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Score: 0.87587094

Score: 0.87587094

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Renditionable

Renditionable QName: f:renditionable Marks that an instance or type is to have one or more renditions. Renditions are other nodes in the branch whose content is automatically generated and kept in sync as the source node is created, updated and deleted (or has its relevant attachment modified). Configuration

Property Type Default Read-Only Description

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Application

Application Configuration and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory. The following table presents you the system properties. Data Store Properties Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTyp

Score: 0.87587094

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Directory

Directory Configuration and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory. The following table presents you the system properties. Data Store Properties Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeI

Score: 0.87587094

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Domain

Domain Configuration and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory. The following table presents you the system properties. Data Store Properties Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId}}

Score: 0.87587094

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Registrar

Registrar Configuration and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory. The following table presents you the system properties. Data Store Properties Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeI

Score: 0.87587094

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Repository

Repository Configuration and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory. The following table presents you the system properties. Data Store Properties Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreType

Score: 0.87587094

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Vault

Vault Configuration and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory. The following table presents you the system properties. Data Store Properties Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId}}{

Score: 0.87587094

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Web Host

Web Host Configuration and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory. The following table presents you the system properties. Data Store Properties Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId

Score: 0.87587094

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Data Types / Application

Application Configuration and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory. The following table presents you the system properties. Data Store Properties Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTyp

Score: 0.87587094

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Data Types / Directory

Directory Configuration and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory. The following table presents you the system properties. Data Store Properties Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeI

Score: 0.87587094

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Data Types / Domain

Domain Configuration and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory. The following table presents you the system properties. Data Store Properties Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId}}

Score: 0.87587094

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Data Types / Registrar

Registrar Configuration and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory. The following table presents you the system properties. Data Store Properties Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeI

Score: 0.87587094

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Data Types / Repository

Repository Configuration and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory. The following table presents you the system properties. Data Store Properties Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreType

Score: 0.87587094

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Data Types / Vault

Vault Configuration and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory. The following table presents you the system properties. Data Store Properties Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId}}{

Score: 0.87587094

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Data Types / Web Host

Web Host Configuration and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory. The following table presents you the system properties. Data Store Properties Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId

Score: 0.87587094

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Renditionable

Renditionable QName: f:renditionable Marks that an instance or type is to have one or more renditions. Renditions are other nodes in the branch whose content is automatically generated and kept in sync as the source node is created, updated and deleted (or has its relevant attachment modified). Configuration

Property Type Default Read-Only Description

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Releases

Releases Releases allow you to set up collaborative workspaces where future sets of content can be worked on in real-time. Content can be created, edited and deleted in the workspace and then scheduled for publishing at a future date. Scheduled publishing allows your content to "go live" automatically - merging your content changes back into the mainline while triggering release actions for things like: Email Notifications CDN Synchronization Web Hook Calls Releases give your content team the ab

Score: 0.84029865

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Releases / Overview

Releases Releases allow you to set up collaborative workspaces where future sets of content can be worked on in real-time. Content can be created, edited and deleted in the workspace and then scheduled for publishing at a future date. Scheduled publishing allows your content to "go live" automatically - merging your content changes back into the mainline while triggering release actions for things like: Email Notifications CDN Synchronization Web Hook Calls Releases give your content team the ab

Score: 0.84029865

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Templates

Templates Cloud CMS supports the usage of templates at various points to generate presentation and output for things like emails, PDFs, web page components and more. Cloud CMS supports two template engines - Handlebars and Freemarker. In general, we recommend using Handlebars since the syntax is a bit easier. This document covers Handlebars and describes helper functions available in Handlebars that make processing simpler. Model Variables The following describes the internal structure of model

Score: 0.8139298

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Forms / Fields / CK Editor

CK Editor ID: ckeditor The ckeditor field renders the popular CKEditor HTML control. This offers a fully-featured HTML editor on top of a string schema type. It is ideal for situations where you wish to provide your editorial team with the ability to edit HTML visually and offers a large range of plugins and behaviors that you can customize. For basic information of what is possible in terms of configuring this field type, please view the Alpaca Forms documentation for the CKEditor field. Config

Score: 0.8139298

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Templates / Overview

Templates Cloud CMS supports the usage of templates at various points to generate presentation and output for things like emails, PDFs, web page components and more. Cloud CMS supports two template engines - Handlebars and Freemarker. In general, we recommend using Handlebars since the syntax is a bit easier. This document covers Handlebars and describes helper functions available in Handlebars that make processing simpler. Model Variables The following describes the internal structure of model

Score: 0.8139298

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / CMS / Fields / CK Editor

CK Editor ID: ckeditor The ckeditor field renders the popular CKEditor HTML control. This offers a fully-featured HTML editor on top of a string schema type. It is ideal for situations where you wish to provide your editorial team with the ability to edit HTML visually and offers a large range of plugins and behaviors that you can customize. For basic information of what is possible in terms of configuring this field type, please view the Alpaca Forms documentation for the CKEditor field. Config

Score: 0.8139298

5 Reasons why Cloud CMS is Totally Awesome

Cloud CMS is the only Content Management System that was built from the ground up for the needs of mobile devices and applications. Our goal is to provide the fastest, easiest and most cost-effective way for businesses to curate and deliver content to their applications, running anywhere in the world, in any language and at any time. In the last article, I talked about the general lack of mobile strategy within the business world. Mobile apps are so new that most businesses have had to react to

Score: 0.8139298

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Formats

Formats Cloud CMS supports request and response payloads in a multitude of formats, including: Text Formats JSON XML YAML CSV Java Properties Binary Formats Apache Avro CBOR MessagePack Smile If not otherwise specified, JSON is the assumed payload serialization format. Once received, Cloud CMS will convert the incoming request payload (from one of the formats above) to JSON. Internally, Cloud CMS works with JSON throughout its service and DAO layer. Once the operations are complete, the response

Score: 0.71307373

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / UI Extensions

UI Extensions The Docker-based Cloud CMS UI provides additional extension patterns beyond the AMD-driven mechanism for user interface components and screens. Since Docker allows you to run on-premise, you can use these extension patterns to influence more foundational changes to the way the application works. Environment Variables When the Cloud CMS user interface starts up, it looks to environment variables to tell it whether there are any extensions available to be loaded. Extensions are store

Score: 0.67147183