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Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Content Modeling / Default Paths

Default Paths Your content types define schemas that Cloud CMS uses to render intuitive forms for content entry. In addition, content types let you configure persistence paths so that JSON documents created using these forms are automatically saved in a directory structure that you intend. Paths support templated variables so that the path can be dynamic. It can depend on the values having been entered. For example, let's suppose I have the content type for an article, like this: { "title":

Score: 1.5728208

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Content Models / Default Paths

Default Paths Your content types define schemas that Cloud CMS uses to render intuitive forms for content entry. In addition, content types let you configure persistence paths so that JSON documents created using these forms are automatically saved in a directory structure that you intend. Paths support templated variables so that the path can be dynamic. It can depend on the values having been entered. For example, let's suppose I have the content type for an article, like this: { "title":

Score: 1.5728208

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / API / Events

Events Alpaca allows you to bind event handlers to containers and individual fields that are triggered either directly or via propagation. Event handlers can be registered in the following ways: Configuration driven by specifying functions within Alpaca options Using the postRender method and calling on() for individual fields By extending Alpaca Field implementation classes This document covers how to set these up. Event Types In general, event handlers are invoked with the this reference set t

Score: 1.5722282

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Overview

Developers Explore our guides and examples to integrate with Gitana. Drivers Integrate to Gitana quickly using one of our pre-built drivers C# For Microsoft C# / .NET apps. Go For Go apps and tools. Java For Java, Spring Framework / Boot apps. JavaScript / Node For JavaScript / Node.js (ES 5, Promises, async). JavaScript (Legacy) (Deprecated) V1 driver for JS PHP For PHP apps (Drupal, Wordpress). Python For Python apps and tools. Ruby For Ruby and Ruby-on-Rails. Frameworks Get started quickly wi

Score: 1.5521336

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / Fields / Grid Field

Grid Field The grid field. Properties Title Grid Description Renders array items into a grid Field Type grid Base Field Type array Schema Property Type Default Description items object Schema for array items. maxItems number Maximum number of items. minItems number Minimum number of items. uniqueItems boolean Item values should be unique if true. Options Property Type Default Description animate boolean true Up and down transitions will be animated collapsed boolean Field set is initially collap

Score: 1.5521336

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Projects

Projects In Cloud CMS, a Project is an isolated workspace in which your team can collaborate on the production and publication of content. You can create as many Projects as you wish. Within each Project, you can: Design your content model (types, features and associations) Build out editorial forms for easy-content entry Wire up "automagic" business logic consisting of Rules, Actions and Conditions to automatically do things like call out to web hooks, send emails or sanitize your data as edito

Score: 1.5498105

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Platform / Projects

Projects In Cloud CMS, a Project is an isolated workspace in which your team can collaborate on the production and publication of content. You can create as many Projects as you wish. Within each Project, you can: Design your content model (types, features and associations) Build out editorial forms for easy-content entry Wire up "automagic" business logic consisting of Rules, Actions and Conditions to automatically do things like call out to web hooks, send emails or sanitize your data as edito

Score: 1.5498105

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Filename

Filename QName: f:filename Allows for nodes to retain a display-friendly and file-system compatible name for use in containment-based navigation systems such as WebDAV, FTP or the Cloud CMS document library. Nodes that are tagged with this feature can either deterministically specify their preferred filename or have one calculated for them from the node's title or _doc fields. Filenames may not contain the following special characters: .:_<>?&@!$%^()-+=\. If these characters are included, they w

Score: 1.5195417

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Workflow / How to Start a Workflow

How to Start a Workflow Note: 1. A Workflow model is defined at Platform level and is available within all projects 2. See workflow video: Example There are a number ways to start a workflow. Here is just one: open a document Click 'Workflows' and then ‘+Start Workflow’ This will bring up the Start Workflow Form. Complete the fields in the form. Notes: In our example, the Adhoc Workflow, you will need another person/member in the project

Score: 1.5195417

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Filename

Filename QName: f:filename Allows for nodes to retain a display-friendly and file-system compatible name for use in containment-based navigation systems such as WebDAV, FTP or the Cloud CMS document library. Nodes that are tagged with this feature can either deterministically specify their preferred filename or have one calculated for them from the node's title or _doc fields. Filenames may not contain the following special characters: .:_<>?&@!$%^()-+=\. If these characters are included, they w

Score: 1.5195417

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / Workflow / How to Start a Workflow

How to Start a Workflow Note: 1. A Workflow model is defined at Platform level and is available within all projects 2. See workflow video: Example There are a number ways to start a workflow. Here is just one: open a document Click 'Workflows' and then ‘+Start Workflow’ This will bring up the Start Workflow Form. Complete the fields in the form. Notes: In our example, the Adhoc Workflow, you will need another person/member in the project

Score: 1.5195417

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Projects / Configure Search

Configure Search You can configure the project search page to show different filter controls on the left hand side by adding some properties to your project JSON descriptor. These controls ultimately feed into a Cloud CMS node API find call that has the following structure: { "query": ... query block into MongoDB, "search": ... search block into Elastic Search } The following customization block can be added to your project's JSON descriptor: { ..., "search": { "showContentTypes"

