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How does Cloud CMS compare to Contentful?

Not sure which CMS is a better fit? Review these points to help guide your selection. Criteria Cloud CMS Contentful Ease of Use Implements a role-based UI to accommodate various functions. Simple user interface for defining content types and instances. Update Strategy Documents are published individually, or as part of larger change sets. Documents are published one-by-one. Workflow Process Flexible workflow capability. Allows teams and roles to be created along with a workflow designer for defi

Score: 1.4717543

UI feature - Folder Navigation Tree

Cloud CMS now provides a left-hand Folder Tree in the Folders view. Although a relatively simple feature, the left-hand Folder Tree makes navigation between folders much easier and is a familiar way to view and navigate content. The left-hand Folder tree can be enabled or disabled from the Project Settings page (set to disabled by default). After the left-hand Folder Tree is enabled, it can then be seen under Browse By Folder. If a folder contains one or more folders within it, then there is an

Score: 1.4717543

How does Cloud CMS compare to

Not sure which CMS is a better fit? Review these points to help guide your selection. Criteria Cloud CMS Ease of Use Implements a role-based UI to accommodate various functions. Complex user interface for defining content types and instances. Item creation must occur here. See API Access. Update Strategy Documents are published individually, or as part of larger change sets. Documents are published individually, or as part of larger change sets. Workflow Process Flexible workflow capa

Score: 1.442992

Comparison: Cloud CMS vs Prismic

Not sure which CMS is a better fit? Review these points to help guide your selection. Criteria Cloud CMS Prismic Ease of Use Implements a role-based UI to accommodate various functions. Complex user interface for defining content types and instances. Item creation must occur here. See API Access. Update Strategy Documents are published individually, or as part of larger change sets. Documents are published individually, or as part of larger change sets. Workflow Process Flexible workflow capabil

Score: 1.442992

Comparison: Cloud CMS vs Contentful

Looking for the best CMS online? Review these points to help guide your headless CMS selection. Criteria Cloud CMS Contentful Ease of Use Implements a role-based UI to accommodate various functions. Simple user interface for defining content types and instances. Flexibility JSON schema with types and associations that you can continually evolve in-place. Basic content model only, difficult to change once configured Update Strategy Documents are published individually, or as part of larger change

Score: 1.442992

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker

Docker Cloud CMS offers the option to run development and production installations of its software on-premise or within a virtual private cloud. This option is available to subscription customers and can be utilized in both a development and production capacity. The actual installation and management of the various services involved in a full-scale production-ready Cloud CMS deployment is facilitated greatly through the use of Docker. Docker provides a way for all of the various tiers to be enca

Score: 1.4427338

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / API / Views

Views When Alpaca runs, the very first thing it does is sort out which view implementation it will use to render the schema and options that you provide. A view implementation consists of an ID and an implementation class. The implementation class serves as a reference object that Alpaca uses to determine things along the way such as: which template to render for a given form, container or control type what CSS classes to inject into rendered elements what callback behaviors to run against rende

Score: 1.3884736

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Templates

Templates Cloud CMS supports the usage of templates at various points to generate presentation and output for things like emails, PDFs, web page components and more. Cloud CMS supports two template engines - Handlebars and Freemarker. In general, we recommend using Handlebars since the syntax is a bit easier. This document covers Handlebars and describes helper functions available in Handlebars that make processing simpler. Model Variables The following describes the internal structure of model

Score: 1.3620992

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Templates / Overview

Templates Cloud CMS supports the usage of templates at various points to generate presentation and output for things like emails, PDFs, web page components and more. Cloud CMS supports two template engines - Handlebars and Freemarker. In general, we recommend using Handlebars since the syntax is a bit easier. This document covers Handlebars and describes helper functions available in Handlebars that make processing simpler. Model Variables The following describes the internal structure of model

Score: 1.3620992

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Single Sign On (SSO) / JWT

JWT This page provides a simple example of how to configure Cloud CMS for JWT. For a deeper explanation of Cloud CMS Single Sign On (SSO) and the role that JWT plays in it, please read our documentation on Single Sign On. The example provided here is pretty simple. It is put together this way to keep things simple. In practice, you'll make modifications to this approach depending upon the needs of your security and identity provider system. JWT.IO Let's generate a JSON Web Token. Open up a brows

Score: 1.332804

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Authentication / Single Sign On (SSO) / JWT

JWT This page provides a simple example of how to configure Cloud CMS for JWT. For a deeper explanation of Cloud CMS Single Sign On (SSO) and the role that JWT plays in it, please read our documentation on Single Sign On. The example provided here is pretty simple. It is put together this way to keep things simple. In practice, you'll make modifications to this approach depending upon the needs of your security and identity provider system. JWT.IO Let's generate a JSON Web Token. Open up a brows

Score: 1.332804

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Integrations / ActiveMQ

ActiveMQ ActiveMQ is a high performance Apache 2.0 licensed Message Broker and JMS 1.1 implementation. It provides a high performance and scalable implementation of an effective and popular message queue that lets you decouple your front end applications (and the Cloud CMS UI Server) from back end API notifications. You can use ActiveMQ to transmit any volume of data, at any level of throughput, without losing messages or requiring other services to be always available. Cloud CMS Application Ser

