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Workflow Task

Workflow Task Properties Name Type Description assigneeEmail string The Email of the principal to whom this workflow task has been assigned. assigneeId string The ID of the principal to whom this workflow task has been assigned. assigneeName string The Name of the principal to whom this workflow task has been assigned. context object The workflow task context. description string The Description of this document. documents object Any documents that are bound to the workflow task. id string The ID

Score: 1.1558177

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Actions / Send a Slack Message

Send a Slack Message ID: slackMessage Sends a Slack Message to a configured channel. For information on how to connect Slack and Cloud CMS, see Slack Integration. Configuration Property Type Required Default Description url text true The webhook URL provided by slack that will send messages to the configured channel. message text false Markdown message template of message that will be sent when action is fired. Required if template node is not provided. message text false Markdown message templa

Score: 1.1547737

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Workflow / Workflow Handlers / Copy Node

Copy Node Type: copyNode This handler copies nodes that are part of a workflow's payload to a target folder. The target folder can be identified either by a node ID or a node path. The config for this handler is as follows: { "targetNodeId": "", "targetOffsetPath": "" } If targetOffsetPath is specified, then targetNodeId is the root node to calculate the offset against. If targetNodeId is not provided, the default repository root is used. Here is an example

Score: 1.1547737

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / Actions / Send a Slack Message

Send a Slack Message ID: slackMessage Sends a Slack Message to a configured channel. For information on how to connect Slack and Cloud CMS, see Slack Integration. Configuration Property Type Required Default Description url text true The webhook URL provided by slack that will send messages to the configured channel. message text false Markdown message template of message that will be sent when action is fired. Required if template node is not provided. message text false Markdown message templa

Score: 1.1547737

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Workflow / Workflow Handlers / Copy Node

Copy Node Type: copyNode This handler copies nodes that are part of a workflow's payload to a target folder. The target folder can be identified either by a node ID or a node path. The config for this handler is as follows: { "targetNodeId": "", "targetOffsetPath": "" } If targetOffsetPath is specified, then targetNodeId is the root node to calculate the offset against. If targetNodeId is not provided, the default repository root is used. Here is an example

Score: 1.1547737

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Tags / @iter

@iter Iterate over the keys of an object. Useful when looking for a particular json key. Makes the following available to the context of each iteration: $key $value $type Syntax {@iter obj=/} Parameters Example This example looks for a node attachment by name. The name is specified in another node property 'attachmentId' {@queryOne type="myPageType:navigation" } {@content id="{_doc}"}

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Tags / @iter

@iter Iterate over the keys of an object. Useful when looking for a particular json key. Makes the following available to the context of each iteration: $key $value $type Syntax {@iter obj=/} Parameters Example This example looks for a node attachment by name. The name is specified in another node property 'attachmentId' {@queryOne type="myPageType:navigation" } {@content id="{_doc}"}

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Scripting / Association

Association Properties Name Type Description branch branch The Branch on which this Association resides. branchId string The ID of the branch that this Association resides on. changesetId string The changeset ID on which this node resides. If the node has not yet been saved, this may be null. description string The Description of this document. directionality string The directionality of the association - either DIRECTED or UNDIRECTED. id string The ID of this document. properties object The pro

Score: 1.1493621


Association Properties Name Type Description branch branch The Branch on which this Association resides. branchId string The ID of the branch that this Association resides on. changesetId string The changeset ID on which this node resides. If the node has not yet been saved, this may be null. description string The Description of this document. directionality string The directionality of the association - either DIRECTED or UNDIRECTED. id string The ID of this document. properties object The pro

Score: 1.1493621

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Actions / Create Thumbnail

Create Thumbnail ID: createThumbnail { "title": "Create Thumbnail(s)", "properties": { "attachmentId": { "title": "Attachment ID", "type": "string", "default": "default" }, "thumbnails": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object" } } } }

Score: 1.1485795

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / Actions / Create Thumbnail

Create Thumbnail ID: createThumbnail { "title": "Create Thumbnail(s)", "properties": { "attachmentId": { "title": "Attachment ID", "type": "string", "default": "default" }, "thumbnails": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object" } } } }

Score: 1.1485795

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Email

Email Type {{#dataTypeArticle objectTypeId}}{{objectTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Datastore Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId}}{{datastoreTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Supports {{#article "security/authorities"}}authorities{{/article}}, {{#article "security/permissions"}}permissions{{/article}}, {{#article "transfer"}}transfer{{/article}} Configuration The following table presents you the configuration properties. Property Type Default Read-Only Description to text The email addresses of the

Score: 1.1450256

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Data Types / Email

Email Type {{#dataTypeArticle objectTypeId}}{{objectTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Datastore Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId}}{{datastoreTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Supports {{#article "security/authorities"}}authorities{{/article}}, {{#article "security/permissions"}}permissions{{/article}}, {{#article "transfer"}}transfer{{/article}} Configuration The following table presents you the configuration properties. Property Type Default Read-Only Description to text The email addresses of the

Score: 1.1450256

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Billing Provider Configuration

