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Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Integrations / Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services Cloud CMS provides out-of-the-box integration with a variety of Amazon Web Service offerings, including services for natural language processing, machine learning, semantic analysis and image recognition. You can learn more about these services here: Amazon Comprehend Amazon DocumentDB Amazon Elastic Search Service Amazon Elastic Transcoder Amazon Polly Amazon SNS Amazon SQS Amazon Transcribe Amazon Translate

Score: 22.23998

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Applications

Applications Public Services

Score: 16.76167

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Platform / Applications

Applications Public Services

Score: 16.76167

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Clustering

Clustering The Cloud CMS Application Server supports running on a single Node process as well as multiple Node processes. Node processes can run on a single server instance or can be spread across multiple server instances behind a load balancer. By default, the Application Server starts up and allocates itself to a single CPU. This is known as single mode. Even if you have a server with more than one CPU on it, the Application Server will still only bind to 1 of those CPUs. When the Application

Score: 16.155645

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Container Services

Container Services In this chapter, we provide examples and guidance on how to instantiate the Gitana platform within a variety of container services. SDK For each of the frameworks listed below, you will find samples configuration files within the Gitana SDK. Gitana SDK - Container Framework Examples for Gitana 3.2 Frameworks Amazon ECS Kubernetes

Score: 11.91898

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Integrations / Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services Cloud CMS provides out-of-the-box integration with a variety of Amazon Web Service offerings, including services for natural language processing, machine learning, semantic analysis and image recognition. You can learn more about these services here: Amazon Comprehend Amazon DocumentDB Amazon Elastic Search Service Amazon Elastic Transcoder Amazon Polly Amazon SNS Amazon SQS Amazon Transcribe Amazon Translate

Score: 11.743386

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Services / Broadcast

Broadcast The Broadcast service is responsible for relaying messages to members of the application server cluster. It provides an essential publish and subscription service so that application server members can broadcast messages, receive messages and subscribe to topics and events that occur throughout the system. Essential Configuration { "broadcast": { "enabled": , "type": "", "config": { ...configuration } } } There are two

Score: 11.672559

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Services / Broadcast

Broadcast The Broadcast service is responsible for relaying messages to members of the application server cluster. It provides an essential publish and subscription service so that application server members can broadcast messages, receive messages and subscribe to topics and events that occur throughout the system. Essential Configuration { "broadcast": { "enabled": , "type": "", "config": { ...configuration } } } There are two

Score: 11.661062

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Services

Services Awareness Broadcast Cache Config Driver Config Duster Flow Insight Local Notifications Overview Performance Server Tags Virtual Driver Virtual Hosts Web Content Management Welcome

Score: 10.894217

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Services

Services Awareness Broadcast Cache Config Driver Config Duster Flow Insight Local Locks Notifications Overview Performance Server Tags Virtual Driver Virtual Hosts Web Content Management Welcome

Score: 10.887363

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server

Application Server The Cloud CMS Application Server offers an easy way for customers to assemble powerful, front-end custom APIs and web sites for Cloud CMS. It is completely free and runs on top of the popular Node.js technology stack. With Cloud CMS, customers have a choice of using any front-end presentation technology they wish. In many cases, customers already have a technology investment (such as C#, PHP, Java or Ruby) and thus a preference for continuing to build on that technology stack.

Score: 8.72916

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Overview

Application Server The Cloud CMS Application Server offers an easy way for customers to assemble powerful, front-end custom APIs and web sites for Cloud CMS. It is completely free and runs on top of the popular Node.js technology stack. With Cloud CMS, customers have a choice of using any front-end presentation technology they wish. In many cases, customers already have a technology investment (such as C#, PHP, Java or Ruby) and thus a preference for continuing to build on that technology stack.

