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Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / General / Data Lists

Data Lists Cloud CMS allows you to organize multiple content items into a single data list so that the full collection of items can be ordered, managed and worked on all at once. Collections of items organized into a data list additionally support internationalization (I18N), allowing you to flip between multiple locale-based views of the list while working on translations in any of the list's supported locales. Under the hood, a data list is a node of type n:list. It has zero or more associatio

Score: 0.59821546

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Cookbooks / Go Cookbook

Go Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the Go driver, visit the Github Page or Package Page to view the source code, tests and basic usage examples. You can install the driver via the command line: go get Connecting to Gitana There are two ways to connect with the Go driver: By finding a gitana.json file in your working directory, or by providing a config configuration. // Connect to Gitana using gitana.json in working directory session, err := clou

Score: 0.59821546

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Nodes / Data Lists

Data Lists Cloud CMS allows you to organize multiple content items into a single data list so that the full collection of items can be ordered, managed and worked on all at once. Collections of items organized into a data list additionally support internationalization (I18N), allowing you to flip between multiple locale-based views of the list while working on translations in any of the list's supported locales. Under the hood, a data list is a node of type n:list. It has zero or more associatio

Score: 0.59821546

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / API / Wizards

Wizards Alpaca lets you arrange your form into simple multi-step wizards along with buttons for previous, next and submit using a simple configuration-driven approach. Wizards are essentially fields within a single form that are split across multiple DIVS, letting you orchestrate a single and non-conditional flow path as DIVs are hidden and shown in sequence. In addition, wizards optionally allow for configuration-driven options to assert the validation state of the set of shown fields before al

Score: 0.5526906

Selling a CMS to your Boss?

You have found the CMS to answer all your dreams and perhaps a lot more – now what? The quest for CMS nirvana is over and you are ready to start moving forward and onto the interesting challenges ahead. Probably not – you still have to sell the CMS to your Management! Your management is likely less interested in the great architecture/features and more interested in the costs to the business of buying or even not buying the CMS. Coming from the business side, this blog touches on the topics I wo

Score: 0.5526906

OAuth2, Clients and Authentication Grants

One of the things that I really like about our approach to server authorization is that we’ve elected to get completely behind the OAuth2 specification. Cloud CMS provides support for all of the OAuth2 flows. We provide an authorization and resource server so that you can separate concerns and perform the full three-legged “auth code” flow. Or you can simplify things and use something like a “password” or “implicit” flow depending on the security environment of your application. For environments

Score: 0.5526906

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / JavaScript 2.0 Cookbook

JavaScript 2.0 Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the JavaScript driver, please visit the Gitana JavaScript 2.0 Driver Page. This JavaScript driver, in contrast to the Gitana JavaScript 1.0 Driver, fully supports ECMAScript promises, which makes it easier to seamlessly integrate with your javascript apps. Connecting to Cloud CMS You can connect and then use this driver in three different but equivalent ways: Async / Await Promises Callbacks Async / Await const cloudcms = require("cloud

Score: 0.44996262

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Cookbooks / JavaScript 2.0 Cookbook

JavaScript 2.0 Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the JavaScript driver, please visit the Gitana JavaScript 2.0 Driver Page. This JavaScript driver, in contrast to the Gitana JavaScript 1.0 Driver, fully supports ECMAScript promises, which makes it easier to seamlessly integrate with your javascript apps. Connecting to Gitana You can connect and then use this driver in three different but equivalent ways: Async / Await Promises Callbacks Async / Await const cloudcms = require("cloudcms

Score: 0.44996262

Reports and Analytics - Gitana

Reports and Analytics - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Enterprise Data Engine Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Automate Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enhance

Score: 0.44996262

Editorial Flows

Editorial Flows In Gitana 4.0, we introduced a new feature called Editorial Flows. With Editorial Flows, your editorial teams launch draft workspaces where they work on content items at their own pace. They can write new content, change existing content or delete things in isolation without worrying about how it will affect the main line of content. They are free to work without worry about stepping on each other's toes. They can make changes to the content graph, upload new files, adjust taxono

Score: 0.44996262

Cloud CMS and Your Mobile Strategy

Last week, a really interesting post was authored by Andrew Chen on why mobile application startups are bombing out like it was 1999. Andrew’s main point is that mobile startups approach the application market using a “hail mary” kind of development approach which is similar to how web sites were delivered in the late 90’s. He also compares the investor mentality today with that of the late 90’s. I really enjoyed Andrew’s article and also enjoyed the comments. In particular, I was inspired by so

Score: 0.44996262

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / PHP Cookbook

PHP Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the PHP driver, visit Gitana PHP Driver Page or the Github Page. It can be used in any composer php project. To install with composer from the command line: composer require cloudcms/cloudcms Connecting to Gitana You can connect to Gitana with the php driver by providing a config array containing your keys, which can be obtained from a gitana.json file. It should look something like: { "clientKey": "{your client key}", "clientSecret": "{y

