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Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Reading Level

Reading Level QName: f:reading-level Indicates that a node should track the reading level of each text property. Configuration Scores Score School level Notes 100.00–90.00 5th grade Very easy to read. Easily understood by an average 11-year-old student. 90.0–80.0 6th grade Easy to read. Conversational English for consumers. 80.0–70.0 7th grade Fairly easy to read. 70.0–60.0 8th & 9th grade Plain English. Easily understood by 13- to 15-year-old students. 60.0–50.0 10th to 12th grade Fairly diffic

Score: 0.82641524

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Reading Level

Reading Level QName: f:reading-level Indicates that a node should track the reading level of each text property. Configuration Scores Score School level Notes 100.00–90.00 5th grade Very easy to read. Easily understood by an average 11-year-old student. 90.0–80.0 6th grade Easy to read. Conversational English for consumers. 80.0–70.0 7th grade Fairly easy to read. 70.0–60.0 8th & 9th grade Plain English. Easily understood by 13- to 15-year-old students. 60.0–50.0 10th to 12th grade Fairly diffic

Score: 0.82641524

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Embed Media In CKEditor

Embed Media In CKEditor With the CloudCMS iframe inserter plugin in the CKEditor, you can embed media elements in the editor. Create an Embedded Media Template From a project level of your CloudCMS client, go to "Manage Project" -- "Editors" -- "Embedded Media Editor". Create a new embedded media template by clicking "+" button under "Templates". You can choose a media type from Vimeo, Youtube, Soundcloud and Brightcove. Then configure some basic settings for the media. Click "Update" to save th

Score: 0.8211075

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / JavaScript (Legacy) Cookbook

JavaScript (Legacy) Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the JavaScript driver, please visit the Gitana JavaScript (Legacy) Driver Page. Connecting to Gitana To connect, supply your API Keys as the argument to the connect() method. Gitana.connect({ "clientKey": "{clientKey}", "clientSecret": "{clientSecret}", "username": "{username}", "password": "{password}", "baseURL": "" }, function(err) { var platform = this; }); If a problem w

Score: 0.8184554

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Cookbooks / JavaScript (Legacy) Cookbook

JavaScript (Legacy) Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the JavaScript driver, please visit the Gitana JavaScript (Legacy) Driver Page. Connecting to Gitana To connect, supply your API Keys as the argument to the connect() method. Gitana.connect({ "clientKey": "{clientKey}", "clientSecret": "{clientSecret}", "username": "{username}", "password": "{password}", "baseURL": "" }, function(err) { var platform = this; }); If a problem w

Score: 0.8184554

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Authentication / OAuth 2.0

OAuth 2.0 Cloud CMS supports OAuth2 for server authorization. OAuth2 provides a secure and robust method for authenticating clients and users to the server. It's become well-adopted across the industry by other vendors including Facebook, Twitter and Salesforce. We feel that OAuth2 is a best practice authorization mechanism for the applications that our customers build. As we move forward, we intend to support additional authorization schemes as they are requested. However, we find that OAuth2 i

Score: 0.80825883

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Authentication / OAuth 2.0

OAuth 2.0 Cloud CMS supports OAuth2 for server authorization. OAuth2 provides a secure and robust method for authenticating clients and users to the server. It's become well-adopted across the industry by other vendors including Facebook, Twitter and Salesforce. We feel that OAuth2 is a best practice authorization mechanism for the applications that our customers build. As we move forward, we intend to support additional authorization schemes as they are requested. However, we find that OAuth2 i

Score: 0.80825883

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Embed Media In CKEditor / Advanced Usages / Extra Attributes

Extra Attributes In addition to common attributes like width, height and id, you might need extra attributes for your embedded media HTML tag. For example, you probably hope to have attributes like title and creator: CloudCMS allows you to add extra attributes that best suit your need with some simple configurations. Add JSON Configurations for Extra Attributes Navigate to Manage Project --> Editors --> Embedded Media Editor. Check Enable Additional Attributes and two JSON editors will pop up. W

Score: 0.80504626

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / Embedded Media / Advanced Usages / Extra Attributes

Extra Attributes In addition to common attributes like width, height and id, you might need extra attributes for your embedded media HTML tag. For example, you probably hope to have attributes like title and creator: CloudCMS allows you to add extra attributes that best suit your need with some simple configurations. Add JSON Configurations for Extra Attributes Navigate to Manage Project --> Editors --> Embedded Media Editor. Check Enable Additional Attributes and two JSON editors will pop up. W

Score: 0.80504626

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Forms / Fields / CK Editor

CK Editor ID: ckeditor The ckeditor field renders the popular CKEditor HTML control. This offers a fully-featured HTML editor on top of a string schema type. It is ideal for situations where you wish to provide your editorial team with the ability to edit HTML visually and offers a large range of plugins and behaviors that you can customize. For basic information of what is possible in terms of configuring this field type, please view the Alpaca Forms documentation for the CKEditor field. Config

Score: 0.8047767

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / CMS / Fields / CK Editor

CK Editor ID: ckeditor The ckeditor field renders the popular CKEditor HTML control. This offers a fully-featured HTML editor on top of a string schema type. It is ideal for situations where you wish to provide your editorial team with the ability to edit HTML visually and offers a large range of plugins and behaviors that you can customize. For basic information of what is possible in terms of configuring this field type, please view the Alpaca Forms documentation for the CKEditor field. Config

Score: 0.8047767

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Publishing / Lifecycle States

