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Gitana 4.0 / Developers / Cookbooks / Node.js Cookbook

Enhance your Node.js skills with our Cookbook. Learn to connect with Cloud CMS, create nodes, and master asynchronous chaining with code samples.

Score: 3.3347995

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Dashboard

Customize your platform dashboards with ease. Change layouts, add or remove dashlets, manage configurations, and lock settings effortlessly.

Score: 3.310133

Gitana 4.0 / Developers / Frameworks / cURL

Learn how to use cURL for API calls and connectivity with Cloud CMS, plus access key management and example scripts.

Score: 3.310133

Gitana 4.0 / User Interface / User Interface / Dashboard

Customize your dashboard in Platform and Project with ease. Change layout, add or remove dashlets, configure, and lock with flexible options.

Score: 3.310133

Internationalization (I18N)

All of the content that you create within Cloud CMS supports localized translation. This is often referred to as internationalization (I18N) in the enterprise world. Cloud CMS has full support for localization so that any content you put into Cloud CMS supports multiple translation bundles. When content is retrieved from Cloud CMS, either through the APIs, the editorial interface or from your own applications, Cloud CMS respects the locale being requested and serves back a best-match fit for tha

Score: 3.3019185

The top 3 features that differentiate Cloud CMS from the competition

You have determined you need a Content Management System (CMS) and have begun the daunting task of reducing the number of CMS products to a manageable number to evaluate in depth. Having reached this article you are aware of, or interested in, CMSs that can be described as: Headless CMS, API First, Platform as a Service (PaaS), Decoupled CMS, Cloud-First. I am sure there are more beautiful categorizations and terminology provided by the latest analyst buzz. As much as I may not like the catagori

Score: 3.3019185

Dynamic ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain with Apache 2

We do a lot of HTML5 and JavaScript application hosting at Cloud CMS. Our platform lets you build HTML5 applications and deploy them to our cloud infrastructure with just a couple of clicks. As a result, we’ve gotten pretty friendly with Apache 2, virtual hosts, mod_rewrite, proxies and more. Applications built on our platform use OAuth2 over SSL. We support all of the authentication flows even for HTML5/JS applications. Inherently, these applications are considered “untrusted” in any two-legged

Score: 3.3019185

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Branches / Custom Indexes

Optimize your data retrieval with custom indexes in Cloud CMS, enabling faster queries and improved performance for large datasets.

Score: 3.299189

Gitana 4.0 / Content Engine / Branches / Custom Indexes

Optimize Cloud CMS performance with custom branch-level indexes for faster data queries and efficient app performance.

Score: 3.299189

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Awareness

Collaborate in real-time with Awareness; view, edit documents with others seamlessly, similar to Google Docs. Auto-lock ensures efficient editing.

Score: 3.253795

Gitana 4.0 / User Interface / User Interface / Awareness

Real-time document collaboration with user avatars and auto-lock editing for seamless teamwork, similar to Google Docs.

Score: 3.253795

Cloud CMS - Image Cropping and Resizing Features

Lets face it – CMS editors just want to do their job and not spend too long in the tools. Recently we added a feature to allow Content editors to do image cropping within the Cloud CMS User Interface rather than having to do this outside Cloud CMS and re-upload the image. This is a simple powerful feature which will save the content editor many clicks and minutes. The image editing tool allows for: reversing an image, and rotating an image cropping the image saving and reverting back to the orig

Score: 3.253795

Selling a CMS to your Boss?

You have found the CMS to answer all your dreams and perhaps a lot more – now what? The quest for CMS nirvana is over and you are ready to start moving forward and onto the interesting challenges ahead. Probably not – you still have to sell the CMS to your Management! Your management is likely less interested in the great architecture/features and more interested in the costs to the business of buying or even not buying the CMS. Coming from the business side, this blog touches on the topics I wo

Score: 3.224983

Semiotic Systems and Web Site Design

During my freshman year of college, I took a class in semiotic systems. It was a French Literature class and was also part of the Women’s Studies program. I was one of the five males in the class who, like me, were all engineering students. And, like me, they were all in over there heads. Surrounded by women who were much smarter than we were. Yet, we soldiered on. The class proved to be very interesting as it dealt with “semiotic systems” which, at the time, was a completely new field for me. W

Score: 3.1916678

Gitana 4.0 / Home

Discover Gitana's Enterprise Content Platform: streamline content creation, management, and real-time publishing with workflow-driven control and custom APIs.

Score: 3.1466825

Gitana 4.0 / Reference

Explore comprehensive Gitana data type references, including schemas, properties, methods, and API links, for data stores, objects, and general types.

Score: 3.1466825

Node Lifecycle Events

First, you configure your tenant with the AWS credentials of an IAM user and a SNS topic ARN that you wish to publish notification events to. This can be on your own AWS account so that you can work with these notifications any way you'd like. The notifications are for a variety of node lifecycle events. The primary one is "node_invalidation" which happens whenever a node's state changes. It's an indication that anyone caching anything downstream might want to reconsider their cache state. In te

Score: 3.1466825

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Knowledge Sharing

Enhance knowledge sharing between nodes using Cloud CMS to efficiently propagate properties through association types. Avoid cyclic loops with non-cyclic settings.

Score: 3.0957282

Gitana 4.0 / Developers / Frameworks / Next.js

Build static sites effortlessly with Next.js and Cloud CMS. Access API keys, explore sample projects, and download source code to get started today.

Score: 3.0957282

Gitana 4.0 / Developers / Frameworks / SvelteKit

Create static and hybrid websites effortlessly with SvelteKit, leveraging Cloud CMS integrations. Find setup tools, examples, and API key configuration.

Score: 3.0957282

Gitana 4.0 / Content Engine / Aspects / Knowledge Sharing

Enhance knowledge sharing between nodes using Cloud CMS to efficiently propagate properties through association types. Avoid cyclic loops with non-cyclic settings.

Score: 3.0957282

Content definition - JSON Schema v4 document

1. A content definition is a JSON Schema v4 document. As such, the valid property types are those supported by JSON Schema itself, described more thoroughly here: (Specifically, look under section 4.2.1 Instance Data Model) 2. The default path capability is frequently used to make sure that content of a given type is stored into a predictable "folder" structure. You're right to be inquisitive about what this means since everything in Cloud CMS

Score: 3.0957282

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / Scripting Cookbook

Explore our Scripting Cookbook with server-side scripting guides, code samples, and practical examples for effortless development.

Score: 3.0885415

Gitana 4.0 / Developers / Cookbooks / Scripting Cookbook

Explore our Scripting Cookbook with server-side scripting guides, code samples, and practical examples for effortless development.

Score: 3.0885415

Content Entry Forms Example

Cloud CMS lets you easily design and deploy forms for your web applications and content contributors. In this blog entry, we’ll walk through how you can do this within the Cloud CMS user interface. In this example, we’ll create a form that allows editors to create City Guide information. Note: in the Cloud CMS Trial there is a City Guide Content definition which can be used as a starting point or as a reference for this example. Add a Definition The Content Definitions can be found in the Cloud

Score: 3.0885415