Billing Provider Configuration Type {{#dataTypeArticle objectTypeId}}{{objectTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Datastore Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId}}{{datastoreTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Supports {{#article "security/authorities"}}authorities{{/article}}, {{#article "security/permissions"}}permissions{{/article}}, {{#article "transfer"}}transfer{{/article}} If this sounds familiar, it's because it's exactly what Cloud CMS uses to supports its own subscription plans for Cloud CMS custom

Score: 1.1377292

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Data Types / Billing Provider Configuration

Billing Provider Configuration Type {{#dataTypeArticle objectTypeId}}{{objectTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Datastore Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId}}{{datastoreTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Supports {{#article "security/authorities"}}authorities{{/article}}, {{#article "security/permissions"}}permissions{{/article}}, {{#article "transfer"}}transfer{{/article}} If this sounds familiar, it's because it's exactly what Cloud CMS uses to supports its own subscription plans for Cloud CMS custom

Score: 1.1377292

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / API / Functions

Functions General Usage The general usage of Alpaca is one where you pass a JSON object into the $.alpaca method to inspire the rendering of your form. The general usage follows a structure like this: $("#id").alpaca({ "data": {}, "schema": {}, "options": {}, "postRender": function(control) { } }); This will use the information provided by schema and options to render a form containing data into the DOM element with ID id. Once the form has finished rendering, the postRender

Score: 1.1352475

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / API / Observables

Observables Alpaca maintains observables that can be subscribed to by listeners that want to listen for changes to values in the form. An observable exists for every field and registration can be either programmatic or driven from configuration. In general, if you're sticking to straight JSON-schema, you won't find much use for observables. JSON schema is fairly fixed in terms of its interdependency of fields (see dependencies). Rather, observables are most useful when you really want to take fu

Score: 1.1253761

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Multifactor Authentication / Providers / Twilio Authy

Twilio Authy Cloud CMS supports Twilio Authy for Multifactor Authentication. To configure Authy, you will need to supply the following: apiUrl apiSecret These values are available from your Authy Settings page. Service Descriptor If you're adding an Authenticator via a Service Descriptor: the Descriptor Type should be TWILIO_AUTHY. the Descriptor Configuration should look like this: { "enabled": true, "providerType": "authy", "providerConfig": { "apiKey": "MY_API_KEY",

Score: 1.124245

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Authentication / Multifactor Authentication / Providers / Twilio Authy

Twilio Authy Cloud CMS supports Twilio Authy for Multifactor Authentication. To configure Authy, you will need to supply the following: apiUrl apiSecret These values are available from your Authy Settings page. Service Descriptor If you're adding an Authenticator via a Service Descriptor: the Descriptor Type should be TWILIO_AUTHY. the Descriptor Configuration should look like this: { "enabled": true, "providerType": "authy", "providerConfig": { "apiKey": "MY_API_KEY",

Score: 1.124245

Using swimlanes in workflow

Workflow swimlanes are assigned the domain-qualified ID of a principal (which can be either a user or a group). If it is set to a user, then a transition of a workflow into that swimlane will result in a task being assigned to a specific user. If it is set to a group, then a transition of a workflow into that swimlane will result in a task being assigned to a group where none of the members of the group are assigned anything. Rather, the task appears in a list of available tasks that any of the

Score: 1.124245

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Actions / Invalidate Page Renditions

Invalidate Page Renditions ID: invalidatePageRenditions This action invalidates page renditions in one or more applications. You can target a single page rendition or a broad set of page renditions using a custom query. { "title": "Invalidate Page Renditions", "properties": { "applicationDeployments": { "title": "Application Deployments", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": {

Score: 1.1232573

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / Actions / Invalidate Page Renditions

Invalidate Page Renditions ID: invalidatePageRenditions This action invalidates page renditions in one or more applications. You can target a single page rendition or a broad set of page renditions using a custom query. { "title": "Invalidate Page Renditions", "properties": { "applicationDeployments": { "title": "Application Deployments", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": {

Score: 1.1232573

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Workflow / Sample Workflows / Simple Publish

Simple Publish The simple-publish workflow is provided out-of-the-box to support Publishing within Cloud CMS. { "id": "simple-publish", "title": "Simple Publish", "handlers": { "START": [{ "type": "script", "config": { "script": "workflowData.originalChangesetIds = {}; for (var i = 0; i < documents.length; i++) { workflowData.originalChangesetIds[documents[i].id] = documents[i].changesetId; }" } }] }, "nodes"

Score: 1.1216149

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Workflow / Sample Workflows / Simple Publish

Simple Publish The simple-publish workflow is provided out-of-the-box to support Publishing within Cloud CMS. { "id": "simple-publish", "title": "Simple Publish", "handlers": { "START": [{ "type": "script", "config": { "script": "workflowData.originalChangesetIds = {}; for (var i = 0; i < documents.length; i++) { workflowData.originalChangesetIds[documents[i].id] = documents[i].changesetId; }" } }] }, "nodes"

Score: 1.1216149

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Domain User

Domain User Type {{#dataTypeArticle objectTypeId}}{{objectTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Datastore Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId}}{{datastoreTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Supports {{#article "security/authorities"}}authorities{{/article}}, {{#article "security/permissions"}}permissions{{/article}}, {{#article "transfer"}}transfer{{/article}} Configuration Domain Users maintain a configuration that you can adjust or consult as you create, update and query for them. The following table pres

Score: 1.1214405