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Gitana / 4.0 / Self Managed / UI Extensions / Overview

UI Extensions The Docker-based Cloud CMS UI provides additional extension patterns beyond the AMD-driven mechanism for user interface components and screens. Since Docker allows you to run on-premise, you can use these extension patterns to influence more foundational changes to the way the application works. Environment Variables When the Cloud CMS user interface starts up, it looks to environment variables to tell it whether there are any extensions available to be loaded. Extensions are store

Score: 2.0876794

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Kits / API Cluster

API Cluster The api-cluster kit defines the following services: ui api1 api2 apilb mongodb elasticsearch This kit differs from the quickstart in how it handles API requests. Requests are sent to the apilb container which runs a load balancer, distributing work between api1 and api2. It is worth reviewing the cluster settings for both of your api servers in order for them to correctly communicate. Running Use the following commands: docker-compose build --force-rm docker-compose up And then open

Score: 2.0406861

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Actions / change-password

change-password ID: change-password This action brings up a modal that provides a logged in user with a means to change their own password. Sample Code var UI = require("ui"); var actionContext = {}; actionContext.user = observableHolder.observable("user").get(); UI.startAction(observableHolder, "change-password", actionContext, function(err) { // all done });

Score: 2.0177422

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Actions / change-password

change-password ID: change-password This action brings up a modal that provides a logged in user with a means to change their own password. Sample Code var UI = require("ui"); var actionContext = {}; actionContext.user = observableHolder.observable("user").get(); UI.startAction(observableHolder, "change-password", actionContext, function(err) { // all done });

Score: 2.0177422

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Content Modeling / Content Model Builder / Create A New Content Type

Create A New Content Type In the Content Model Builder, you can create a new Content Type. Click button "Create Content Type" near the top left: Then give your content type a name in the pop up modal: Hit "Create" and the new content model will open in the Content Model Builder: As you can see there are two tabs -- "UI" and "JSON". Cloud CMS provides you with two ways to build in the content type builder. If you are an editor and fancy building it with simple actions like drag and drop, UI build

Score: 2.0146086

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Content Models / Content Model Builder / Create A New Content Type

Create A New Content Type In the Content Model Builder, you can create a new Content Type. Click button "Create Content Type" near the top left: Then give your content type a name in the pop up modal: Hit "Create" and the new content model will open in the Content Model Builder: As you can see there are two tabs -- "UI" and "JSON". Cloud CMS provides you with two ways to build in the content type builder. If you are an editor and fancy building it with simple actions like drag and drop, UI build

Score: 2.0146086

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Image Editor

Image Editor With the CloudCMS you can edit your images using our Image-Editor. To use the Image Editor and see all the cool things you can do with your Images: Go to your Image From the Left Navigation Menu, Click on Editor Page You can see all the Editor Options that you can perform on this Image. You can see the dimensions like the width and the height of the original image just above the options : Zoom-in and Zoom-out You can Zoom-in or Zoom-out using the first button group as follows: Rotat

Score: 2.0085018

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / User Interface / Image Editor

Image Editor With the CloudCMS you can edit your images using our Image-Editor. To use the Image Editor and see all the cool things you can do with your Images: Go to your Image From the Left Navigation Menu, Click on Editor Page You can see all the Editor Options that you can perform on this Image. You can see the dimensions like the width and the height of the original image just above the options : Zoom-in and Zoom-out You can Zoom-in or Zoom-out using the first button group as follows: Rotat

Score: 2.0085018

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Actions / delete_access_policies

delete_access_policies ID: delete_access_policies This pops up a modal to ask the user if they'd like to delete the specified Access Policies. Upon confirmation, the Access Policies are deleted. Sample Code var UI = require("ui"); var actionContext = {}; = [policyId1, policyId2]; UI.startAction(observableHolder, "delete_access_policies", actionContext, function(err) { // if something went wrong, err will contain the error // otherwise, success });

Score: 2.004035

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Actions / delete_access_policies

delete_access_policies ID: delete_access_policies This pops up a modal to ask the user if they'd like to delete the specified Access Policies. Upon confirmation, the Access Policies are deleted. Sample Code var UI = require("ui"); var actionContext = {}; = [policyId1, policyId2]; UI.startAction(observableHolder, "delete_access_policies", actionContext, function(err) { // if something went wrong, err will contain the error // otherwise, success });

Score: 2.004035

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Actions / assign_access_policy

assign_access_policy ID: assign_access_policy Brings up a popup modal that lets the user select an access policy using an Access Policy Picker. The selected access policy is handed back on the callback. Sample Code var UI = require("ui"); var actionContext = {}; actionContext.ref = node.ref(); // "node://platformId/repositoryId/branchId/nodeId"; UI.startAction(observableHolder, "assign_access_policy", actionContext, function(err) { // if something went wrong, err will contain the error

Score: 1.9905131

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Actions / create_access_policy

create_access_policy ID: create_access_policy Brings up a multi-step wizard that guides a user through the process of creating an Access Policy. The resulting access policy is handed back in the callback. Sample Code var UI = require("ui"); var actionContext = {}; UI.startAction(observableHolder, "create_access_policy", actionContext, function(err, accessPolicyId) { // if something went wrong, err will contain the error // otherwise, success // the created access policy ID is hand

Score: 1.9905131

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Actions / assign_access_policy

assign_access_policy ID: assign_access_policy Brings up a popup modal that lets the user select an access policy using an Access Policy Picker. The selected access policy is handed back on the callback. Sample Code var UI = require("ui"); var actionContext = {}; actionContext.ref = node.ref(); // "node://platformId/repositoryId/branchId/nodeId"; UI.startAction(observableHolder, "assign_access_policy", actionContext, function(err) { // if something went wrong, err will contain the error

