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Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Data Types / Platform

Platform Configuration and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory. The following table presents you the system properties. Data Store Properties Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId

Score: 4.263722

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / Scripting Cookbook

Scripting Cookbook Getting Started To get started with Server-Side Scripting, please visit the Server Side Scripting page. Code Samples Here are some code samples of common data structures to help you get started. Increment a Property With this example, we want to keep track of a counter that tracks the number of updates made to a node. After a node is created, if the user clicks update ten times, we want to have a counter on the node that indicates it has been updated ten times. This script sho

Score: 3.8450992

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Actions

Actions Cloud CMS provides an Action framework that lets you kick off Actions that perform content operations on your behalf. Actions are units of work that are typically fired off as a result of an event handler or listener. For example, you might register an Action that triggers when a piece of content is updated or when a workflow task transitions. The Action might do something like Send an Email or Fire off a Web Hook. The Cloud CMS Action framework aspires to provide complete units of work

Score: 3.6011467

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / Actions

Actions Cloud CMS provides an Action framework that lets you kick off Actions that perform content operations on your behalf. Actions are units of work that are typically fired off as a result of an event handler or listener. For example, you might register an Action that triggers when a piece of content is updated or when a workflow task transitions. The Action might do something like Send an Email or Fire off a Web Hook. The Cloud CMS Action framework aspires to provide complete units of work

Score: 3.6011467

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / PHP Cookbook

PHP Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the PHP driver, visit Gitana PHP Driver Page or the Github Page. It can be used in any composer php project. To install with composer from the command line: composer require cloudcms/cloudcms Connecting to Gitana You can connect to Gitana with the php driver by providing a config array containing your keys, which can be obtained from a gitana.json file. It should look something like: { "clientKey": "{your client key}", "clientSecret": "{y

Score: 3.5863795

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / C# Cookbook

C# Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the C# driver, visit Gitana C# Driver Page or the Github Page. It is written with .NET Core and can be used in any compatible project. You can install the driver via the command line: dotnet add package cloudcms or from within Visual Studio: Install-Package cloudcms Or by adding this to your .csproj file (you may have to adjust the version): Connecting to Cloud

Score: 3.415531

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / Python Cookbook

Python Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the Python driver, visit Gitana Python Driver Page or the Github Page. It is written with Python 3 and can be used in any compatible project. You can install the driver via the command line: pip install cloudcms or pip3 install cloudcms Or add something like this to your requirements.txt: cloudcms==1.1.0 Connecting to Gitana You can connect to Gitana by providing a config file or the oauth variables directly. Using a Gitana JSON file You ca

Score: 3.3178086

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / Java Cookbook

Java Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the Java driver, please visit the Gitana Java Driver Page. We recommend that you use Maven. At a minimum, you will need to add the following repository declaration to your pom.xml file: cloudcms-public cloudcms-public Note that newer vesions of Maven require secure repositories so if you cur

Score: 3.3030887

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / Go Cookbook

Go Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the Go driver, visit the Github Page or Package Page to view the source code, tests and basic usage examples. You can install the driver via the command line: go get Connecting to Cloud CMS There are two ways to connect with the Go driver: By finding a gitana.json file in your working directory, or by providing a config configuration. // Connect to CloudCMS using gitana.json in working directory session, err :=

Score: 3.2535298

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / JavaScript 2.0 Cookbook

JavaScript 2.0 Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the JavaScript driver, please visit the Gitana JavaScript 2.0 Driver Page. This JavaScript driver, in contrast to the Gitana JavaScript 1.0 Driver, fully supports ECMAScript promises, which makes it easier to seamlessly integrate with your javascript apps. Connecting to Cloud CMS You can connect and then use this driver in three different but equivalent ways: Async / Await Promises Callbacks Async / Await const cloudcms = require("cloud

Score: 3.1940713

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Installation / Docker Installation

Docker Installation The Cloud CMS Application Server is additionally provided as a Docker image. With Docker, you can launch this image within its own container running on Linux, Mac OS or Windows. The container can be managed, brought online and shutdown at any time. Docker To get started, you will need to familiarize yourself with Docker. Install Docker onto your operating system and become familiar with the command line tools. Git You will also need to be familiar with Git. The source for the

Score: 2.6646605

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Installation / Docker Installation

Docker Installation The Cloud CMS Application Server is additionally provided as a Docker image. With Docker, you can launch this image within its own container running on Linux, Mac OS or Windows. The container can be managed, brought online and shutdown at any time. Docker To get started, you will need to familiarize yourself with Docker. Install Docker onto your operating system and become familiar with the command line tools. Git You will also need to be familiar with Git. The source for the

Score: 2.6646605

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Integrations / ActiveMQ

ActiveMQ ActiveMQ is a high performance Apache 2.0 licensed Message Broker and JMS 1.1 implementation. It provides a high performance and scalable implementation of an effective and popular message queue that lets you decouple your front end applications (and the Cloud CMS UI Server) from back end API notifications. You can use ActiveMQ to transmit any volume of data, at any level of throughput, without losing messages or requiring other services to be always available. Cloud CMS Application Ser

