endpoint. Core Configuration Property Type Required Default Description url text true The fully-qualified HTTP endpoint (i.e. method text false The HTTP method to invoke (default: POST) username text false The Basic authentication username. password text false The Basic authentication password. payload object false The JSON payload for PUT and POST calls. headers object false The headers to apply to the HTTP ca

Score: 1.7873967

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / Actions / Web Hook

Web Hook ID: webhook Makes a remote call to an HTTP endpoint. Core Configuration Property Type Required Default Description url text true The fully-qualified HTTP endpoint (i.e. method text false The HTTP method to invoke (default: POST) username text false The Basic authentication username. password text false The Basic authentication password. payload object false The JSON payload for PUT and POST calls. headers object false The headers to apply to the HTTP ca

Score: 1.7873967

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Formats

Formats Cloud CMS supports request and response payloads in a multitude of formats, including: Text Formats JSON XML YAML CSV Java Properties Binary Formats Apache Avro CBOR MessagePack Smile If not otherwise specified, JSON is the assumed payload serialization format. Once received, Cloud CMS will convert the incoming request payload (from one of the formats above) to JSON. Internally, Cloud CMS works with JSON throughout its service and DAO layer. Once the operations are complete, the response

Score: 1.7871113

Is there a programmatic way to add more content to workflows?

There is a programmatic way to add more content to workflows once they're in-flight. However, once the workflow is in-flight, the workflow process instance isn't the correct place to add things. Instead, you'd want to add new content to a workflow task. Essentially, a workflow is made up of a series of tasks. When the workflow transitions from one node to another in the workflow model, it instantiates a new task and the task holds the state (and references to documents) for that phase of the wor

Score: 1.7848021

Access Cloud CMS content anonymously or as a guest user

This question often comes up from folks who are building HTML applications that run in a browser. They'd like the browser to connect to Cloud CMS to download content and display it. Usually this consists of things like images but also may consist of other types of content in Cloud CMS such as raw nodes, PDF files, video assets or more. OAuth 2.0 and Access Tokens Fundamentally, everything in Cloud CMS is secured from an access perspective using OAuth 2.0. This means that an OAuth 2.0 access toke

Score: 1.7759142

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Drivers / PHP

PHP Connect your PHP applications to Gitana Latest Version Version undefined Date The Gitana PHP driver is a client library used to facilitate connections to the Gitana API. The driver handles OAuth authentication and token management, HTTPS calls, and provides convenient methods and classes with which to perform content operations. It works against Gitana instances on our SaaS platform as well as on-premise installations. Installation To install, run: composer require cloudcms/cloudcms Example

Score: 1.7694278