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Easy Forms with Cloud CMS

One of the many uses of Cloud CMS is as a storage and reporting mechanism for forms. If you’re looking to put a form up onto your web or mobile site, Cloud CMS serves as an excellent option for capturing and storing this information. Fundamentally, Cloud CMS provides the Alpaca forms engine. Alpaca is an open-source JavaScript library for jQuery. It makes it easy to design and insert forms into your sites. Cloud CMS built Alpaca and been working with the broader community to improve it and make

Score: 3.9654467

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / API / Callbacks

Callbacks Alpaca provides several places where you can hook in callbacks. Events - events are raised when the user interacts with fields. You can register callbacks to handle these events, adjust field state or other operations. Observables - each field maintains an observable that you can subscribe to. Subscribing to an observable means that you're listening for changes to its value. You can also use observables to interrogate and find values of fields within namespaces. This lets you find valu

Score: 3.7926946

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / API / Ordering

Ordering The default rendering engine that Alpaca utilizes will render your fields in the order that they are described within your schema. {% raw %} {% endraw %} Use the order option to specify rendering order The precise order of properties can be configured using the order option. {% raw %} {% endraw %} Use a Template to layout fields See Templates for more information on using custom templates to take full control over the layout of your forms.

Score: 3.7708313

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Workflow / Sample Workflows / Custom Form

Custom Form You may wish to introduce custom properties that flow along with your workflow. These properties are tracked as your workflow transitions from state to state. They may comprise things like due dates, notes, parameters for the workflow or anything else you'd like. You can use the form capability to define a form that lets users editing and modify these properties. Global Form The global form can be defined once and it will be used for all places within the workflow where a form can be

Score: 3.7198684

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Workflow / Sample Workflows / Custom Form

Custom Form You may wish to introduce custom properties that flow along with your workflow. These properties are tracked as your workflow transitions from state to state. They may comprise things like due dates, notes, parameters for the workflow or anything else you'd like. You can use the form capability to define a form that lets users editing and modify these properties. Global Form The global form can be defined once and it will be used for all places within the workflow where a form can be

Score: 3.7198684

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / API / Overview

API Further Reading Callbacks Conditional Dependencies Connectors Cookbook Custom Fields Data Sources Dependencies Events Forms Functions Internationalization Layouts Lookups Observables Ordering Recursive References References Serialization Templates Usage Validation Views Wizards

Score: 3.6848867

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Contexts / project-field-templates

project-field-templates [ { "evaluator": "context-project", "config": { "project-field-templates": { "templates": [ { "key": "text", "title": "Text", "type": "string/text", "description": "Text value. e.g. title, name, header", "icon": "fa fa-align-left" }, { "key": "number", "title": "Number", "type": "number/number", "description": "N

Score: 3.5051646

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Contexts / project-field-templates

project-field-templates [ { "evaluator": "context-project", "config": { "project-field-templates": { "templates": [ { "key": "text", "title": "Text", "type": "string/text", "description": "Text value. e.g. title, name, header", "icon": "fa fa-align-left" }, { "key": "number", "title": "Number", "type": "number/number", "description": "N

Score: 3.5051646

How to get a content definition JSON from the Cloud CMS API?

There are a couple of ways to do this. The first is simply use the node GET call and pass in the qname like this: GET /repositories/{repositoryId}/branches/{branchId}/nodes/{qname}!/node/get_repositories_repositoryId_branches_branchId_nodes_nodeId This will give you back the JSON for the definition. Another way is to use this variation: GET /repositories/{repositoryId}/branches/{branchId}/definitions/{qname}!/branch/get_repositories_rep

Score: 3.502751

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / Embedded Media / Overview

Embed Media In CKEditor With the CloudCMS iframe inserter plugin in the CKEditor, you can embed media elements in the editor. Create an Embedded Media Template From a project level of your CloudCMS client, go to "Manage Project" -- "Editors" -- "Embedded Media Editor". Create a new embedded media template by clicking "+" button under "Templates". You can choose a media type from Vimeo, Youtube, Soundcloud and Brightcove. Then configure some basic settings for the media. Click "Update" to save th

Score: 3.484513

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Content Modeling / Content Model Builder / Edit An Existing Content Type

Edit An Existing Content Type Select Content Model Builder in the left Nav, and you will be able to see a list of existing Content Types. Click into one to edit it in the Content Model Builder. Select A Form If the content type has more than one forms, select the one you hope to edit: Then the builder will render with the settings in the selected form. Change Field Order Dragging a field and dropping it on top of another field allows you to move it in front of the other field. In the above image

Score: 3.4811301

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Content Models / Content Model Builder / Edit An Existing Content Type

Edit An Existing Content Type Select Content Model Builder in the left Nav, and you will be able to see a list of existing Content Types. Click into one to edit it in the Content Model Builder. Select A Form If the content type has more than one forms, select the one you hope to edit: Then the builder will render with the settings in the selected form. Change Field Order Dragging a field and dropping it on top of another field allows you to move it in front of the other field. In the above image

Score: 3.4811301

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / API / Layouts

Layouts Alpaca features both automatic and layout-driven mechanisms for placing your fields onto a page. The automatic mechanism simply walks through your fields in the order they are expressed in schema and places them one by one in a stacked order. The layout-driven mechanism allows you to provide a layout template that finely describes where your fields should be placed using DOM-driven injection. To use a layout, you simply need to provide a view that has a layout block. The layout block def