Score: 1.9905131

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Actions / create_access_policy

create_access_policy ID: create_access_policy Brings up a multi-step wizard that guides a user through the process of creating an Access Policy. The resulting access policy is handed back in the callback. Sample Code var UI = require("ui"); var actionContext = {}; UI.startAction(observableHolder, "create_access_policy", actionContext, function(err, accessPolicyId) { // if something went wrong, err will contain the error // otherwise, success // the created access policy ID is hand

Score: 1.9905131

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Actions / unassign_access_policy

unassign_access_policy ID: unassign_access_policy This pops up a modal to ask the user if they'd like to unassign the specified Access Policies. Upon confirmation, the Access Policies are unassigned from the target (specified by ref). Sample Code var UI = require("ui"); var actionContext = {}; = [policyId1]; actionContext.ref = node.ref(); // "node://platformId/repositoryId/branchId/nodeId"; UI.startAction(observableHolder, "unassign_access_policy", actionContext, function(er

Score: 1.9838203

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Actions / unassign_access_policy

unassign_access_policy ID: unassign_access_policy This pops up a modal to ask the user if they'd like to unassign the specified Access Policies. Upon confirmation, the Access Policies are unassigned from the target (specified by ref). Sample Code var UI = require("ui"); var actionContext = {}; = [policyId1]; actionContext.ref = node.ref(); // "node://platformId/repositoryId/branchId/nodeId"; UI.startAction(observableHolder, "unassign_access_policy", actionContext, function(er

Score: 1.9838203

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Projects / Create a Project

Create a Project You can create as many projects as you would like within Cloud CMS. Each project provides a collaborate space for your team. You use this collaboration space to: Work on content together Design your content schema, properties and forms Invite users into teams and assign roles and responsibilities Approve content and make it available on your web site or mobile app And much more. There are multiple ways to create a project. For example, you can: Create a Project from scratch -Cre

Score: 1.9752866

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / Projects / Create a Project

Create a Project You can create as many projects as you would like within Cloud CMS. Each project provides a collaborate space for your team. You use this collaboration space to: Work on content together Design your content schema, properties and forms Invite users into teams and assign roles and responsibilities Approve content and make it available on your web site or mobile app And much more. There are multiple ways to create a project. For example, you can: Create a Project from scratch -Cre

Score: 1.9752866

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Projects / Configure Locales

Configure Locales When working with multilingual content and translations, Cloud CMS will automatically provide a list of available locales. The full set is complete but lengthy. In many cases, you may wish to trim back this locale list so that your editors benefit from a shorter list and also an exact list of the locales that you wish to support. You can specify this list per-project by editing your project JSON to include something like the following: { ..., "locales": [{ "code

Score: 1.9617926

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / Projects / Configure Locales

Configure Locales When working with multilingual content and translations, Cloud CMS will automatically provide a list of available locales. The full set is complete but lengthy. In many cases, you may wish to trim back this locale list so that your editors benefit from a shorter list and also an exact list of the locales that you wish to support. You can specify this list per-project by editing your project JSON to include something like the following: { ..., "locales": [{ "code

Score: 1.9617926

API Max Heap recommendation

What is the recommended Xmx value for running the API service? The 2GB setting on the On-Premise "quickstart" distribution is a default for development usage. In production, we recommend putting as much memory as you can. Essentially, the API should use as much memory as is allocated to the API docker container. We usually ask customers to consider an M class large instance type (something on the order of 7.5GB of RAM per API). The UI can use considerably less. For the UI, a 2GB allocation is fi

Score: 1.9510202

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Contexts

Contexts Cloud CMS uses a browser-side configuration service that evaluates "blocks" of configuration rules to determine the overall runtime configuration that drives every page render. Each block contains an evaluator and a snippet of configuration. If the evaluator evaluates to true, the snippet of configuration is included. It is merged into the overall runtime set and then used to make rendering decisions. Most of the Cloud CMS components that render on the screen, such as the left-hand navi

Score: 1.9394804

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Contexts

Contexts Cloud CMS uses a browser-side configuration service that evaluates "blocks" of configuration rules to determine the overall runtime configuration that drives every page render. Each block contains an evaluator and a snippet of configuration. If the evaluator evaluates to true, the snippet of configuration is included. It is merged into the overall runtime set and then used to make rendering decisions. Most of the Cloud CMS components that render on the screen, such as the left-hand navi

Score: 1.9394804

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Maintenance / Health Check / Load Balancers

Health Check / Load Balancers In a production configuration of Cloud CMS, you will want to have a load balancer (LB) in front of both your API and UI clusters. You should have one load balancer for the API cluster and one load balancer for the UI cluster. Each load balancer is responsible for receiving requests from the outside world and efficiently distributing those requests to the N servers that make up each cluster. Load balancers use a number of strategies to try to determine which servers

Score: 1.9102471

Gitana / 4.0 / Self Managed / Maintenance / Health Check / Load Balancers

Health Check / Load Balancers In a production configuration of Cloud CMS, you will want to have a load balancer (LB) in front of both your API and UI clusters. You should have one load balancer for the API cluster and one load balancer for the UI cluster. Each load balancer is responsible for receiving requests from the outside world and efficiently distributing those requests to the N servers that make up each cluster. Load balancers use a number of strategies to try to determine which servers

Score: 1.9102471