Lifecycle States Cloud CMS contains four content Lifecycle States during the Publishing process of a content. These define the state of the Content in the Publishing Lifecycle. Each state will have an ID, Title and a Preview Endpoint The four states in the Publishing lifecycle are : - None - Draft - Live - Archived You can look at the lifecycle states as follows: Each state has a Preview Endpoint which can be defined or modified under Preview Servers. These gives a chance to instantly preview t

Score: 0.7945082

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Forms / Fields / Related Content

Related Content ID: related-content The related-content field type renders an upload field that is pre-configured to upload assets and store them as standalone document nodes within the content graph. This is useful, say, if you wanted to let end users upload images and store them in an /Images folder. Sample configuration: { "type": "related-content", "uploadPath": "/Images" } The related content control should be modeled on top of either an object or an array field. This is very simil

Score: 0.7945082

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / CMS / Fields / Related Content

Related Content ID: related-content The related-content field type renders an upload field that is pre-configured to upload assets and store them as standalone document nodes within the content graph. This is useful, say, if you wanted to let end users upload images and store them in an /Images folder. Sample configuration: { "type": "related-content", "uploadPath": "/Images" } The related content control should be modeled on top of either an object or an array field. This is very simil

Score: 0.7945082

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Actions / create_document

create_document ID: create_document This brings up the Create Document wizard that guides the user through the process of creating a new document within a folder. This wizard is aware of the currently viewed folder and the current user and derives its behavior based off of those contexts. Newly created content is created as a child of the current folder. Sample Code var UI = require("ui"); var actionContext = {}; UI.startAction(observableHolder, "create_document", actionContext, function(err) {

Score: 0.7896012

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Actions / create_document

create_document ID: create_document This brings up the Create Document wizard that guides the user through the process of creating a new document within a folder. This wizard is aware of the currently viewed folder and the current user and derives its behavior based off of those contexts. Newly created content is created as a child of the current folder. Sample Code var UI = require("ui"); var actionContext = {}; UI.startAction(observableHolder, "create_document", actionContext, function(err) {

Score: 0.7896012

Recommended Cloud CMS architecture

In general, we recommend a three-tier architecture (browser -> app server -> API) for any applications you build. This would be our recommendation whether you're using Cloud CMS or anyone else. There are a few good reasons: The browser is an insecure runtime. Exposing any API keys within the browser is a very big security hole. Even exposing credentials within the browser (such as within a cookie) for the sake of working around this is also not recommended since hackers can siphon off the creden

Score: 0.7896012

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Forms / Fields / Node Picker

Node Picker ID: node-picker The node-picker field type renders a modal picker for a node. The modal picker allows you to filter nodes as well as paginate, sort and inspect nodes. The picker supports single node and multi-node selection depending on how the field is configured. Sample configuration: { "type": "node-picker" } The node picker should be modeled on top of either an object or an array field. The former is used for selection of a single node whereas the latter is used for selectio

Score: 0.7649733

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / CMS / Fields / Node Picker

Node Picker ID: node-picker The node-picker field type renders a modal picker for a node. The modal picker allows you to filter nodes as well as paginate, sort and inspect nodes. The picker supports single node and multi-node selection depending on how the field is configured. Sample configuration: { "type": "node-picker" } The node picker should be modeled on top of either an object or an array field. The former is used for selection of a single node whereas the latter is used for selectio

Score: 0.7649733

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / REST API Cookbook

REST API Cookbook Getting Started This guide assumes that you have already installed an HTTP client with which you will be making requests. However, it is highly recommended that you look at our language drivers and you read about the one that you will be using in your application. Connecting to Cloud CMS CloudCMS uses OAuth2 to perform authentication, and as such to connect you will have to perform the authentication handshake manually to connect directly with the rest api. The specifics of thi

Score: 0.761773

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Cookbooks / REST API Cookbook

REST API Cookbook Getting Started This guide assumes that you have already installed an HTTP client with which you will be making requests. However, it is highly recommended that you look at our language drivers and you read about the one that you will be using in your application. Connecting to Gitana Gitana uses OAuth2 to perform authentication, and as such to connect you will have to perform the authentication handshake manually to connect directly with the rest api. The specifics of this dif

Score: 0.761773

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Tags / @form

@form A form can be rendered from Cloud CMS by identifying the definition and form key. Forms are rendered on the client-side using Alpaca Forms. For a working example, see: Parameters parameter required description definition yes the type definition QName form yes the form key list no the data list to populate successUrl no the URL to redirect to upon success failureUrl no the URL to redirect to upon failure formId no ov

Score: 0.76042336

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Tags / @form

@form A form can be rendered from Cloud CMS by identifying the definition and form key. Forms are rendered on the client-side using Alpaca Forms. For a working example, see: Parameters parameter required description definition yes the type definition QName form yes the form key list no the data list to populate successUrl no the URL to redirect to upon success failureUrl no the URL to redirect to upon failure formId no ov

Score: 0.76042336

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Forms / Fields / File Picker

File Picker ID: file-picker The file-picker field type renders a modal picker for a file. This uses the File Folder service within Cloud CMS to let you browse through folder-based navigation. A breadcrumb is rendered at the top to help users step through the folder hierarchy. Sample configuration: { "type": "file-picker" } As with the node picker, the file picker should be modeled on top of either an object or an array field. The former is used for selection of a single node whereas the lat

Score: 0.7375556

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / CMS / Fields / File Picker

File Picker ID: file-picker The file-picker field type renders a modal picker for a file. This uses the File Folder service within Cloud CMS to let you browse through folder-based navigation. A breadcrumb is rendered at the top to help users step through the folder hierarchy. Sample configuration: { "type": "file-picker" } As with the node picker, the file picker should be modeled on top of either an object or an array field. The former is used for selection of a single node whereas the lat

Score: 0.7375556