Found 306 results for "ui projects project-import"

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CMS editor Locking

There are two levels of locking which usually come into play in a scenario like this. One is a "UI lock" which is taken out when a user begins editing something within the user interface. This lock is released when they finished editing (either by hitting save or canceling). The other lock is a "data lock" which is a transactional lock taken out when the write of multiple documents begins. This is a transactional lock in the sense that it blocks other write operations against those documents and

Score: 1.7930949

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Actions / create_document

create_document ID: create_document This brings up the Create Document wizard that guides the user through the process of creating a new document within a folder. This wizard is aware of the currently viewed folder and the current user and derives its behavior based off of those contexts. Newly created content is created as a child of the current folder. Sample Code var UI = require("ui"); var actionContext = {}; UI.startAction(observableHolder, "create_document", actionContext, function(err) {

Score: 1.7859986

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Actions / create_document

create_document ID: create_document This brings up the Create Document wizard that guides the user through the process of creating a new document within a folder. This wizard is aware of the currently viewed folder and the current user and derives its behavior based off of those contexts. Newly created content is created as a child of the current folder. Sample Code var UI = require("ui"); var actionContext = {}; UI.startAction(observableHolder, "create_document", actionContext, function(err) {

Score: 1.7859986

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Templates

Templates On pages like "Content Types" and "Search", each list item has some detailed information displayed. You can customize the information you hope to appear via Templates. Create a UI Template Fill in the title and a unique key to create a new UI template. You can also write down some description for the template. Nodes with qname n:ui_template have two properties: key, which is a unique identifier of the template, and type, which is the type of targets the template is applied to. Currentl

Score: 1.7815315

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Templates

Templates On pages like "Content Types" and "Search", each list item has some detailed information displayed. You can customize the information you hope to appear via Templates. Create a UI Template Fill in the title and a unique key to create a new UI template. You can also write down some description for the template. Nodes with qname n:ui_template have two properties: key, which is a unique identifier of the template, and type, which is the type of targets the template is applied to. Currentl

Score: 1.7815315

Pricing: Free Options - Gitana

Pricing: Free Options - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Enterprise Data Engine Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Automate Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enhance

Score: 1.7427566

Return On Investment (ROI) with Cloud CMS

ROI and Content Management Systems (CMS) are rarely used in the same sentence due to the uncomfortable pricing models from all legacy CMS vendors - as well as the spiraling costs of implementing them. Often so much investment has been made in the CMS that changing is not a realistic consideration. This negativity only increases when you start using the term Enterprise Content Management (ECM), where suddenly vendors start seeing dollar signs, but offer no additional functionality e.g., Alfresco,

Score: 1.7427566

Gitana / 4.0 / Self Managed / Overview

Self-Managed Gitana offers the option to run development and production installations of its software on-premise or within a virtual private cloud. Getting Started To get started with Gitana Self-Managed, please check out the following: Configuration Docker Kits Kubernetes Maintenance Monitoring Supported Stacks UI Extensions

Score: 1.7304451

Gitana / Overview

Getting Started Welcome to the Cloud CMS Documentation center. Here is a test of a note adminition block: Note Here is a note! Here is a test of an important admonition blocK: Important Be wary of visitors bearing gifts!! Cloud CMS is an API-first content management system that provides everything you need on the back end to power web sites and mobile applications. Cloud CMS makes it easy for your business users to create, manage and publish amazing content to your users! You are reading the Get

Score: 1.7013239

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Contexts / platform-dashboard

platform-dashboard [ { "config": { "platform-dashboard": { "availableLayouts": [], "selectedLayout": "2-columns-left", "bindings": [ { "key": "platform-my-projects1", "binding": "r1/c1" }, { "key": "platform-my-favorites1", "binding": "r1/c1" }, { "key": "platform-recent-edit1", "binding": "r1/c1" }, { "key":

Score: 1.6972364

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Contexts / platform-dashboard

platform-dashboard [ { "config": { "platform-dashboard": { "availableLayouts": [], "selectedLayout": "2-columns-left", "bindings": [ { "key": "platform-my-projects1", "binding": "r1/c1" }, { "key": "platform-my-favorites1", "binding": "r1/c1" }, { "key": "platform-recent-edit1", "binding": "r1/c1" }, { "key":

Score: 1.6972364

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Actions / new_folder

new_folder ID: new_folder This brings up the New Folder wizard that guides users through the process of creating a new folder within the currently viewed folder. This wizard is aware of the currently viewed folder and the current user and derives its behavior based off of those contexts. The newly created folder is created as a child of the current folder. Sample Code var UI = require("ui"); var actionContext = {}; UI.startAction(observableHolder, "new_folder", actionContext, function(err) {

