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Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Deployment / Deployment Handlers

Deployment Handlers A Deployment Handler provides the deployment implementation for a Deployment Target. When Deployment Packages are routed to a Deployment Target, the Deployment Target's "handler" is instantiated to handle the actual connectivity, copy and delivery of the Deployment Package's content. The following Deployment Handlers are available: Azure Blob Storage Deployment Handler Branch Deployment Handler File System Deployment Handler FTP Deployment Handler HTTP Deployment Handler IBM

Score: 18.806126

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Deployment / Deployment Handlers / Remote Deployment Handler

Remote Deployment Handler Handles the deployment of one or more Deployment Packages to a remote Deployment Receiver. Where: url is the URL of the target Cloud CMS API server receiverId is the ID of the receiver on the target Cloud CMS API server In addition, you should provide the API keys of the user who the Remote Deployment Handler will authenticate as. clientKey clientSecret username password Configuration { "url": "{url}", "clientKey": "{clientKey}", "clientSecret": "{clientSecr

Score: 17.281475

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Deployment / Deployment Handlers / Remote Deployment Handler

Remote Deployment Handler Handles the deployment of one or more Deployment Packages to a remote Deployment Receiver. Where: url is the URL of the target Cloud CMS API server receiverId is the ID of the receiver on the target Cloud CMS API server In addition, you should provide the API keys of the user who the Remote Deployment Handler will authenticate as. clientKey clientSecret username password Configuration { "url": "{url}", "clientKey": "{clientKey}", "clientSecret": "{clientSecr

Score: 17.281475

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Deployment / Deployment Receivers

Deployment Receivers A Deployment Receiver acts as an endpoint for local and remote Deployment Handlers that seek to ship their Deployment Packages to a destination. These are frequently used to move content between data centers or across different parts of the world to solve for latency issues (or to simply move content to the correct side of a DMZ for security reasons or runtime-performance reasons). Cloud CMS lets you create Deployment Receivers from within its user interface. You can create

Score: 14.807603

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Deployment / Deployment Target

Deployment Target A Deployment Target contains the configuration for a Deployment Handler. It informs the handler about how to connect or what settings should be used when executing. Deployment Targets are configured for Deployment Strategies as well as for Deployment Receivers. When content is changed within Cloud CMS, a Deployment Strategy may decide to package up that modified content and deployment it to one or more Deployment Targets. Similarly, content may be deployed to a Deployment Recei

Score: 14.165126

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Deployment / Deployment Strategy

Deployment Strategy A Deployment Strategy defines the conditions by which a Deployment Package should automatically be assembled and delivered to one or more Deployment Targets. A Deployment Strategy is a recipe that tells a listener within Cloud CMS how to identify nodes whose content has changed and should be deployed. It then describes what steps to take in terms of deploying the content. If you're using Cloud CMS Publishing, you will not need to set up a Deployment Strategy by hand. The Publ

Score: 14.098172

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Deployment

Deployment Cloud CMS Deployment lets you publish content from a source Cloud CMS project branch to one or more destination Deployment Endpoints. These Deployment Endpoints may include Amazon S3 buckets, FTP servers, file system locations and Cloud CMS branches on the same cluster or running in a cluster located in another data center somewhere else in the world. The Deployment process can be triggered manually or automatically. It may run as part of a Publishing process for your content. It may

Score: 13.157076

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Publishing / Example Publishing Setup

Example Publishing Setup The following are the steps to config a typical Publishing setup (Publish and Unpublish): Step 1: Create Projects Create two projects Create an "Authoring" project Create a "Live" Project Step 2 : Create a Deployment Target Deployment Target is the endpoint where the package will be deployed or sent. Go to Platform Go to Deployments Targets under Deployments Left Navigation Menu Click on Create a Deployment Target Title : "Live Web Site" Deployment Target Type : "Branch"

Score: 12.757799

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Deployment / Deployment Handlers / FTP Deployment Handler

