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Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Authentication / Providers / Facebook

Facebook The Facebook Authentication Provider enables the Cloud CMS Application Server to authenticate, validate tokens and load user profile information against Facebook. For more information on Authentication within the App Server, see App Server Authentication / SSO. Facebook API Keys To use this provider, you will first need to set up a Developers Account within Facebook and create an application therein. Doing so will give you a set of API tokens: appId - the Facebook application ID token a

Score: 0.7134584

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Taggable

Taggable QName: f:taggable Indicates that a node should support tagging. Nodes that support tagging maintain a:has_tag associations to n:tag nodes that serve as master tag entries. A single tag entry may have multiple associations linking it to nodes that bear its tag. In addition, taggable nodes maintain a tags array which contains a local array of all of the tags that the node has been assigned. In this way, tags can be traversed using graph-based lookup or they can be queried directly based o

Score: 0.7134584

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / CMS / Fields / Slug

Slug ID: slug The slug field type copies the value of it's dependent text field and converts the value to a string that can become part of a url. The slug field will automatically update when the value of it's dependent field changes. The emptyOnly property causes the field to be updated only if the field is currently empty. The slugified value will be derived from the dependent field value by making it lower case and replacing white space with '-'. An optional argument "filterRegex" can be used

Score: 0.7134584

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Content Modeling / Behaviors

Behaviors Cloud CMS lets you wire in behaviors behind your content models so that rules automatically execute when your content is touched. Content editors work with simple forms to create content that conforms to your defined content models. When that content is created, updated or deleted, it automatically triggers policies (or events) which you use to bind in custom behaviors. In this way, the developers can wire up behaviors and the editorial team never needs to know about it. Furthermore, b

Score: 0.7098815

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Watermarkable

Watermarkable Cloud CMS lets you configure your content so that watermarks are automatically applied when content is created and updated. This lets you systematize the watermarking of your images to ensure consistency across your project. You can maintain a single watermark or multiple watermarks and divide up how they are applied on both a per-content instance and per-content type basis. To start, you simply upload a watermark image to Cloud CMS. Typically, watermark images are image/jpeg or im

Score: 0.7098815

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Watermarkable

Watermarkable Cloud CMS lets you configure your content so that watermarks are automatically applied when content is created and updated. This lets you systematize the watermarking of your images to ensure consistency across your project. You can maintain a single watermark or multiple watermarks and divide up how they are applied on both a per-content instance and per-content type basis. To start, you simply upload a watermark image to Cloud CMS. Typically, watermark images are image/jpeg or im

Score: 0.7098815

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Content Models / Behaviors

Behaviors Cloud CMS lets you wire in behaviors behind your content models so that rules automatically execute when your content is touched. Content editors work with simple forms to create content that conforms to your defined content models. When that content is created, updated or deleted, it automatically triggers policies (or events) which you use to bind in custom behaviors. In this way, the developers can wire up behaviors and the editorial team never needs to know about it. Furthermore, b

Score: 0.7098815

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Filename

Filename QName: f:filename Allows for nodes to retain a display-friendly and file-system compatible name for use in containment-based navigation systems such as WebDAV, FTP or the Cloud CMS document library. Nodes that are tagged with this feature can either deterministically specify their preferred filename or have one calculated for them from the node's title or _doc fields. Filenames may not contain the following special characters: .:_<>?&@!$%^()-+=\. If these characters are included, they w

Score: 0.7059678

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Access Policies / Conditions / Project

Project This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 The project condition allows you to constrain a policy statement so that it applies to entities that are contained with a project. The project can be matched using either its ID (_doc) or its title. This condition supports regular expressions, allowing you to focus in on a single value or wildcard expressions for matches. Configuration To match a project by ID: { "type": "project", "config": { "id": "{value regex}"

Score: 0.7059678

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Filename

Filename QName: f:filename Allows for nodes to retain a display-friendly and file-system compatible name for use in containment-based navigation systems such as WebDAV, FTP or the Cloud CMS document library. Nodes that are tagged with this feature can either deterministically specify their preferred filename or have one calculated for them from the node's title or _doc fields. Filenames may not contain the following special characters: .:_<>?&@!$%^()-+=\. If these characters are included, they w

Score: 0.7059678

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Security / Access Policies / Conditions / Project

Project This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 The project condition allows you to constrain a policy statement so that it applies to entities that are contained with a project. The project can be matched using either its ID (_doc) or its title. This condition supports regular expressions, allowing you to focus in on a single value or wildcard expressions for matches. Configuration To match a project by ID: { "type": "project", "config": { "id": "{value regex}"

Score: 0.7059678

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Multifactor Authentication / Providers / Duo Security

Duo Security Cloud CMS supports [](Duo Security) for Multifactor Authentication. Cloud CMS is not a listed in the Duo Admin Console when "Protecting" an application. Instead, use the "Auth API" type. To configure Duo Security, you will need to supply the following from the Duo "Auth API" "Details": integrationKey secretKey apiHost These values are available from your Duo Security Settings page. Service Descriptor If you're adding an Authenticator via a Service Descriptor: the Des

Score: 0.70333767

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Authentication / Providers / Local

