

and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time.

Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory.

The following table presents you the system properties.

Data Store Properties

{{#if containerTypeId}} {{/if}}
Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId}}{{datastoreTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}}
Container {{#dataTypeArticle containerTypeId}}{{containerTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}}
Supports {{#article "security/teams"}}teams{{/article}}, {{#article "security/authorities"}}authorities{{/article}}, {{#article "security/permissions"}}permissions{{/article}}, {{#article "binaries"}}binaries{{/article}}, {{#article "transfer"}}transfer{{/article}}

Any system properties that are shown to be Read-Only are not modifiable on calls to create() or update(). Anything else is fair game.

Property Type Default Read-Only Description
title text The title of the data store.
description text A description for the data store.
enableAuthorities boolean true If true, the data store will check whether the current principal has rights to perform an operation against content upon interaction. If turned off, you'll see some performance benefits. This should only ever be switched off for "published" or general availability content and never for authoring-side content.
enableAuditing boolean false If true, then the data store will collect audit records for all service-level operations (such as CRUD operations). This incurs a slight performance penalty but guarantees you a record of all interactions with data for changesets, branches and nodes in the data store.
locked boolean false Read-only Whether the data store is presently locked. If the data store is locked, then write operations against it will block.
lockedBy text Read-only The principal that holds the lock (if the data store is locked).
size number 0 Read-only The last-recorded allocation size (on disk) of the data store in bytes. This value is updated periodically and may not be precise at the moment it is read.
maxsize number -1 The maximum allowed allocation size (on disk) of the data store in bytes. If this size of the data store exceeds this value, write operations will fail. A value of -1 indicates that there is no upper limit.
objectcount number 0 Read-only The number of objects stored within the data store. This includes system-maintained objects. This value is updated periodically and may not be precise at the moment it is read.
statisticsDate timestamp Read-only Records the time when statistics were last run against the data store. Statistics are run periodically to calculate the data store size and object allocations.
statisticsDirty boolean false Read-only Whether writes have occurred against this data store since the last time statistics were run. This signals to the system that statistics need to be collected at the next available opportunity.

Platform Data Stores

There are 8 data store types:

Data Store Key What is stored within
Application application registration
Directory directory identity
Domain domain domainuser
Registrar registrar plan
Repository repository branch
Vault vault archive
Warehouse warehouse
        <td>Web Host</td>
            <a href='/documentation/gitana/3.2/guide/guide/api/datatypes/autoclientmapping.html' title='autoclientmapping'>autoclientmapping</a>