Score: 3.2979324

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / API / Lookups

Lookups Alpaca provides abstractions for forms, fields, connectors and other types so as to provide a consistent and easy-to-use interface. This interface lets you find other objects in the JSON structure and plug in function handlers that make decisions by drawing from values of other fields. Every field that renders fundamentally receives an ID. The ID is a dynamically assigned value of no particular significance other than that it is unique. Typically, it is something like alpaca123. Each fie

Score: 2.959863

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Content Modeling / Content Model Builder / Extend Field Templates

Extend Field Templates If you find the existing field templates still limited to your need, Modules allow you to add your own field template. In the following sample, we added a field template that provides a Summernote WYSIWYG editor. Default CKEditor WYSIWYG: Customized Summernote WYSIWYG: Get the code here in the SDK:

Score: 2.9143233

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Content Models / Content Model Builder / Extend Field Templates

Extend Field Templates If you find the existing field templates still limited to your need, Modules allow you to add your own field template. In the following sample, we added a field template that provides a Summernote WYSIWYG editor. Default CKEditor WYSIWYG: Customized Summernote WYSIWYG: Get the code here in the SDK:

Score: 2.9143233

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / API / Dependencies

Dependencies JSON Schema provides support for dependencies as a means for describing dependencies between fields. Using dependencies, you can establish that property2 should be supplied when property1 is supplied. Alpaca supports both JSON Schema v3 and v4 syntax for declaring dependencies. We recommend using JSON Schema v4 syntax. In JSON Schema v4, a single dependencies block within the container object stores key/values which consist of the ID of the property (key) and an array of property ID

Score: 2.9015985

Definitions for Date format

Our definitions are based on JSON schema and, as such, the default is to use strings for dates. The date controls in our forms engine let you customize the format string so that you can store ISO 8601 or other formats (perhaps simplified formats) as per your preference. The advantage here is simplicity with these controls and compatibility with JSON schema. The disadvantage is that MongoDB provides a lot of very powerful capabilities for range query and sorting that do not play as nicely with th

Score: 2.882856

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface

User Interface Cloud CMS provides a full user interface that your editorial team and managers use to create, manage and deliver content to the business, mobile applications and web sites. The user interface is secure, role-based and customizable, allowing your development team to cater the editorial experience to the exact needs of end users. Add-ons Awareness Dashboard Create/Edit Content Embed Media In CKEditor Favorites Multilingual Image Editor Locking Menu Projects Releases Search Security

Score: 2.8653412

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Embed Media In CKEditor / BrightCove

BrightCove Create a BrightCove Media Template In "Embedded Media Editor", create your templates for BrightCove videos by selecting "BrightCove" from the "Media Type" dropdown. Then configure the width, height and border of the embedded media. Click "Update" to save the changes. Insert a BrightCove Media Now you can open a CKEditor, click the button to insert an embedded media, and choose a template you created to insert a BrightCove media. Put in the ID of your video. Hit "Save" to confirm.

Score: 2.8653412

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Embed Media In CKEditor / SoundCloud

SoundCloud Create a SoundCloud Media Template In "Embedded Media Editor", create your templates for SoundCloud medias by selecting "SoundCloud" from the "Media Type" dropdown. Then configure the width, height and border of the embedded media. Click "Update" to save the changes. Insert a SoundCloud Media Now you can open a CKEditor, click the button to insert an embedded media, and choose a template you created to insert a SoundCloud media. Put in the ID of your media. Hit "Save" to confirm.

Score: 2.8653412

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / Embedded Media / BrightCove

BrightCove Create a BrightCove Media Template In "Embedded Media Editor", create your templates for BrightCove videos by selecting "BrightCove" from the "Media Type" dropdown. Then configure the width, height and border of the embedded media. Click "Update" to save the changes. Insert a BrightCove Media Now you can open a CKEditor, click the button to insert an embedded media, and choose a template you created to insert a BrightCove media. Put in the ID of your video. Hit "Save" to confirm.

Score: 2.8653412

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / Embedded Media / SoundCloud

SoundCloud Create a SoundCloud Media Template In "Embedded Media Editor", create your templates for SoundCloud medias by selecting "SoundCloud" from the "Media Type" dropdown. Then configure the width, height and border of the embedded media. Click "Update" to save the changes. Insert a SoundCloud Media Now you can open a CKEditor, click the button to insert an embedded media, and choose a template you created to insert a SoundCloud media. Put in the ID of your media. Hit "Save" to confirm.

Score: 2.8653412

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Embed Media In CKEditor / Vimeo

Vimeo Create a Vimeo Video Template In "Embedded Media Editor", create your templates for Vimeo videos by selecting "Vimeo" from the "Media Type" dropdown. Then configure the width, height and border of the embedded media. Click "Update" to save the changes. Insert a Vimeo Video Now you can open a CKEditor, click the button to insert an embedded media, and choose a template you created to insert a Vimeo media. Put in the ID of your video. Hit "Save" to confirm, and you will see the media showing

Score: 2.833591

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Embed Media In CKEditor / YouTube

YouTube Create a YouTube Video Template In "Embedded Media Editor", create your templates for Youtube videos by selecting "YouTube" from the "Media Type" dropdown. Then configure the width, height and border of the embedded media. Click "Update" to save the changes. Insert a YouTube Video Now you can open a CKEditor, click the button to insert an embedded media, and choose a template you created to insert a Youtube media. Put in the ID of your video. Hit "Save" to confirm, and you will see the m

Score: 2.833591