Score: 2.6419125

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Integrations / ActiveMQ

ActiveMQ ActiveMQ is a high performance Apache 2.0 licensed Message Broker and JMS 1.1 implementation. It provides a high performance and scalable implementation of an effective and popular message queue that lets you decouple your front end applications (and the Cloud CMS UI Server) from back end API notifications. You can use ActiveMQ to transmit any volume of data, at any level of throughput, without losing messages or requiring other services to be always available. Cloud CMS Application Ser

Score: 2.6419125

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / URL Addressability / Login and Logout

Login and Logout The Application Server provides login and logout support for development teams that wish to store their users and user account information inside of Cloud CMS Domains. Cloud CMS Domains are LDAP-like storage facilities for users, groups, group memberships and more. They're not required, technically, since the Application Server can accommodate other storage facilities (such as LDAP itself), but they're incredibly useful if you can use them since they let you take advantage of us

Score: 2.640909

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / URL Addressability / Login and Logout

Login and Logout The Application Server provides login and logout support for development teams that wish to store their users and user account information inside of Cloud CMS Domains. Cloud CMS Domains are LDAP-like storage facilities for users, groups, group memberships and more. They're not required, technically, since the Application Server can accommodate other storage facilities (such as LDAP itself), but they're incredibly useful if you can use them since they let you take advantage of us

Score: 2.640909

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Authentication / Providers / LinkedIn

LinkedIn Cloud CMS provides integrated authentication and single-sign-on (SSO) with LinkedIn. This page describes the authentication provider available for the Cloud CMS Application Server that enables your mobile or web applications as well as the Cloud CMS user interface or API to authenticate against LinkedIn. For more information on Authentication within the App Server, see App Server Authentication / SSO. LinkedIn API Keys You will need to configure a LinkedIn application and have the follo

Score: 2.6212754

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Authentication / Providers / LinkedIn

LinkedIn Cloud CMS provides integrated authentication and single-sign-on (SSO) with LinkedIn. This page describes the authentication provider available for the Cloud CMS Application Server that enables your mobile or web applications as well as the Cloud CMS user interface or API to authenticate against LinkedIn. For more information on Authentication within the App Server, see App Server Authentication / SSO. LinkedIn API Keys You will need to configure a LinkedIn application and have the follo

Score: 2.6212754

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Installation / Standalone Installation

Standalone Installation The Cloud CMS Application Server is a Node.js / Express-based Application that can be downloaded and run with very little setup. All you need to do is provide your Cloud CMS account credentials and the Cloud CMS Application Server will connect and come online ready to serve your content. Node.js To get started, you will need Node.js. Please visit to download Node.js for your platform. Git You will also need to be familiar with Git. The source for th

Score: 2.594948

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Installation / Standalone Installation

Standalone Installation The Cloud CMS Application Server is a Node.js / Express-based Application that can be downloaded and run with very little setup. All you need to do is provide your Cloud CMS account credentials and the Cloud CMS Application Server will connect and come online ready to serve your content. Node.js To get started, you will need Node.js. Please visit to download Node.js for your platform. Git You will also need to be familiar with Git. The source for th

Score: 2.594948

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Authentication / Providers / Facebook

Facebook The Facebook Authentication Provider enables the Cloud CMS Application Server to authenticate, validate tokens and load user profile information against Facebook. For more information on Authentication within the App Server, see App Server Authentication / SSO. Facebook API Keys To use this provider, you will first need to set up a Developers Account within Facebook and create an application therein. Doing so will give you a set of API tokens: appId - the Facebook application ID token a

Score: 2.556481

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Authentication / Providers / Facebook

Facebook The Facebook Authentication Provider enables the Cloud CMS Application Server to authenticate, validate tokens and load user profile information against Facebook. For more information on Authentication within the App Server, see App Server Authentication / SSO. Facebook API Keys To use this provider, you will first need to set up a Developers Account within Facebook and create an application therein. Doing so will give you a set of API tokens: appId - the Facebook application ID token a

Score: 2.556481

Proxy API calls

Whenever a resulting URL looks something like: It works great as an API URL but not necessarily as one that can be resolved by the end user's browser. In a typical Node.js-based architecture, you have the User’s browser Node.js application server Cloud CMS backend API The URL generated above is the URL directly to the resource in the backend API. What you really would pre

Score: 2.5217028

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Publishing / Preview Servers

Preview Servers Before your changes go to Live website i.e. on the Production mode, to discover problems and fix them right away you can set up the Preview Servers and review the content changes instantly. You can look at the default Preview Servers under Manage Project : The default servers are Authoring and Production and are setup to a sample URL which can be modified with your website URL or some API or an Application. To add your Custom Server, you can click on Add Preview Server and set-up

Score: 2.5085487

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Publishing / Preview Servers

Preview Servers Before your changes go to Live website i.e. on the Production mode, to discover problems and fix them right away you can set up the Preview Servers and review the content changes instantly. You can look at the default Preview Servers under Manage Project : The default servers are Authoring and Production and are setup to a sample URL which can be modified with your website URL or some API or an Application. To add your Custom Server, you can click on Add Preview Server and set-up

Score: 2.5085487