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Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Knowledge Sharing

Knowledge Sharing QName: f:knowledge-sharing Used to tag an association as to indicate that it "shares knowledge" between a source node and a target node. The source node is a node is a "knowledge space" and the target node is a "knowledge recipient". An association marked with f:sharing-knowledge will be considered to be an association that knowledge properties may propagate down when changes are made to a knowledge space node. By default, the a:child association which is used to mark relations

Score: 1.093358

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Knowledge Sharing

Knowledge Sharing QName: f:knowledge-sharing Used to tag an association as to indicate that it "shares knowledge" between a source node and a target node. The source node is a node is a "knowledge space" and the target node is a "knowledge recipient". An association marked with f:sharing-knowledge will be considered to be an association that knowledge properties may propagate down when changes are made to a knowledge space node. By default, the a:child association which is used to mark relations

Score: 1.093358

Chaining vs. Promises

The Cloud CMS JavaScript driver provides it's own internal chaining library that makes it easier to manage callbacks in asynchronous JS applications. The chaining library is powerful and bears some similarity to modern promise libraries. But it is important to bear in mind that it is distinct apart from having some similar method signatures. One similarity in structure in that both promises and chaining have a then() method to resolve the callback. However, the chaining library's chained methods

Score: 1.093358

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Frameworks / cURL

cURL Guide and References for connectivity to Cloud CMS Connecting to Cloud CMS From a command prompt, the curl command can be used to execute API calls to Cloud CMS. Connecting to the Cloud CMS API requires API Keys from your Cloud CMS project. This is done by default for the sample project. You can find these by going to Manage Project and clicking API Keys in the left hand menu. Several examples of using curl are available in our Gitana SDK For example, reading a node can be done with the fol

Score: 1.0906032

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / JavaScript 2.0 Cookbook

JavaScript 2.0 Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the JavaScript driver, please visit the Gitana JavaScript 2.0 Driver Page. This JavaScript driver, in contrast to the Gitana JavaScript 1.0 Driver, fully supports ECMAScript promises, which makes it easier to seamlessly integrate with your javascript apps. Connecting to Cloud CMS You can connect and then use this driver in three different but equivalent ways: Async / Await Promises Callbacks Async / Await const cloudcms = require("cloud

Score: 1.0853944

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Cookbooks / JavaScript 2.0 Cookbook

JavaScript 2.0 Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the JavaScript driver, please visit the Gitana JavaScript 2.0 Driver Page. This JavaScript driver, in contrast to the Gitana JavaScript 1.0 Driver, fully supports ECMAScript promises, which makes it easier to seamlessly integrate with your javascript apps. Connecting to Gitana You can connect and then use this driver in three different but equivalent ways: Async / Await Promises Callbacks Async / Await const cloudcms = require("cloudcms

Score: 1.0853944

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Multilingual

Multilingual When applied to a node, this indicates that you wish to have the contents of this node support multilingual behavior and translated content. This node then serves as the "master node" for translation support. Master nodes have a:has_translation associations to translation nodes that hold copies of the content (JSON and any attachments) in the target locale Marking a node as f:multilingual does not automatically produce translations for you. However, once marked, the Cloud CMS user i

Score: 1.0841285

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Projects / Deleted Items

Deleted Items Cloud CMS provides a "copy on write" mechanism for any creates, updates or deletes to the content in a branch. This means that whenever you delete something, you're actually masking it as deleted. The content itself is never destroyed or removed permanently. As such, it is always possible walk backwards in time and discover content that was deleted - all the way back to the moment when your branch or repository was created. To make things easier, Cloud CMS provides a "deletions" in

Score: 1.0841285

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / Projects / Deleted Items

Deleted Items Cloud CMS provides a "copy on write" mechanism for any creates, updates or deletes to the content in a branch. This means that whenever you delete something, you're actually masking it as deleted. The content itself is never destroyed or removed permanently. As such, it is always possible walk backwards in time and discover content that was deleted - all the way back to the moment when your branch or repository was created. To make things easier, Cloud CMS provides a "deletions" in

Score: 1.0841285

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / User Interface / Multilingual

Multilingual When applied to a node, this indicates that you wish to have the contents of this node support multilingual behavior and translated content. This node then serves as the "master node" for translation support. Master nodes have a:has_translation associations to translation nodes that hold copies of the content (JSON and any attachments) in the target locale Marking a node as f:multilingual does not automatically produce translations for you. However, once marked, the Cloud CMS user i

