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Automation and AI Services - GitanaAutomation and AI Services - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Enterprise Data Engine Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Automate Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enh
Score: 4.9721384
Assessing the CMS cost options?The risks and costs associated with CMSs can be frightening. Many organizations have entered a CMS project, and are still to come out. Frustrated by the on-going costs of getting the CMS to work and then the costs of keeping it working. Partly this is due to unrealistic expectations but the primary reason is not looking at all the costs upfront and assessing the resources available to support a complex IT initiative. A basic for assessing your immediate and ongoing costs for any application is w
Score: 4.86273
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Kits / OEMOEM The OEM kit provides a way for developers, integrators, partners and those who are embedded Cloud CMS in custom solutions to build and test extensions. These extensions include UI extensions as well as API extensions in the form of Java / Spring beans. The kit consists of the following services: ui api mongodb elasticsearch These are connected like this: Running Use the following commands: docker-compose build --force-rm docker-compose up And then open a browser to: http://localhost To acc
Score: 4.6195064
Gitana / 4.0 / Self Managed / Kits / OEMOEM The OEM kit provides a way for developers, integrators, partners and those who are embedded Cloud CMS in custom solutions to build and test extensions. These extensions include UI extensions as well as API extensions in the form of Java / Spring beans. The kit consists of the following services: ui api mongodb elasticsearch These are connected like this: Running Use the following commands: docker-compose build --force-rm docker-compose up And then open a browser to: http://localhost To acc
Score: 4.6195064
Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Frameworks / AngularJS
AngularJS Accessing your Gitana content from an Angular app is a simple process. Below you will find steps and examples for how to get connected and get started building. API Keys Every mobile app or web site that you build will need to have a set of API Keys that it will use to connect to your Cloud CMS platform on behalf of your code. These API keys consist of client and user key/secret pairs. Log in to your Cloud CMS tenant at https://
Score: 4.5463743
Gitana / 4.0 / Self Managed / Maintenance / Encrypting PropertiesEncrypting Properties Cloud CMS lets you encrypt properties within your API configuration files to protect sensitive passwords, secrets and credentials. This encryption utilizes a public and private key. The private key is supplied to the Cloud CMS API server and the public key is provided to developers to encrypt sensitive data. To help you do this, Cloud CMS provides a command line tool. gitana-tools-encryptor.jar The gitana-tools-encryptor.jar works with Java 8 and gives you commands that you
Score: 4.5088325
Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Frameworks / Next.js
Next.js Generate static sites with Cloud CMS Building a static or hybrid-server site with Cloud CMS content is simple with Next JS. Below you will find tools and examples for how to get started. API Keys Every mobile app or web site that you build will need to have a set of API Keys that it will use to connect to your Cloud CMS platform on behalf of your code. These API keys consist of client and user key/secret pairs. Log in to your Cloud CMS tenant at https://
Score: 4.4443483
Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Frameworks / SvelteKit
SvelteKit Generate static and hybrid sites with SvelteKit Building a static or hybrid site with Cloud CMS content is simple with SvelteKit. Below you will find tools and examples for how to get started. API Keys Every mobile app or web site that you build will need to have a set of API Keys that it will use to connect to your Cloud CMS platform on behalf of your code. These API keys consist of client and user key/secret pairs. Log in to your Cloud CMS tenant at https://
Score: 4.4443483
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Supported StacksSupported Stacks Cloud CMS certifies certain supported stacks for on-premise Cloud CMS 3.2 installations. This information is relevant to customers who run Cloud CMS 3.2 on-premise and manage their own Elastic Search and MongoDB database tiers. This information is not applicable to SaaS customers since Cloud CMS runs that infrastructure for hosted subscribers. The following links provide detailed information on the combinations of operating systems, databases, application servers, bundled compon
Score: 4.377797
Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Frameworks / React
React Guide and References for connectivity to Cloud CMS Accessing your Cloud CMS content from a React app is a simple process. Below you will find steps and examples for how to get connected and get started building. API Keys Every mobile app or web site that you build will need to have a set of API Keys that it will use to connect to your Cloud CMS platform on behalf of your code. These API keys consist of client and user key/secret pairs. Log in to your Cloud CMS tenant at https:// |
Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Frameworks / Vue.js
Vue.js Guide and References for connectivity to Cloud CMS Accessing your Cloud CMS content from a Vue app is a simple process. Below you will find steps and examples for how to get connected and get started building. API Keys Every mobile app or web site that you build will need to have a set of API Keys that it will use to connect to your Cloud CMS platform on behalf of your code. These API keys consist of client and user key/secret pairs. Log in to your Cloud CMS tenant at https://
Score: 4.3548956
Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Frameworks / GatsbyGatsby Generate static sites with Cloud CMS Building a static site with Cloud CMS content is simple with Gatsby JS. Below you will find tools and examples for how to get started. Connecting to Cloud CMS with Gatsby You can connect directly to the Cloud CMS API or indirectly via our app server. We offer GraphQL endpoints on each of these that can be accessed using our gatsby-source-cloudcms plugin. In your gatsby-config.js file, add the following configurations: const gitanaJson = require('./gita
Score: 4.2891474
Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Frameworks / Nuxt.jsNuxt.js Generate static sites with Cloud CMS Building a static site with Cloud CMS content is simple with Nuxt JS. Below you will find tools and examples for how to get started. Cloud CMS Nuxt JS Module We provide a Cloud CMS Nuxt Module to make accessing content while generating Nuxt pages easier. It provides quick way to setup connections to cloudcms and perform API functions via our Javascript driver, and automatically create static links to your attachments. To install, just run: npm install
Score: 4.2891474
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / Node.js CookbookNode.js Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the Node.js driver, please visit the Cloud CMS Node.js Driver Page. One thing to keep in mind is that the Node.js driver is based on the JavaScript driver. As such, they're pretty similar. That said, the Node.js driver can do a few important tricks that you can't do in the JavaScript driver. Connecting to Cloud CMS To connect, create a file called gitana.json in your application root. For information on how to acquire this file, please read up
Score: 4.277625
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / C# Cookbook
C# Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the C# driver, visit Gitana C# Driver Page or the Github Page. It is written with .NET Core and can be used in any compatible project. You can install the driver via the command line: dotnet add package cloudcms
or from within Visual Studio: Install-Package cloudcms
Or by adding this to your .csproj file (you may have to adjust the version):
Score: 4.2659054
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / JavaScript 2.0 CookbookJavaScript 2.0 Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the JavaScript driver, please visit the Gitana JavaScript 2.0 Driver Page. This JavaScript driver, in contrast to the Gitana JavaScript 1.0 Driver, fully supports ECMAScript promises, which makes it easier to seamlessly integrate with your javascript apps. Connecting to Cloud CMS You can connect and then use this driver in three different but equivalent ways: Async / Await Promises Callbacks Async / Await const cloudcms = require("cloud
Score: 4.1994014
Request a Demo - GitanaRequest a Demo - Gitana Schedule a Demo Schedule a live demonstration with a member of our Sales team to learn how Gitana can be adapted to fit your business needs, both within the cloud and on-premise. Just fill out the form, and we'll get back to you regarding any logistics. Or call us anytime at +1.617.475.5288
Score: 4.191069
Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / OverviewForms Gitana automatically generates and display intuitive and easy-to-use forms using the Gitana Forms engine. The Gitana Forms engine was formerly known as the Alpaca Forms engine. It has been integrated into Gitana 4.0 and has been enhanced to run faster, provide more features and execute optimally in modern browsers. In addition to the standard library of 40+ controls provided by Alpacajs, Cloud CMS provides support for several additional controls that run within the Cloud CMS user interface
Score: 4.1790605
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Container Services / Amazon ECSAmazon ECS Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a fully managed container orchestration service that helps you to more efficiently deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications. It deeply integrates with the AWS environment to provide an easy-to-use solution for running container workloads within Amazon Web Services. For more information on Amazon ECS, please visit Gitana SDK The code and configuration provided here references the samples provided in the G
Score: 4.1456423
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / Java Cookbook
Java Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the Java driver, please visit the Gitana Java Driver Page. We recommend that you use Maven. At a minimum, you will need to add the following repository declaration to your pom.xml file:
Score: 4.120536
Gitana / OverviewGetting Started Welcome to the Cloud CMS Documentation center. Here is a test of a note adminition block: Note Here is a note! Here is a test of an important admonition blocK: Important Be wary of visitors bearing gifts!! Cloud CMS is an API-first content management system that provides everything you need on the back end to power web sites and mobile applications. Cloud CMS makes it easy for your business users to create, manage and publish amazing content to your users! You are reading the Get
Score: 4.083761
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / Go CookbookGo Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the Go driver, visit the Github Page or Package Page to view the source code, tests and basic usage examples. You can install the driver via the command line: go get Connecting to Cloud CMS There are two ways to connect with the Go driver: By finding a gitana.json file in your working directory, or by providing a config configuration. // Connect to CloudCMS using gitana.json in working directory session, err :=
Score: 4.0654263
CMS for Training and Deploying to Private GPT and AI Foundation Models - GitanaCMS for Training and Deploying to Private GPT and AI Foundation Models - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Enterprise Data Engine Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Automate Automate your content creation and approval flows
Score: 4.0163364
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Configuration / Encrypting PropertiesEncrypting Properties Cloud CMS lets you encrypt properties within your API configuration files to protect sensitive passwords, secrets and credentials. This encryption utilizes a public and private key. The private key is supplied to the Cloud CMS API server and the public key is provided to developers to encrypt sensitive data. Getting Started To get started, an administrator should generate a set of public/private keys. These are RSA encrypted keys. docker run -v .:/data
Score: 4.013339
Gitana / 4.0 / Home / OverviewDocumentation Gitana makes it easy for your business to create, manage and publish engaging content to your customers for continuous, real-time engagement. On Time. Every Time. Gitana is an Enterprise Content Platform for relational, highly structured and unstructured content. It provides strong, centralized management of content with workflow-driven approval and fast, incremental deployment to your custom APIs, applications, web sites and RAG-based LLM models. Getting Started If you're new to G
Score: 4.0099907