Score: 1.3222448

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Integrations / ActiveMQ

ActiveMQ ActiveMQ is a high performance Apache 2.0 licensed Message Broker and JMS 1.1 implementation. It provides a high performance and scalable implementation of an effective and popular message queue that lets you decouple your front end applications (and the Cloud CMS UI Server) from back end API notifications. You can use ActiveMQ to transmit any volume of data, at any level of throughput, without losing messages or requiring other services to be always available. Cloud CMS Application Ser

Score: 1.3222448

Automation and AI Services - Gitana

Automation and AI Services - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Enterprise Data Engine Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Automate Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enh

Score: 1.3211945

Cloud CMS Performance Measurement

Performance issues may be outside of Cloud CMS such as being related to firewalls or corporate proxies. One strategy for determining this is to run an ab test to gather timings from your computer to or to the user interface server. This gives you a good approximation of where penalties are being paid and you'd expect to see ~70-100ms latency which we consider nominal. Another thing to try is to run a connection test from the command line on the box that you're browsing f

Score: 1.2915478

Gitana / 4.0 / Self Managed / Docker / Overview

Docker Cloud CMS offers the option to run development and production installations of its software on-premise or within a virtual private cloud. This option is available to subscription customers and can be utilized in both a development and production capacity. The actual installation and management of the various services involved in a full-scale production-ready Cloud CMS deployment is facilitated greatly through the use of Docker. Docker provides a way for all of the various tiers to be enca

Score: 1.2715956

Precompile your Text fields with Markdown or Handlebars

One of the new features in Cloud CMS 3.2.41 is the f:precompile feature. This feature tells Cloud CMS to automatically precompile one or more fields on your content items whenever the content is saved. With precompiling in place, you can now let your editors work in Markdown or use Handlebars tags in their content and then have that content automatically convert into HTML (or another output format) for use in your front-end applications. An Example Suppose, for example, that you defined an artcl

Score: 1.2680693

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / API / Custom Fields

Custom Fields Alpaca has a pretty inclusive field library that you can use straight away. Fields are simply referenced by their type within your Alpaca forms configuration. If you don't provide specific field types to use, Alpaca guesses at sensible defaults for you. You can also create your own fields. Alpaca fields are object-oriented (essentially) so that you can extend existing fields, override methods and modify behaviors. The result is less work and a complete extensibility layer so that y

Score: 1.2478918

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / Fields / Integer Field

Integer Field The integer field. Properties Title Integer Description Image Field Type integer Base Field Type text Schema Property Type Default Description allowOptionalEmpty Allows this non-required field to validate when the value is empty autocomplete string Allows you to specify the autocomplete attribute for the underlying input control whether or not field should have autocomplete enabled. data object Allows you to specify a key/value map of data attributes that will be added as DOM attri

Score: 1.2478918

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Auto Translate

Auto Translate QName: f:auto-translate This feature makes it so that any content that is saved is automatically translated into any desired target locales and stored as translations within the Cloud CMS I18N (Internationalization) framework. With this feature, your editorial users could, for example, make a change to a node and save it. The change could then be translated into Chinese, Spanish and German so that content can be retrieved from Cloud CMS in those locales. This all happens automatic

Score: 1.2256198

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Auto Translate

Auto Translate QName: f:auto-translate This feature makes it so that any content that is saved is automatically translated into any desired target locales and stored as translations within the Cloud CMS I18N (Internationalization) framework. With this feature, your editorial users could, for example, make a change to a node and save it. The change could then be translated into Chinese, Spanish and German so that content can be retrieved from Cloud CMS in those locales. This all happens automatic

Score: 1.2256198

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Inline Links

Inline Links QName: f:inline-links Adds support for automatic text parsing and discovery and tracking of linked references within text-based markup (referred to here as "inline links"). When this feature is present on a node, any persistence operations (such as create or update) will run some additional logic over your text fields. If text is discovered, it is potentially parsed and the discovered contents of the text are inspected for inline links. If your text fields contain HTML, the HTML is

Score: 1.2055793

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Inline Links

Inline Links QName: f:inline-links Adds support for automatic text parsing and discovery and tracking of linked references within text-based markup (referred to here as "inline links"). When this feature is present on a node, any persistence operations (such as create or update) will run some additional logic over your text fields. If text is discovered, it is potentially parsed and the discovered contents of the text are inspected for inline links. If your text fields contain HTML, the HTML is

Score: 1.2055793

How we use Docker at Cloud CMS

At Cloud CMS, we use Docker to provision our cloud infrastructure servers on top of Amazon Web Services. Our stack consists of five different clusters: Cloud CMS API Cloud CMS UI Cloud CMS App Server for Dynamic Hosting Elastic Search MongoDB With the exception of MongoDB, all of these clusters are allocated using elastic load balancing and are architected in such a way that we can spin up new servers and tear down old ones with elastic demand. That is to say, they are fully elastic in design. T

Score: 1.1939589

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Upgrades / 3.2.77

3.2.77 Upgrade Notes The notes supplied here pertain to upgrading to Cloud CMS version 3.2.77. Release Notes The release notes for this release are available here: Elastic Search Client Make sure that you are have configured Cloud CMS to connect to Elastic Searching using the condor HTTP/S client. In prior versions of Cloud CMS, an http and transport client were offered that utilized the native drivers of Elastic Search. As we've expanded our support fo

Score: 1.1688731