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Score: 0.37302363

Score: 0.37302363

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Services / Insight

Insight The Cloud CMS Application Server supports the collection of analytics information from your running web application. This analytics information is sent from the browser to the application server via web sockets. The information is then sent to Cloud CMS for consumption into a Cloud CMS data warehouse. This capture and retrieval of analytics is called Cloud CMS Insight. To use insight, you must first include the insight.js file into your application. You will also need to include socket.i

Score: 0.37309307

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Integrations / Amazon Web Services / Amazon Transcribe

Amazon Transcribe Amazon Transcribe is an automatic speech recognition (ASR) service that makes it easy for developers to add speech-to-text capability to their applications. Using the Amazon Transcribe API, you can analyze audio files stored in Amazon S3 and have the service return a text file of the transcribed speech. Cloud CMS provides an out-of-the-box integration with Amazon Transcribe. Using the f:aws-transcribe feature, you submit either a binary payload or a URL to a binary payload. Thi

Score: 0.37309307

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Workflow / Sample Workflows / Events Example

Events Example This workflow model demonstrates how you can use events in various ways. This workflow model is provided as an kind of reference for how handlers can be set up. It isn't intended to be particularly useful or functional beyond its purpose as a demonstration. { "id": "events", "title": "Events Example Model", "nodes": { "start": { "type": "start", "transitions": { "start": "node1" } }, "node1": {

Score: 0.37309307

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Services / Insight

Insight The Cloud CMS Application Server supports the collection of analytics information from your running web application. This analytics information is sent from the browser to the application server via web sockets. The information is then sent to Cloud CMS for consumption into a Cloud CMS data warehouse. This capture and retrieval of analytics is called Cloud CMS Insight. To use insight, you must first include the insight.js file into your application. You will also need to include socket.i

Score: 0.37309307

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Integrations / Amazon Web Services / Amazon Transcribe

Amazon Transcribe Amazon Transcribe is an automatic speech recognition (ASR) service that makes it easy for developers to add speech-to-text capability to their applications. Using the Amazon Transcribe API, you can analyze audio files stored in Amazon S3 and have the service return a text file of the transcribed speech. Cloud CMS provides an out-of-the-box integration with Amazon Transcribe. Using the f:aws-transcribe feature, you submit either a binary payload or a URL to a binary payload. Thi

Score: 0.37309307

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Platform / Applications / Public Services

Public Services Cloud CMS provides a special set of application services methods that provide convenience functions for your front-end mobile or web applications to accomplish things like user registration, password resets and more. Technically speaking, everything that you can do with these convenience functions can be done using the Cloud CMS API in other ways, however doing so is often multi-step and involves lots of interactions. The convenience methods make this easier by letting you pre-wi

Score: 0.37309307

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Workflow / Sample Workflows / Events Example

Events Example This workflow model demonstrates how you can use events in various ways. This workflow model is provided as an kind of reference for how handlers can be set up. It isn't intended to be particularly useful or functional beyond its purpose as a demonstration. { "id": "events", "title": "Events Example Model", "nodes": { "start": { "type": "start", "transitions": { "start": "node1" } }, "node1": {

Score: 0.37309307

Connecting via a Corporate Proxy

The Cloud CMS drivers support connectivity through a corporate proxy. The means of doing so are slightly different depending on which driver you're using. Node.js The Cloud CMS Node.js driver detects the following environment variable: HTTP_PROXY If this environment variable is specified, all API calls with be routed through the proxy server at that location. This proxy server may support either HTTP or HTTPS. For example, you may set the environment variable like this: HTTP_PROXY=http://127.0.0

Score: 0.37309307

How to get a content definition JSON from the Cloud CMS API?