Score: 1.4828594

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / Projects / Configure Search

Configure Search You can configure the project search page to show different filter controls on the left hand side by adding some properties to your project JSON descriptor. These controls ultimately feed into a Cloud CMS node API find call that has the following structure: { "query": ... query block into MongoDB, "search": ... search block into Elastic Search } The following customization block can be added to your project's JSON descriptor: { ..., "search": { "showContentTypes"

Score: 1.4828594

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / Fields / Map Field

Map Field The map field. Properties Title Map Description Field for objects with key/value pairs that share the same schema for values Field Type map Base Field Type array Schema Property Type Default Description items object Schema for array items. maxItems number Maximum number of items. minItems number Minimum number of items. uniqueItems boolean Item values should be unique if true. Options Property Type Default Description animate boolean true Up and down transitions will be animated collap

Score: 1.4731419

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / Fields / Table Field

Table Field The table field. The table field is useful when you have an array of data objects that have a uniform structure. It provides a condensed and table-based way of viewing data. In editable mode, each table field has a toolbar at the top for adding new rows. Each row in the table has an action bar. The table field is an extension of the ArrayField and so all array field configuration options apply. Properties Title Table Description Renders array items into a table Field Type table Base

Score: 1.453084

Pricing: Free Options - Gitana

Pricing: Free Options - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Enterprise Data Engine Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Automate Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enhance

Score: 1.4476566

Adaptive Content in Practice - a Hands On Session!

We’re really excited at Cloud CMS to be able to attend and present at CMS Expo on May 15. Michael Uzquiano from Cloud CMS will be giving a talk on Adaptive Content in Practice. This will be a hands-on session aimed at content strategists and business types who want to gain a better understanding of what adaptive content is all about in practice. The session will involve walking through the implementation of content-oriented web and mobile sites that reuse and repurpose well-structured content wi

Score: 1.4393531

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Modules

Modules Common files that each module should have: module.json (where you give the module a name) install.js uninstall.js As soon as you have these files, the rest is up to you depending on what you would like to customize in the module. Take a look at some sample modules in our SDK Custom Modules One of the features that make CloudCMS super configurable is the ability to implement custom modules. Within a custom module, you can define new UI elements that your editorial team can use in their da

Score: 1.4141557

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Modules

Modules Common files that each module should have: module.json (where you give the module a name) install.js uninstall.js As soon as you have these files, the rest is up to you depending on what you would like to customize in the module. Take a look at some sample modules in the Gitana SDK Custom Modules One of the features that make CloudCMS super configurable is the ability to implement custom modules. Within a custom module, you can define new UI elements that your editorial team can use in t

Score: 1.4141557

Pricing: Hosted Options - Gitana

Pricing: Hosted Options - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Enterprise Data Engine Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Automate Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enhanc

Score: 1.3975658

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Search / Query String Reference

Query String Reference Cloud CMS lets you search for your content using either a text-based query string or a JSON block. These two methods are fairly equivalent for most typical operations. They provide two ways to express a search operation that will execute within Elastic Search. They are expressions of the Elastic Search DSL. This portion of the documentation goes into some of things you can do with the former, textual representation of an Elastic Search query string. In Cloud CMS, you can t

Score: 1.3967509

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Discovery / Search / Query String Reference

Query String Reference Cloud CMS lets you search for your content using either a text-based query string or a JSON block. These two methods are fairly equivalent for most typical operations. They provide two ways to express a search operation that will execute within Elastic Search. They are expressions of the Elastic Search DSL. This portion of the documentation goes into some of things you can do with the former, textual representation of an Elastic Search query string. In Cloud CMS, you can t

Score: 1.3967509

5 Reasons why Cloud CMS is Totally Awesome

Cloud CMS is the only Content Management System that was built from the ground up for the needs of mobile devices and applications. Our goal is to provide the fastest, easiest and most cost-effective way for businesses to curate and deliver content to their applications, running anywhere in the world, in any language and at any time. In the last article, I talked about the general lack of mobile strategy within the business world. Mobile apps are so new that most businesses have had to react to

Score: 1.3921223

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Getting Started / Content Modeling

Content Modeling You can put any kind of content into Cloud CMS. Things like desktop files (Word documents, PDF files, images, audio files and video) are no problem. However, the real power of Cloud CMS begins when you begin to model content type definitions and features to wrap around that content. A content type is a type of thing, such as an Article or a Press Release. You define content types in the same way that you might define a word in the dictionary. You give it a name and then you give

Score: 1.3663182

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Query

Query Cloud CMS provides SQL-like, structured query for all of your content. The platform uses MongoDB under the hood to store the JSON for your content. MongoDB offers a powerful, unmatched query engine so that you can execute complex lookups of your content to support both your editorial and runtime application needs. The platform also offers "composite" query operations which let you layer MongoDB queries on top of Elastic Search DSL searches and traversals around node objects. Cloud CMS auto

Score: 1.3394237