Found 113 results for "docker notices cve-2022-22965"

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Gitana 4.0 / Content Engine / Integrations / Docker

Effortlessly deploy Cloud CMS on-premise with Docker, ensuring efficient, scalable, and self-healing cloud infrastructure management.

Score: 24.787077

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker

Optimize your Cloud CMS deployment with Docker, offering flexible development and production setups on-premise or via virtual private clouds.

Score: 22.363745

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Security Notices

Stay informed on key security notices and upgrade paths for mitigating vulnerabilities like CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2022-22965.

Score: 16.289398

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Integrations / Docker

Efficiently deploy Cloud CMS on-premise with Docker, simplifying DevOps with flexible, self-healing container orchestration.

Score: 14.5059185

Gitana 4.0 / Self Managed / Docker

Run Cloud CMS on-premise or in the cloud with Docker. Use Docker Compose for seamless installation and leverage AWS for scalable, production-ready environments.

Score: 14.186873

Gitana 4.0 / Self Managed

Run Gitana on-premise or in a virtual private cloud with Kubernetes and Helm support. Set up with MongoDB, Elastic Search, and more for development.

Score: 13.139362

Gitana 4.0 / Self Managed / Containers / API Server

Optimize your API server configuration with Cloud CMS. Launch a Java app with REST API support for MongoDB, ElasticSearch, and Amazon services like S3, SNS, SQS, and more.

Score: 13.106127

Gitana 4.0 / Self Managed / Containers / UI Server

Optimize your Cloud CMS UI Server with extensible Node.js features and environment configurations for seamless API integration.

Score: 12.981572

Gitana 4.0 / Self Managed / Monitoring

Optimize your Cloud CMS API Server's performance using New Relic APM for real-time metrics without compromising production speed.

Score: 10.675286

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Installation / Docker Installation

Get started with Cloud CMS Application Server using Docker. Learn installation, configuration, and setup for seamless integration across platforms.

Score: 7.57973

Gitana 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Installation / Docker Installation

Easily install and configure Cloud CMS on Docker with our step-by-step guide. Learn to build, run, and connect using Docker and Git tools.

Score: 7.57973

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Configuration / UI Server

Cloud CMS UI Server is a Node.js app within Docker, supporting extensible environment configurations.

Score: 5.6876745

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Configuration / API Server

Optimize your API server with Cloud CMS for RESTful integration, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, and AWS services like S3 and CloudFront.

Score: 5.3702826

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Upgrades

Explore our comprehensive notes for upgrading on-premise Cloud CMS installations, covering versions 3.2.73 to 3.2.87.

Score: 4.143978

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Monitoring API Server with an APM

Monitor your Cloud CMS API server with New Relic APM; optimize Java performance while minimizing production impact with our step-by-step setup guide.

Score: 3.6640556

Cloud CMS Docker images

Cloud CMS is available as a set of Docker images so that you can run it on your own. This includes running it on-premise within your own data center as well as running it on Amazon AWS, Rackspace, IBM Bluemix or a variety of other Docker Container hosting platforms. Cloud CMS distributes its Docker images via Docker Hub. These are private images that are not generally available. Rather, Cloud CMS subscribers are granted permission to pull down the images once they've signed up for a Cloud CMS Do

Score: 2.548665

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Maintenance / Upgrades

Optimize your Cloud CMS setup by upgrading to version 3.2 and implementing new features, including Elastic Search 6.2.4, using our detailed guide.

Score: 2.4975219

Gitana 4.0 / Self Managed / Maintenance / Upgrades

Upgrade to Cloud CMS Version 3.2 with detailed steps for Docker setup and Elasticsearch update. Ensure compatibility and optimal performance with new features.

Score: 2.4975219

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Kits / OEM

Optimize Cloud CMS integrations with the OEM kit, featuring UI and API extensions for developers and partners. Build and test seamlessly.

Score: 2.4786286

Gitana 4.0 / Self Managed / Kits / OEM

OEM kit streamlines building and testing UI and API extensions in customized Cloud CMS solutions, using Docker and tools like MongoDB and Elasticsearch.

Score: 2.4786286

More Ways to Run Cloud CMS On-Premise

We just released Cloud CMS version 3.1.315 which includes more sample configurations to help customers and prospects get started with on-premise Docker deployments. Our Docker distribution includes several “kits” that contain pre-built Docker Compose configurations that help customers to get up and running right away. These configurations can either be used as is or they may serve as a reference for building out new configurations that meet a customer’s exact needs. Cloud CMS offers Docker as an

Score: 2.4744353

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Kits / MongoDB Replica Set

Set up a 3-node MongoDB Replica Set with ease, using our guide, Gitana SDK, and Docker Compose for optimal database performance.

Score: 2.4703403

How we use Docker at Cloud CMS

At Cloud CMS, we use Docker to provision our cloud infrastructure servers on top of Amazon Web Services. Our stack consists of five different clusters: Cloud CMS API Cloud CMS UI Cloud CMS App Server for Dynamic Hosting Elastic Search MongoDB With the exception of MongoDB, all of these clusters are allocated using elastic load balancing and are architected in such a way that we can spin up new servers and tear down old ones with elastic demand. That is to say, they are fully elastic in design. T

Score: 2.4285686

Gitana 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Kits / Quickstart

Set up your development environment quickly with our Quickstart kit, featuring UI, API, MongoDB, and Elasticsearch. Perfect for beginners!

Score: 2.416107

Gitana 4.0 / Self Managed / Kits / Quickstart

Launch your app effortlessly with Quickstart! Connect UI, API, MongoDB, and Elasticsearch using Docker for seamless local development.

Score: 2.416107