Score: 8.72916

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Clustering

Clustering The Cloud CMS Application Server supports running on a single Node process as well as multiple Node processes. Node processes can run on a single server instance or can be spread across multiple server instances behind a load balancer. By default, the Application Server starts up and allocates itself to a single CPU. This is known as single mode. Even if you have a server with more than one CPU on it, the Application Server will still only bind to 1 of those CPUs. When the Application

Score: 8.326338

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Applications / Public Services

Public Services Cloud CMS provides a special set of application services methods that provide convenience functions for your front-end mobile or web applications to accomplish things like user registration, password resets and more. Technically speaking, everything that you can do with these convenience functions can be done using the Cloud CMS API in other ways, however doing so is often multi-step and involves lots of interactions. The convenience methods make this easier by letting you pre-wi

Score: 6.31662

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Platform / Applications / Public Services

Public Services Cloud CMS provides a special set of application services methods that provide convenience functions for your front-end mobile or web applications to accomplish things like user registration, password resets and more. Technically speaking, everything that you can do with these convenience functions can be done using the Cloud CMS API in other ways, however doing so is often multi-step and involves lots of interactions. The convenience methods make this easier by letting you pre-wi

Score: 6.31662

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / General / Geolocation Services

Geolocation Services Cloud CMS provides geolocation information look up services that can be used to determine geographic information for a given IP address or set of coordinates. In many places, Cloud CMS automatically utilizes these geolocation services for you. In places where geolocation information is stored on your content instances, geolocation data can automatically be looked up and applied using Cloud CMS features. In addition, you can invoke the API directly to look up geolocation info

Score: 6.240556

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / General / Geolocation Services

Geolocation Services Cloud CMS provides geolocation information look up services that can be used to determine geographic information for a given IP address or set of coordinates. In many places, Cloud CMS automatically utilizes these geolocation services for you. In places where geolocation information is stored on your content instances, geolocation data can automatically be looked up and applied using Cloud CMS features. In addition, you can invoke the API directly to look up geolocation info

Score: 6.240556

Automation and AI Services - Gitana

Automation and AI Services - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Enterprise Data Engine Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Automate Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enh

Score: 4.450882

Definitions for Date format

Our definitions are based on JSON schema and, as such, the default is to use strings for dates. The date controls in our forms engine let you customize the format string so that you can store ISO 8601 or other formats (perhaps simplified formats) as per your preference. The advantage here is simplicity with these controls and compatibility with JSON schema. The disadvantage is that MongoDB provides a lot of very powerful capabilities for range query and sorting that do not play as nicely with th

Score: 4.367255

Does Cloud CMS support Single Sign On (SSO)?

Yes, Cloud CMS supports SSO (Single Sign On) with a variety of authentication providers. Many of these providers are offered out-of-the-box -- including providers for Keycloak, Google, CAS and more. In addition, we allow you to implement your own SSO providers and customize the authentication handshake. To learn more about how Cloud CMS authentication providers work, check out the following documentation: Custom Authenticators a

Score: 3.63618

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Services / Cache

Cache The Cache Service is responsible for providing an application server cache that all processes, whether local or distributed, have access to for non-transactional caching. Objects stored in the cache are eventually available to other members of the cluster (if there are any), no matter whether running on the same server or on other servers in the cluster. Modes The Cloud CMS Application Server can run in one of three modes: single node cluster multiple nodes (on a single process) sticky-clu

Score: 3.3541703

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Services / Cache

Cache The Cache Service is responsible for providing an application server cache that all processes, whether local or distributed, have access to for non-transactional caching. Objects stored in the cache are eventually available to other members of the cluster (if there are any), no matter whether running on the same server or on other servers in the cluster. Modes The Cloud CMS Application Server can run in one of three modes: single node cluster multiple nodes (on a single process) sticky-clu

Score: 3.3541703

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Tags / @form

@form A form can be rendered from Cloud CMS by identifying the definition and form key. Forms are rendered on the client-side using Alpaca Forms. For a working example, see: Parameters parameter required description definition yes the type definition QName form yes the form key list no the data list to populate successUrl no the URL to redirect to upon success failureUrl no the URL to redirect to upon failure formId no ov

Score: 2.9144971

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Tags / @form

@form A form can be rendered from Cloud CMS by identifying the definition and form key. Forms are rendered on the client-side using Alpaca Forms. For a working example, see: Parameters parameter required description definition yes the type definition QName form yes the form key list no the data list to populate successUrl no the URL to redirect to upon success failureUrl no the URL to redirect to upon failure formId no ov

Score: 2.9144971

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Services / Notifications

Notifications The Notifications service is responsible for receiving messages from the outside world. These are frequently transmitted via a message queue or broker and signal the cluster that it should take some action to update its state. This may include things like invalidating caches or re-syncing content. Essential Configuration { "notifications": { "enabled": , "log": "", "type": "", "configuration": { ...configuratio

Score: 2.7405758