Local The Local Authentication Provider enables the Cloud CMS Application Server to connect to a locally implemented identity provider. The identity provider can be implemented within your own Node.js application or as part of a separate application using a completely different technology. For more information on Authentication within the App Server, see App Server Authentication / SSO. Configuration Here are all of the properties that may be configured (default values are shown): "auth": {

Score: 0.70333767

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Authentication / Providers / Local

Local The Local Authentication Provider enables the Cloud CMS Application Server to connect to a locally implemented identity provider. The identity provider can be implemented within your own Node.js application or as part of a separate application using a completely different technology. For more information on Authentication within the App Server, see App Server Authentication / SSO. Configuration Here are all of the properties that may be configured (default values are shown): "auth": {

Score: 0.70333767

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Authentication / Multifactor Authentication / Providers / Duo Security

Duo Security Cloud CMS supports [](Duo Security) for Multifactor Authentication. Cloud CMS is not a listed in the Duo Admin Console when "Protecting" an application. Instead, use the "Auth API" type. To configure Duo Security, you will need to supply the following from the Duo "Auth API" "Details": integrationKey secretKey apiHost These values are available from your Duo Security Settings page. Service Descriptor If you're adding an Authenticator via a Service Descriptor: the Des

Score: 0.70333767

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / API / Data Sources

Data Sources Alpaca supports lazy loading of data from remote locations via data sources. Data sources are supported by a limited number of field types - including select, radio and checkbox fields. To use a data source, specify the dataSource option for your field. The dataSource option can be any of the following: a set of datasource array elements directly supplied or a list of text items that will be converted to a data source array. an object consisting of key/value pairs to be used to gene

Score: 0.70333767

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / Fields / Time Field

Time Field The time field. The time Field uses the plugin under the hood. For more information on date and time formatting strings, see the Moment.js documentation: The default time format is assumed as h:mm:ss a. Properties Title Time Description Time Field Type time Base Field Type date Schema Property Type Default Description allowOptionalEmpty Allows this non-required field to validate when the value is empty au

Score: 0.70333767

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Locked

Locked QName: f:locked Applied to a node to indicate that it has been locked. A locked node is one that a user has specifically requested the lock for. If the lock is granted, the node will only be editable by the owner of the lock. The lock may only be released by the owner of the lock or a manager/administrator of the branch. It is not necessary to work with the f:locked feature directly. Locking and unlocking are handled through specific API calls that check whether such modifications are all

Score: 0.6986328

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Propagates Authorities

Propagates Authorities QName: f:propagates-authorities Flags an association as one that propagates inherited authorities from the source to the target. If a parent has authorities assigned to it, those authorities are propagated to the children as masked a:hasRole associations. These associations have inherited set to true and inheritsAssociation set to the association ID being masked. Cloud CMS uses this feature to model propagation of authorities in a containment model within the graph. When y

Score: 0.6986328

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Access Policies / Conditions / And

And This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 The and condition lets you perform a logical AND operation across multiple sub-conditions. Configuration { "type": "and", "config": { "conditions": [ ... subconditions ] } } Sample #1 This policy document allows a principal to read content from the /products so long as it is of type my:article. { "title": "My Sample Policy", "statements": [{ "action": "grant", "roles": ["co

Score: 0.6986328

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Access Policies / Conditions / Branch

Branch This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 The branch condition allows you to constrain a policy statement so that it applies to nodes and/or associations that are on a matching branch. The branch can be matched using its ID (_doc), title or alias. This condition supports regular expressions, allowing you to focus in on a single value or wildcard expressions for matches. Configuration To match a branch by ID: { "type": "branch", "config": { "id": "{value regex}

Score: 0.6986328

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Locked

Locked QName: f:locked Applied to a node to indicate that it has been locked. A locked node is one that a user has specifically requested the lock for. If the lock is granted, the node will only be editable by the owner of the lock. The lock may only be released by the owner of the lock or a manager/administrator of the branch. It is not necessary to work with the f:locked feature directly. Locking and unlocking are handled through specific API calls that check whether such modifications are all

Score: 0.6986328

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Propagates Authorities

Propagates Authorities QName: f:propagates-authorities Flags an association as one that propagates inherited authorities from the source to the target. If a parent has authorities assigned to it, those authorities are propagated to the children as masked a:hasRole associations. These associations have inherited set to true and inheritsAssociation set to the association ID being masked. Cloud CMS uses this feature to model propagation of authorities in a containment model within the graph. When y

Score: 0.6986328

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Security / Access Policies / Conditions / And

And This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 The and condition lets you perform a logical AND operation across multiple sub-conditions. Configuration { "type": "and", "config": { "conditions": [ ... subconditions ] } } Sample #1 This policy document allows a principal to read content from the /products so long as it is of type my:article. { "title": "My Sample Policy", "statements": [{ "action": "grant", "roles": ["co

Score: 0.6986328

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Security / Access Policies / Conditions / Branch

Branch This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 The branch condition allows you to constrain a policy statement so that it applies to nodes and/or associations that are on a matching branch. The branch can be matched using its ID (_doc), title or alias. This condition supports regular expressions, allowing you to focus in on a single value or wildcard expressions for matches. Configuration To match a branch by ID: { "type": "branch", "config": { "id": "{value regex}

Score: 0.6986328