Score: 1.0841285

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Precompile

Precompile QName: f:precompile Marks a node as having zero or more text properties that contain markdown or templated text that should be compiled (or transformed) when the document is saved. This transformation should occur when the source property is modified and the result should be stored on a new property that will store the compiled text. Suppose you have a property on a node called text. It is a Markdown field where your editors make changes to text stored in the markdown format. When the

Score: 1.0812949

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Precompile

Precompile QName: f:precompile Marks a node as having zero or more text properties that contain markdown or templated text that should be compiled (or transformed) when the document is saved. This transformation should occur when the source property is modified and the result should be stored on a new property that will store the compiled text. Suppose you have a property on a node called text. It is a Markdown field where your editors make changes to text stored in the markdown format. When the

Score: 1.0812949

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Tags / @nodeAttachmentValue

@nodeAttachmentValue Downloads a node attachment as text. Syntax {@nodeAttachmentValue node="" attachment=""/}

Score: 1.0758076

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Tags / @nodeAttachmentValue

@nodeAttachmentValue Downloads a node attachment as text. Syntax {@nodeAttachmentValue node="" attachment=""/}

Score: 1.0758076

Content Previews and Thumbnails with Cloud CMS

Cloud CMS lets you generate preview images (often called thumbnails) for any content item stored in your repository. This generation can be performed ahead of time via content modeling or it can be done in real-time using a simple URL call. Content Nodes In Cloud CMS, everyone content item you create is referred to as a node. A node is a JSON document that can have any structure you’d like. That is to say, you can drop any valid JSON document you’d like into Cloud CMS and the product will automa

Score: 1.0750536

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Scripting

Scripting Cloud CMS provides a server-side Scripting API that allows you to write custom actions, rules and behaviors that execute on the server. These scripts can be introduced at any time and do not require any server downtime. Developers can write scripts and hook them into Cloud CMS at any time to adjust how the product behaves and operates. The Scripting API consists of a set of server-side Scripting Objects that wrap your content and expose a select set of API service methods for your use.

Score: 1.0747428

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Scripting / Overview

Scripting Cloud CMS provides a server-side Scripting API that allows you to write custom actions, rules and behaviors that execute on the server. These scripts can be introduced at any time and do not require any server downtime. Developers can write scripts and hook them into Cloud CMS at any time to adjust how the product behaves and operates. The Scripting API consists of a set of server-side Scripting Objects that wrap your content and expose a select set of API service methods for your use.

Score: 1.0747428

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Previewable

Previewable QName: f:previewable Automates the creation and updating of "preview" attachments for one or more attachments on this node. Preview attachments are secondary binary attachments that are the result of one or more transformation operations to the original attachment. As an example, you might apply the f:previewable feature to a node that holds a PDF. The preview configuration lets you split the PDF into multiple pages and store snapshots of those pages as image/jpeg attachments on the

Score: 1.0728822

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Previewable

Previewable QName: f:previewable Automates the creation and updating of "preview" attachments for one or more attachments on this node. Preview attachments are secondary binary attachments that are the result of one or more transformation operations to the original attachment. As an example, you might apply the f:previewable feature to a node that holds a PDF. The preview configuration lets you split the PDF into multiple pages and store snapshots of those pages as image/jpeg attachments on the

Score: 1.0728822

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Tags / @relatives

@relatives Finds relatives around a node. Syntax {@relatives node="" associationType="" limit="" skip="" as=""} {+templateIdentifier/} {/relatives}

Score: 1.0720329

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Tags / @relatives

@relatives Finds relatives around a node. Syntax {@relatives node="" associationType="" limit="" skip="" as=""} {+templateIdentifier/} {/relatives}

Score: 1.0720329

Tree Hierarchies

In Cloud CMS, there are no hard and fast rules regarding association types between nodes. And so, when dealing with things like tree structures, you usually have to first make some assumptions about the kinds of relationships between nodes that you want to traverse. For arbitrary relationships and traversals around nodes, Cloud CMS provides traversal methods which are a bit more intensive to use. However, if you're using typical a:child relationships between nodes (which is what Cloud CMS uses f

Score: 1.0690547

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Actions / Change QName

Change QName ID: changeQName Changes the QName of a node. { "title": "Change QName", "properties": { "qname": { "title": "Node QName", "type": "string" } } }

Score: 1.0682847

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / Actions / Change QName

Change QName ID: changeQName Changes the QName of a node. { "title": "Change QName", "properties": { "qname": { "title": "Node QName", "type": "string" } } }

Score: 1.0682847

Product Releases - Gitana

Product Releases - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Enterprise Data Engine Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Automate Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enhance and c

Score: 1.0643075