Score: 0.42371106

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Cookbooks / PHP Cookbook

PHP Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the PHP driver, visit Gitana PHP Driver Page or the Github Page. It can be used in any composer php project. To install with composer from the command line: composer require cloudcms/cloudcms Connecting to Gitana You can connect to Gitana with the php driver by providing a config array containing your keys, which can be obtained from a gitana.json file. It should look something like: { "clientKey": "{your client key}", "clientSecret": "{y

Score: 0.42371106

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Workspaces

Workspaces Cloud CMS offers Workspaces to provide editors with a way to create their own private and shared spaces where they can work on content without stepping on each other's toes. Workspaces are implemented using branches to provide all of those capabilities to the editorial team, including fork, merge, differencing, compare and push/pull between workspaces. Editorial users can create workspaces for any purpose they wish. Here are a few good uses of workspaces: A place to work on content th

Score: 0.40035367

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / Python Cookbook

Python Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the Python driver, visit Gitana Python Driver Page or the Github Page. It is written with Python 3 and can be used in any compatible project. You can install the driver via the command line: pip install cloudcms or pip3 install cloudcms Or add something like this to your requirements.txt: cloudcms==1.1.0 Connecting to Gitana You can connect to Gitana by providing a config file or the oauth variables directly. Using a Gitana JSON file You ca

Score: 0.40035367

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Cookbooks / Python Cookbook

Python Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the Python driver, visit Gitana Python Driver Page or the Github Page. It is written with Python 3 and can be used in any compatible project. You can install the driver via the command line: pip install cloudcms or pip3 install cloudcms Or add something like this to your requirements.txt: cloudcms==1.1.0 Connecting to Gitana You can connect to Gitana by providing a config file or the oauth variables directly. Using a Gitana JSON file You ca

Score: 0.40035367

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Branches / Workspaces

Workspaces Cloud CMS offers Workspaces to provide editors with a way to create their own private and shared spaces where they can work on content without stepping on each other's toes. Workspaces are implemented using branches to provide all of those capabilities to the editorial team, including fork, merge, differencing, compare and push/pull between workspaces. Editorial users can create workspaces for any purpose they wish. Here are a few good uses of workspaces: A place to work on content th

Score: 0.40035367

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Cookbooks / C# Cookbook

C# Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the C# driver, visit Gitana C# Driver Page or the Github Page. It is written with .NET Core and can be used in any compatible project. You can install the driver via the command line: dotnet add package cloudcms or from within Visual Studio: Install-Package cloudcms Or by adding this to your .csproj file (you may have to adjust the version): Connecting to Gitana

Score: 0.3794372

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Container Services / Amazon ECS

Amazon ECS Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a fully managed container orchestration service that helps you to more efficiently deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications. It deeply integrates with the AWS environment to provide an easy-to-use solution for running container workloads within Amazon Web Services. For more information on Amazon ECS, please visit Gitana SDK The code and configuration provided here references the samples provided in the G

Score: 0.3772428

Documentation: Developers - Overview - Gitana

Documentation: Developers - Overview - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Enterprise Data Engine Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Automate Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI servi

Score: 0.36837995

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / C# Cookbook

C# Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the C# driver, visit Gitana C# Driver Page or the Github Page. It is written with .NET Core and can be used in any compatible project. You can install the driver via the command line: dotnet add package cloudcms or from within Visual Studio: Install-Package cloudcms Or by adding this to your .csproj file (you may have to adjust the version): Connecting to Cloud

Score: 0.3605975

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / Java Cookbook

Java Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the Java driver, please visit the Gitana Java Driver Page. We recommend that you use Maven. At a minimum, you will need to add the following repository declaration to your pom.xml file: cloudcms-public cloudcms-public Note that newer vesions of Maven require secure repositories so if you cur

Score: 0.3435402

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / JavaScript (Legacy) Cookbook

JavaScript (Legacy) Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the JavaScript driver, please visit the Gitana JavaScript (Legacy) Driver Page. Connecting to Gitana To connect, supply your API Keys as the argument to the connect() method. Gitana.connect({ "clientKey": "{clientKey}", "clientSecret": "{clientSecret}", "username": "{username}", "password": "{password}", "baseURL": "" }, function(err) { var platform = this; }); If a problem w

Score: 0.3435402

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / Node.js Cookbook

Node.js Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the Node.js driver, please visit the Cloud CMS Node.js Driver Page. One thing to keep in mind is that the Node.js driver is based on the JavaScript driver. As such, they're pretty similar. That said, the Node.js driver can do a few important tricks that you can't do in the JavaScript driver. Connecting to Cloud CMS To connect, create a file called gitana.json in your application root. For information on how to acquire this file, please read up

Score: 0.3435402

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Cookbooks / Java Cookbook

Java Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the Java driver, please visit the GitanaJava Driver Page. We recommend that you use Maven. At a minimum, you will need to add the following repository declaration to your pom.xml file: cloudcms-public cloudcms-public Note that newer vesions of Maven require secure repositories so if you curr

Score: 0.3435402