Found 350 results for "gitana 4.0 engine discovery search"

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Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Inline Links

Automatically parse text to discover and track inline links in Cloud CMS documents, ensuring robust linking and preventing accidental deletion.

Score: 1.8028243

Gitana / 4.0 / Content Engine / Aspects / Inline Links

Enhance content by automatically parsing and tracking inline links within HTML or text, creating standalone nodes for easy reference.

Score: 1.8028243

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Overview

Explore comprehensive guides for integrating Gitana using drivers, frameworks, custom UI, and server extensions in multiple programming languages.

Score: 1.8016902

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Create/Edit Content

Easily navigate and manage your project content with search features, tags, and comments. Enhance your CMS experience with organized folders and user roles.

Score: 1.7909911

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / User Interface / Create/Edit Content

Manage your content seamlessly with options for editing, viewing, and organizing. Explore features like attachments, tags, and comments for efficient content handling.

Score: 1.7909911

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Frameworks / AngularJS

Learn how to access Gitana content in Angular apps with step-by-step guidance and examples for API Keys and sample projects.

Score: 1.7893438

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / API / Templates

Discover Alpaca's advanced templating with custom views, layouts, and wizard options for dynamic form rendering and field overrides.

Score: 1.7810894

Definitions for Date format

Our definitions are based on JSON schema and, as such, the default is to use strings for dates. The date controls in our forms engine let you customize the format string so that you can store ISO 8601 or other formats (perhaps simplified formats) as per your preference. The advantage here is simplicity with these controls and compatibility with JSON schema. The disadvantage is that MongoDB provides a lot of very powerful capabilities for range query and sorting that do not play as nicely with th

Score: 1.7572597

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / C# Cookbook

Explore the C# Cookbook to effectively utilize the Gitana C# Driver for connecting to Cloud CMS and managing content with .NET Core.

Score: 1.7420311

Is there a programmatic way to add more content to workflows?

There is a programmatic way to add more content to workflows once they're in-flight. However, once the workflow is in-flight, the workflow process instance isn't the correct place to add things. Instead, you'd want to add new content to a workflow task. Essentially, a workflow is made up of a series of tasks. When the workflow transitions from one node to another in the workflow model, it instantiates a new task and the task holds the state (and references to documents) for that phase of the wor

Score: 1.7273136

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Tree

Explore the Tree API for efficient retrieval of folder and file structures in a single call. Ideal for deep path queries and dynamic content loading.

Score: 1.7022635

Gitana / 4.0 / Content Engine / Tree / Overview

Explore the Tree API for efficient retrieval of folder and file structures in a single call. Ideal for deep path queries and dynamic content loading.

Score: 1.7022635

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Embed Media In CKEditor / Advanced Usages / Extend Media Types

Learn how to add custom media types to CloudCMS, including Youtube and Vimeo, with code examples and detailed steps.

Score: 1.6983714

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / Embedded Media / Advanced Usages / Extend Media Types

Learn how to extend media types on CloudCMS beyond Youtube and Vimeo with this tutorial. Code involved!

Score: 1.6983714

Introducing the Cloud CMS Open Source App Server

Cloud CMS lets you create content once and reuse it everywhere - across all of your devices, web sites, mobile applications, tradeshow kiosks, digital signage surfaces and more. Our editorial environment is fully featured, extensible easy to use, letting you manage content and deliver it via our enterprise-class Content API. With Cloud CMS, customers are free to build apps on top of best-of-breed open-source frameworks while leveraging open-standards. They are empowered to continue to use the de

Score: 1.6948917

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Traversal

Explore Cloud CMS's powerful Traversal API to query graph-like content structures by relationships, nodes, and associations, ensuring secure, efficient data retrieval.

Score: 1.6825858

Gitana / 4.0 / Content Engine / Traversal / Overview

Optimize content exploration in Cloud CMS with advanced traversal techniques, defining node connections and permissions for refined content discovery.

Score: 1.6825858

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / Java Cookbook

Optimize your Java setup for Gitana with our detailed Java Cookbook guide, featuring code samples and connection methods for Cloud CMS integration.

Score: 1.680099

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Kits / OEM

Optimize Cloud CMS integrations with the OEM kit, featuring UI and API extensions for developers and partners. Build and test seamlessly.

Score: 1.676662

Gitana / 4.0 / Self Managed / Kits / OEM

OEM kit streamlines building and testing UI and API extensions in customized Cloud CMS solutions, using Docker and tools like MongoDB and Elasticsearch.

Score: 1.676662

Gitana / 4.0 / Content Engine / Access Policies / System Policies / project-manager

Discover Gitana's System Access Policy for project management. Enhance access control with JSON-based policies.

Score: 1.6599036

Gitana / 4.0 / Content Engine / Access Policies / System Policies / project-owner

Explore the Gitana System Access Policy for project-owner, detailing JSON configuration and role-based permissions.

Score: 1.6599036

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Kits / MongoDB Replica Set

Set up a 3-node MongoDB Replica Set with ease, using our guide, Gitana SDK, and Docker Compose for optimal database performance.

Score: 1.6589506

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Contexts / project-manage-context

Manage and configure projects effortlessly. Access settings, logs, tools, and collaborate with teams for streamlined project management.

Score: 1.6570461

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Contexts / project-manage-context

Manage and configure projects effortlessly. Access settings, logs, tools, and collaborate with teams for streamlined project management.

Score: 1.6570461