There are a couple of ways to do this. The first is simply use the node GET call and pass in the qname like this: GET /repositories/{repositoryId}/branches/{branchId}/nodes/{qname}!/node/get_repositories_repositoryId_branches_branchId_nodes_nodeId This will give you back the JSON for the definition. Another way is to use this variation: GET /repositories/{repositoryId}/branches/{branchId}/definitions/{qname}!/branch/get_repositories_rep

Score: 0.37309307

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Renditionable

Renditionable QName: f:renditionable Marks that an instance or type is to have one or more renditions. Renditions are other nodes in the branch whose content is automatically generated and kept in sync as the source node is created, updated and deleted (or has its relevant attachment modified). Configuration

Property Type Default Read-Only Description

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Single Sign On (SSO) / Keycloak

Keycloak This page provides an example of how to configure Cloud CMS Single Sign On (SSO) for JBoss KeyCloak. Keycloak is an open-source Identity and Access Management product provided by JBoss/RedHat. Keycloak plays the role of an Identity Provider that speaks SAML 2.0 and/or JWT. Cloud CMS integrates via either of these mechanism and can therefore integrate to Keycloak straight away as an identity provider. Cloud CMS provides Single Sign On (SSO) Enterprise support for a variety of Identity Pr

Score: 0.37302363

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Directory

Directory A directory is a data store that maintains identity objects and credentials. This consists of user passwords and authentication tokens for connectivity to third party "social" systems like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and more. ## Configuration As with all data stores, this data store maintain a configuration document that contains system and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and ret

Score: 0.37302363

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Domain

Domain A domain is a data store where you can store users, groups and memberships. ## Configuration As with all data stores, this data store maintain a configuration document that contains system and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the be

Score: 0.37302363

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Registrar

Registrar A registrar is a data store where you store tenants and plans. ## Configuration As with all data stores, this data store maintain a configuration document that contains system and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and

Score: 0.37302363

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Vault

Vault A vault is a data store where you store backups, replications and exports of your data. A vault contains archives which are packages of your data. ## Configuration As with all data stores, this data store maintain a configuration document that contains system and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others

Score: 0.37302363

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Web Host

Web Host A web host is a data store where you store tenants and plans. ## Configuration As with all data stores, this data store maintain a configuration document that contains system and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and c

Score: 0.37302363

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Data Types / Directory

Directory A directory is a data store that maintains identity objects and credentials. This consists of user passwords and authentication tokens for connectivity to third party "social" systems like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and more. ## Configuration As with all data stores, this data store maintain a configuration document that contains system and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and ret

Score: 0.37302363

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Data Types / Domain

Domain A domain is a data store where you can store users, groups and memberships. ## Configuration As with all data stores, this data store maintain a configuration document that contains system and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the be

Score: 0.37302363

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Data Types / Registrar

Registrar A registrar is a data store where you store tenants and plans. ## Configuration As with all data stores, this data store maintain a configuration document that contains system and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and

Score: 0.37302363

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Data Types / Vault

Vault A vault is a data store where you store backups, replications and exports of your data. A vault contains archives which are packages of your data. ## Configuration As with all data stores, this data store maintain a configuration document that contains system and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others

Score: 0.37302363

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Data Types / Web Host

Web Host A web host is a data store where you store tenants and plans. ## Configuration As with all data stores, this data store maintain a configuration document that contains system and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and c

Score: 0.37302363

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Renditionable

Renditionable QName: f:renditionable Marks that an instance or type is to have one or more renditions. Renditions are other nodes in the branch whose content is automatically generated and kept in sync as the source node is created, updated and deleted (or has its relevant attachment modified). Configuration

Property Type Default Read-Only Description

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Authentication / Single Sign On (SSO) / Keycloak

Keycloak This page provides an example of how to configure Cloud CMS Single Sign On (SSO) for JBoss KeyCloak. Keycloak is an open-source Identity and Access Management product provided by JBoss/RedHat. Keycloak plays the role of an Identity Provider that speaks SAML 2.0 and/or JWT. Cloud CMS integrates via either of these mechanism and can therefore integrate to Keycloak straight away as an identity provider. Cloud CMS provides Single Sign On (SSO) Enterprise support for a variety of Identity Pr

Score: 0.37302363

Quick Start - Gitana

Quick Start - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Enterprise Data Engine Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Automate Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enhance and curate

Score: 0.37301368

Gitana / Overview

Getting Started Welcome to the Cloud CMS Documentation center. Here is a test of a note adminition block: Note Here is a note! Here is a test of an important admonition blocK: Important Be wary of visitors bearing gifts!! Cloud CMS is an API-first content management system that provides everything you need on the back end to power web sites and mobile applications. Cloud CMS makes it easy for your business users to create, manage and publish amazing content to your users! You are reading the Get

Score: 0.36805704