FTP Deployment Handler Handles the deployment of one or more Deployment Packages to an SFTP or FTP server. The remote S/FTP server is described by a URL, username and password. The contents of the Deployment Packages will be deployed sequentially to the target location. If any of the content within the Deployment Packages fails to copy, it will simply be skipped. Other content objects will be allowed to proceed unabated. Configuration { "url": "{url}", "username": "{username}", "pass

Score: 11.958168

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Deployment / Deployment Handlers / FTP Deployment Handler

FTP Deployment Handler Handles the deployment of one or more Deployment Packages to an SFTP or FTP server. The remote S/FTP server is described by a URL, username and password. The contents of the Deployment Packages will be deployed sequentially to the target location. If any of the content within the Deployment Packages fails to copy, it will simply be skipped. Other content objects will be allowed to proceed unabated. Configuration { "url": "{url}", "username": "{username}", "pass

Score: 11.958168

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Deployment / Deployment Mappings

Deployment Mappings The following Deployment Handlers supports the deployment of resources from Cloud CMS to files or file system equivalents: S3 Deployment Handler File System Deployment Handler FTP Deployment Handler These Deployment Handlers all have the common function. They must work with content from Cloud CMS, consisting of Nodes, Associations, binary attachments and a potentially complex content graph of relationships. They must take that content and then map it down into a file system c

Score: 11.906582

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Actions

Actions Cloud CMS provides an Action framework that lets you kick off Actions that perform content operations on your behalf. Actions are units of work that are typically fired off as a result of an event handler or listener. For example, you might register an Action that triggers when a piece of content is updated or when a workflow task transitions. The Action might do something like Send an Email or Fire off a Web Hook. The Cloud CMS Action framework aspires to provide complete units of work

Score: 11.565462

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / Actions

Actions Cloud CMS provides an Action framework that lets you kick off Actions that perform content operations on your behalf. Actions are units of work that are typically fired off as a result of an event handler or listener. For example, you might register an Action that triggers when a piece of content is updated or when a workflow task transitions. The Action might do something like Send an Email or Fire off a Web Hook. The Cloud CMS Action framework aspires to provide complete units of work

Score: 11.565462

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Deployment / Deployment Handlers / HTTP Deployment Handler

HTTP Deployment Handler Handles the deployment of one or more Deployment Packages to a custom HTTP endpoint. The custom HTTP endpoint is described by: url statusUrl username password Custom HTTP endpoints are useful for a large variety of purposes, including writing data into custom databases, synchronizing content from Cloud CMS with existing Content Management products, hooking into custom logic for CDN or cache invalidation and much more. Configuration { "url": "{url}", "statusUrl": "

Score: 11.555375

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Deployment / Deployment Handlers / HTTP Deployment Handler

HTTP Deployment Handler Handles the deployment of one or more Deployment Packages to a custom HTTP endpoint. The custom HTTP endpoint is described by: url statusUrl username password Custom HTTP endpoints are useful for a large variety of purposes, including writing data into custom databases, synchronizing content from Cloud CMS with existing Content Management products, hooking into custom logic for CDN or cache invalidation and much more. Configuration { "url": "{url}", "statusUrl": "

Score: 11.555375

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Deployment / Deployment Handlers

Deployment Handlers A Deployment Handler provides the deployment implementation for a Deployment Target. When Deployment Packages are routed to a Deployment Target, the Deployment Target's "handler" is instantiated to handle the actual connectivity, copy and delivery of the Deployment Package's content. The following Deployment Handlers are available: Azure Blob Storage Deployment Handler Branch Deployment Handler File System Deployment Handler FTP Deployment Handler HTTP Deployment Handler IBM

Score: 11.216308

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Deployment / Deployment Receivers

Deployment Receivers A Deployment Receiver acts as an endpoint for local and remote Deployment Handlers that seek to ship their Deployment Packages to a destination. These are frequently used to move content between data centers or across different parts of the world to solve for latency issues (or to simply move content to the correct side of a DMZ for security reasons or runtime-performance reasons). Cloud CMS lets you create Deployment Receivers from within its user interface. You can create

