Found 684 results for "gitana 4.0 self-managed configuration api-server"

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Gitana 4.0 / Content Engine / Aspects / Relator

Learn about internal relator associations in content graphs and find detailed relator properties documentation. No manual application needed.

Score: 0.77999806

Gitana 4.0 / Content Engine / Aspects / Rendition

Explore automatic web page rendering through the f:rendition feature with examples and configuration guidance.

Score: 0.77999806

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Actions / Start Workflow

Configure and start custom workflows with ease, assigning users and setting data effortlessly. Optimize your process management today.

Score: 0.7796873

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Evaluators

Learn how evaluators define conditions for runtime configurations, impacting observed data and user permissions, with a wide variety of types available.

Score: 0.7796873

Gitana 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Evaluators

Discover how evaluators help define conditions for configuration inclusion based on runtime aspects like observables, permissions, and current user authority.

Score: 0.7796873

Gitana 4.0 / Content Engine / Behaviors / Actions / Start Workflow

Configure and start custom workflows with ease, assigning users and setting data effortlessly. Optimize your process management today.

Score: 0.7796873

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Scheduled Work

Manage scheduled work efficiently with Cloud CMS. Configure frequencies, triggers, and actions for optimal platform operation.

Score: 0.7784947

Gitana 4.0 / Forms / API / Connectors

Enhance Alpaca forms with custom and default connectors to seamlessly load data, schemas, and options from remote sources like Cloud CMS.

Score: 0.7784947

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Behavior

Optimize node implementation with behavior tagging for scripts or rules.

Score: 0.77792376

Gitana 4.0 / Content Engine / Aspects / Behavior

Optimize node implementation with behavior tagging for scripts or rules.

Score: 0.77792376

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Actions / Lock Node

Lock a node as a user with required repository, branch, and node IDs. Optimize your configuration effortlessly.

Score: 0.77380824

Gitana 4.0 / Content Engine / Behaviors / Actions / Lock Node

Lock a node as a user with required repository, branch, and node IDs. Optimize your configuration effortlessly.

Score: 0.77380824

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Authentication / Adapters / JWT

Learn how the JWT request adapter securely manages JSON Web Tokens via headers or cookies, enabling trusted identity verification and user profile management.

Score: 0.7734004

Gitana 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Authentication / Adapters / JWT

Learn how to configure JWT request adapters to securely retrieve JSON Web Tokens from headers or cookies for secure authentication.

Score: 0.7734004

Gitana 4.0 / Forms / Fields / Table Field

Enhance data visualization with a flexible table field for structured arrays. Ideal for viewing and editing data rows with ease.

Score: 0.7734004

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Conditions / Merge

Test whether a node is being merged with customizable conditions, including source and target branches or release attributes.

Score: 0.77146244

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Forms / Fields / Attachment Picker

Attachment Picker field type provides a modal for selecting and managing file attachments in content models with customizable options.

Score: 0.77146244

Gitana 4.0 / Content Engine / Behaviors / Conditions / Merge

Test whether a node is being merged with customizable conditions, including source and target branches or release attributes.

Score: 0.77146244

Gitana 4.0 / Forms / CMS / Fields / Attachment Picker

Easily manage and customize attachments with the Attachment Picker to enhance content creation and file management.

Score: 0.77146244

Node Lifecycle Events

First, you configure your tenant with the AWS credentials of an IAM user and a SNS topic ARN that you wish to publish notification events to. This can be on your own AWS account so that you can work with these notifications any way you'd like. The notifications are for a variety of node lifecycle events. The primary one is "node_invalidation" which happens whenever a node's state changes. It's an indication that anyone caching anything downstream might want to reconsider their cache state. In te

Score: 0.77146244

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Workflow / Workflow Handlers / Slack Message

Send Slack messages seamlessly to any channel with this easy-to-use configuration guide. Learn how to set up and deploy the slackMessage action effortlessly.

Score: 0.7657063

Gitana 4.0 / Content Engine / Access Policies / Conditions / Not

Explore logical NOT operations in policy configurations; learn to allow actions excluding specific conditions, like excluding Spanish content.

Score: 0.7657063

Gitana 4.0 / Content Engine / Workflow / Workflow Handlers / Slack Message

Send messages to Slack channels with ease using the slackMessage handler, featuring simple configuration and seamless integration.

Score: 0.7657063

Gitana 4.0 / Forms / Fields / Email Field

Learn about the email field properties, schema, and options for robust email input validation and customization.

Score: 0.7634094

Gitana 4.0 / Forms / Fields / IPv4 Field

Explore the robust properties and schema options of the IPv4 field, including validation and input configurations. Perfect for IP address formatting.

Score: 0.7634094