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Gitana 4.0 / Reference

Explore comprehensive Gitana data type references, including schemas, properties, methods, and API links, for data stores, objects, and general types.

Score: 3.1797519

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Narration / Narration Providers / AWS Polly

Generate narration audio files with AWS Polly, utilizing secure IAM credentials for seamless S3 integration across specified regions.

Score: 3.1459684

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Transcription / Transcription Providers / AWS Transcribe

AWS Transcribe converts audio to text with IAM authentication & S3 integration for seamless transcription services.

Score: 3.1459684

Gitana 4.0 / Content Engine / Services / Narration / Narration Providers / AWS Polly

Generate narration audio files with AWS Polly, utilizing secure IAM credentials for seamless S3 integration across specified regions.

Score: 3.1459684

Gitana 4.0 / Content Engine / Services / Transcription / Transcription Providers / AWS Transcribe

AWS Transcribe converts audio to text with IAM authentication & S3 integration for seamless transcription services.

Score: 3.1459684

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Text Analysis

Automatically analyze your content on Cloud CMS to detect sentiment, key phrases, entities, and languages, enhancing editorial insights.

Score: 3.1410923

Gitana 4.0 / Self Managed / Maintenance / Encrypting Properties

Secure sensitive data with Cloud CMS using RSA encryption and the gitana-tools-encryptor.jar for generating and managing keys.

Score: 3.1336718

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Kits / OEM

Optimize Cloud CMS integrations with the OEM kit, featuring UI and API extensions for developers and partners. Build and test seamlessly.

Score: 3.1248925

Gitana 4.0 / Self Managed / Kits / OEM

OEM kit streamlines building and testing UI and API extensions in customized Cloud CMS solutions, using Docker and tools like MongoDB and Elasticsearch.

Score: 3.1248925

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Container Services / Kubernetes

Optimize your infrastructure with Kubernetes and Gitana SDK. Automate deployment of containerized apps across cloud providers like AWS, Google, and Azure.

Score: 3.051992

Sign up for a free 14-day trial account - Gitana

Sign up for a free 14-day trial account - Gitana Try Gitana All we need is a valid email address to get started. We'll send you a link that you can use to sign up. Get Started

Score: 3.0181353

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Configuration / API Server

Optimize your API server with Cloud CMS for RESTful integration, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, and AWS services like S3 and CloudFront.

Score: 2.979134

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Authentication / Adapters / JWT

Learn how the JWT request adapter securely manages JSON Web Tokens via headers or cookies, enabling trusted identity verification and user profile management.

Score: 2.965538

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Authentication / Adapters / Session

Optimize user experience with configurable session adapter to easily access authenticated user profiles in your strategy setup.

Score: 2.965538

Gitana 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Authentication / Adapters / JWT

Learn how to configure JWT request adapters to securely retrieve JSON Web Tokens from headers or cookies for secure authentication.

Score: 2.965538

Gitana 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Authentication / Adapters / Session

Optimize user experience with configurable session adapter to easily access authenticated user profiles in your strategy setup.

Score: 2.965538

Gitana 4.0

Discover all features and capabilities of Cloud CMS 4.0 with our comprehensive documentation guide.

Score: 2.927187

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Upgrades / 3.2.87

Upgrade to Cloud CMS 3.2.87 for enhanced ARM-64 support, requiring MongoDB 4.0+ and Redis 6.x+. Optimize deployments with AWS Graviton.

Score: 2.703113

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Configuration / Encrypting Properties

Secure your sensitive data with Cloud CMS by encrypting API properties using RSA keys, safeguarding passwords and credentials effortlessly.

Score: 2.698031

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Optical Character Recognition

Optimize document management with OCR in Cloud CMS, enabling full-text search of scanned content and automatic data extraction from forms.

Score: 2.680138

OAuth2, Clients and Authentication Grants

One of the things that I really like about our approach to server authorization is that we’ve elected to get completely behind the OAuth2 specification. Cloud CMS provides support for all of the OAuth2 flows. We provide an authorization and resource server so that you can separate concerns and perform the full three-legged “auth code” flow. Or you can simplify things and use something like a “password” or “implicit” flow depending on the security environment of your application. For environments

Score: 2.6106455

The Beauty of Cloud CMS Chaining

Chaining is a common technique that has been widely adopted by modern JavaScript libraries to chain method calls together. The goal of chaining is to produce elegant and concise code that is easy to understand or maintain. For example, if you are a jQuery developer, you may produce similar code like this on daily basis. $('#mydiv').empty().html('Hello Word!').css('font-size','10px'); However, most popular JavaScript libraries only support “static” chaining, e.g. DOM object manipulation. If the m

Score: 2.5700111

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Single Sign On (SSO) / Okta

Configure Cloud CMS SSO with Okta using SAML 2.0 for seamless enterprise authentication and efficient identity management.

Score: 2.5617683

Gitana 4.0 / Developers / Cookbooks / REST API Cookbook

Learn to build and query REST APIs with Gitana's detailed guide, authentication tips, code samples, and full-text search strategy.

Score: 2.530707

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Single Sign On (SSO) / Ping

Configure Cloud CMS SSO with Ping Identity's PingOne using SAML 2.0 for seamless and secure user authentication.

Score: 2.530005