Score: 10.352438

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Deployment / Deployment Handlers / Local Deployment Handler

Local Deployment Handler Handles the deployment of one or more Deployment Packages to a local Deployment Receiver. The deployment receiver must exist on the same Cloud CMS platform. It is identified by the receiverId property. The Deployment Packages will be handed to the Deployment Receiver and then processed from there. The Deployment Receiver may elect to pass those Deployment Packages down to its own configured targets or process them through additional rules priority to delivery. Configurat

Score: 9.953987

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Deployment / Deployment Handlers / Local Deployment Handler

Local Deployment Handler Handles the deployment of one or more Deployment Packages to a local Deployment Receiver. The deployment receiver must exist on the same Cloud CMS platform. It is identified by the receiverId property. The Deployment Packages will be handed to the Deployment Receiver and then processed from there. The Deployment Receiver may elect to pass those Deployment Packages down to its own configured targets or process them through additional rules priority to delivery. Configurat

Score: 9.953987

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Deployment / Deployment Handlers / Branch Deployment Handler

Branch Deployment Handler Handles the deployment of one or more Deployment Packages to a Branch on the current platform. The contents of the Deployment Packages will be deployed transactionally to the target Branch. If any of the content within the Deployment Packages fails to copy, the transaction will be rolled back and the target Branch will be restored to its previous state. Configuration { "branchRef": "{branchReference}" } Where branchReference looks like branch://{platformId}/{reposi

Score: 8.999082

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Deployment / Deployment Handlers / Branch Deployment Handler

Branch Deployment Handler Handles the deployment of one or more Deployment Packages to a Branch on the current platform. The contents of the Deployment Packages will be deployed transactionally to the target Branch. If any of the content within the Deployment Packages fails to copy, the transaction will be rolled back and the target Branch will be restored to its previous state. Configuration { "branchRef": "{branchReference}" } Where branchReference looks like branch://{platformId}/{reposi

Score: 8.999082

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Deployment / Overview

Deployment Cloud CMS Deployment lets you publish content from a source Cloud CMS project branch to one or more destination Deployment Endpoints. These Deployment Endpoints may include Amazon S3 buckets, FTP servers, file system locations and Cloud CMS branches on the same cluster or running in a cluster located in another data center somewhere else in the world. The Deployment process can be triggered manually or automatically. It may run as part of a Publishing process for your content. It may

Score: 8.964493

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Deployment / Deployment Handlers / Amazon S3 Deployment Handler

Amazon S3 Deployment Handler Handles the deployment of one or more Deployment Packages to an Amazon S3 bucket. The Amazon S3 bucket is described by: accessKey secretKey region bucketName And optionally: prefix The contents of the Deployment Packages will be deployed sequentially to the target location. If any of the content within the Deployment Packages fails to copy, it will simply be skipped. Other content objects will be allowed to proceed unabated. Configuration { "accessKey": "{a

Score: 8.925159

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Deployment / Deployment Handlers / Amazon S3 Deployment Handler

Amazon S3 Deployment Handler Handles the deployment of one or more Deployment Packages to an Amazon S3 bucket. The Amazon S3 bucket is described by: accessKey secretKey region bucketName And optionally: prefix The contents of the Deployment Packages will be deployed sequentially to the target location. If any of the content within the Deployment Packages fails to copy, it will simply be skipped. Other content objects will be allowed to proceed unabated. Configuration { "accessKey": "{a

Score: 8.925159

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Publishing / Publications

Publications Publications tell the system whenever content on the "master" branch goes into the "Approved" state, it should be pushed out to the deployment target. Once you Add a Rule to the Project, the content from the Selected Branch will be published to the Selected Deployment Target and its Lifecycle State will change to Approved. To Add Publication: Go to Manage Project Publication Settings Click on Publications Click on Add a Rule How content i selected for publishing: either by branch or

Score: 8.556095