Score: 1.684156

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Actions / new_folder

new_folder ID: new_folder This brings up the New Folder wizard that guides users through the process of creating a new folder within the currently viewed folder. This wizard is aware of the currently viewed folder and the current user and derives its behavior based off of those contexts. The newly created folder is created as a child of the current folder. Sample Code var UI = require("ui"); var actionContext = {}; UI.startAction(observableHolder, "new_folder", actionContext, function(err) {

Score: 1.684156

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Content Modeling / Content Model Builder / Extend Field Templates

Extend Field Templates If you find the existing field templates still limited to your need, Modules allow you to add your own field template. In the following sample, we added a field template that provides a Summernote WYSIWYG editor. Default CKEditor WYSIWYG: Customized Summernote WYSIWYG: Get the code here in the SDK:

Score: 1.6811944

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Content Models / Content Model Builder / Extend Field Templates

Extend Field Templates If you find the existing field templates still limited to your need, Modules allow you to add your own field template. In the following sample, we added a field template that provides a Summernote WYSIWYG editor. Default CKEditor WYSIWYG: Customized Summernote WYSIWYG: Get the code here in the SDK:

Score: 1.6811944

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Contexts / documents-list-item-actions

documents-list-item-actions [ { "evaluator": "document-is-favorite", "config": { "documents-list-item-actions": [ { "key": "favorite", "iconClass": "fa fa-star", "action": "remove-from-favorites", "order": 9000 } ] } }, { "config": { "documents-list-item-actions": [ { "key": "edit-document", "link": "/#/projects/{{project._doc}}/documents/{{document._doc}}/properties",

Score: 1.6762009

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Contexts / documents-list-item-actions

documents-list-item-actions [ { "evaluator": "document-is-favorite", "config": { "documents-list-item-actions": [ { "key": "favorite", "iconClass": "fa fa-star", "action": "remove-from-favorites", "order": 9000 } ] } }, { "config": { "documents-list-item-actions": [ { "key": "edit-document", "link": "/#/projects/{{project._doc}}/documents/{{document._doc}}/properties",

Score: 1.6762009

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Publishing / Lifecycle States

Lifecycle States Cloud CMS contains four content Lifecycle States during the Publishing process of a content. These define the state of the Content in the Publishing Lifecycle. Each state will have an ID, Title and a Preview Endpoint The four states in the Publishing lifecycle are : - None - Draft - Live - Archived You can look at the lifecycle states as follows: Each state has a Preview Endpoint which can be defined or modified under Preview Servers. These gives a chance to instantly preview t

Score: 1.6506134

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / Projects / Overview

Projects Deleted Items Configure Locales Copy a Project Create a Project Delete a Project Export a Project Import a Project Configure Search

Score: 1.6450179

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Kits

Kits Cloud CMS ships a number of pre-built kits containing Docker configuration files to help you get start. These kits are built from customer feedback to provide the most commonly requested scenarios. They can be used straight away or at the very least can serve as a useful reference. To download the Cloud CMS Docker Kits, please visit our Docker download page. Kits All of the Docker kits utilize Docker and Docker Compose. In each kit, you'll find a docker-compose.yml file which describes the

Score: 1.6343384

Gitana / 4.0 / Self Managed / Kits / Overview

Kits Cloud CMS ships a number of pre-built kits containing Docker configuration files to help you get start. These kits are built from customer feedback to provide the most commonly requested scenarios. They can be used straight away or at the very least can serve as a useful reference. To download the Cloud CMS Docker Kits, please visit our Docker download page. Kits All of the Docker kits utilize Docker and Docker Compose. In each kit, you'll find a docker-compose.yml file which describes the

Score: 1.6343384

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Projects / Create a Project

Create a Project You can create as many projects as you would like within Cloud CMS. Each project provides a collaborate space for your team. You use this collaboration space to: Work on content together Design your content schema, properties and forms Invite users into teams and assign roles and responsibilities Approve content and make it available on your web site or mobile app And much more. There are multiple ways to create a project. For example, you can: Create a Project from scratch -Cre

Score: 1.6333809

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / Projects / Create a Project

Create a Project You can create as many projects as you would like within Cloud CMS. Each project provides a collaborate space for your team. You use this collaboration space to: Work on content together Design your content schema, properties and forms Invite users into teams and assign roles and responsibilities Approve content and make it available on your web site or mobile app And much more. There are multiple ways to create a project. For example, you can: Create a Project from scratch -Cre

Score: 1.6333809

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Evaluators / uri-match

uri-match If the currently dispatched page URI matches a given URI (with tokenized expressions). { "evaluator": "uri-match", "condition": "{uri}" } Example: { "evaluator": "uri-match", "condition": "#/projects/{projectId}/documents" }

Score: 1.6276942

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Evaluators / uri-match

uri-match If the currently dispatched page URI matches a given URI (with tokenized expressions). { "evaluator": "uri-match", "condition": "{uri}" } Example: { "evaluator": "uri-match", "condition": "#/projects/{projectId}/documents" }

Score: 1.6276942